How the Rank #1 Milio Wins Every Game [KR 왕자님 개]

How the Rank #1 Milio Wins Every Game [KR 왕자님 개]


1 год назад

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Boom Knight
Boom Knight - 06.10.2023 04:31

I don't understand the green path when red is flat out better, You take shorter item CD and Poro. It lets you have more blue or red trinks in a game by around 20ish % which is every 10 uses, you got 2 uses for free. Giving you more vision control and with Poros you basically turn timed out wards into mini wards + free 30 ap when laning is over.

Succulescense - 09.08.2023 10:59

I LOVE MILIO!!!! I used to play with this guy (stopped completely literally yesterday cuz of toxicity) and he told me not to play Milio because of his winrate and said he wasnt good because it is only made for high elo players to be good with. ^u^ I have gotten S- minimum after watching this video while playing Milio, even on my losses. The guy was always commenting on/yelling about things I was doing wrong (and everyone in general but would not really accept criticism himself or just find a way to say what he was doing was actually gigabrain), even when I told him I saw it and understood and was just incredibly toxic and made me feel like shit and gaslit me (ex. he said go in when i was playing mao, i went in, and he yelled at me for going in cuz "i knew what he meant" and left the call and said that I was doing it on purpose to tease him and i had taken a 6 month break off league about a week before this so was rusty). All-in-all, Milio is one of my favorite champs with Mao and Shen support. Never let someone harsh your mellow though, cut them out 🥰

Jiayi Sun
Jiayi Sun - 25.07.2023 00:16

i find that the ap tank supp item is much better, it gives a little more survivability and my job isn't to do dmg

The Real Foop
The Real Foop - 17.05.2023 02:10

I find it even more impressive that they can win every game with a 76% win rate. If I had that kind of winrate, I feel like I'd be losing about 24% of my games. Koreans are so good!

Arkahique - 15.05.2023 20:37

I mean, he just abused early Milio pre-nerfs, as of right now, the champion is terrible, i've tried to play it in Master 400lp and it's just.. bad and irrelevant.

Esteban. - 12.05.2023 09:50

Putrifier is terrible on Milio as his passive don't proc it

Lee‘ Sin-Dog
Lee‘ Sin-Dog - 02.05.2023 11:54

Skt Keri says: „every Support is a engage Support“

I do so many Flash Q engages, especially when Milio release was I have adcs so often in 1vs1 killed situation.

Because of his 2 E stacks you can play him very good aggresive, unless you have good mechanics and movement.

And being permanently behind the adc in the lane is not a good milio in my opinion.

You always need a good position.
But you also have to trade with the adc, especially if you use the W.
Standing behind the W is just a waste if you are not in Auto Attack Range.
and you will never have a good damage share.

Strawbery Maniac
Strawbery Maniac - 02.05.2023 07:16

For moves which would I need to max out first?

Castiel - 28.04.2023 11:14

Why are u telling people to go chemtech on this champ? He literally only procs it with q

Marcus Meins
Marcus Meins - 28.04.2023 07:38

Unless you max Q first , Scorch won't be very useful in the early game and even in the mid game . E which is the skill you have to always max doesn't proc Scorch .

spiros ven
spiros ven - 25.04.2023 22:49

The ONLY thing i notice in this video that makes athe ACTUAL difference is that he has A team to buff, every single clip or early laning phase is either 3v2 or 4v2. I would be rank 1 Milio too with a jungler that is not 0/4 in 3 minutes. And that goes for almost any other ench support.

President Leo
President Leo - 19.04.2023 20:36

His Q procs summon aery on allies too, for some weird reason.

Justin Williams
Justin Williams - 18.04.2023 20:53

i love how they said "he wins EVERY SINGLE GAME but only has a 76% win rate) koreans might need to ask your chinese cousins to give you some lessons in mathematics

Ani Maxx
Ani Maxx - 18.04.2023 20:08

Yeah I think they’re nerfing him for sure

yianni karagiannis
yianni karagiannis - 18.04.2023 05:20

Can’t wait to have my pc back and be hard stuck silver with milio

8udon - 12.04.2023 20:21

If he played with me...

superman mamin i tatin
superman mamin i tatin - 11.04.2023 18:33

Game with Milio is just luck if is adc bad he can do anything

Floofyan - 10.04.2023 12:29

Playing an enchanter support in higher elo is much easier than playing one in lower elo, because a shield on a good adc will always have infinite more value than a shield on a terrible player. You can heal all you like, it doesn't matter if the player is bad.

Danger Doge
Danger Doge - 06.04.2023 03:27

The more champs they release the less the game will be balanced. Should rotate out champs for ranked if they don’t already

AGS - 05.04.2023 19:43

messi messi messi


Dane Nguyen
Dane Nguyen - 05.04.2023 11:44

Could you imagine if Liandry’s and Sylai’s worked on milio’s passive!?

Dan - 05.04.2023 10:37

I love his Design and the way he looks but his abilties are just so.....boring. I wish he was a mid champ. Like a mage like vex or brand or lissandra

Dominic Guye
Dominic Guye - 05.04.2023 04:38

underrated channel. Subscribed

Apollo - 02.04.2023 16:47

My biggest problem as a (Silver) Milio main is that i keep getting focused and die to quickly against especially Assasins if my positioning isnt on point. Thats why i often go for Ionians -> Surelyas -> Redemption -> Warmogs. I know my Utility is lower this way but on the other hand my utility is close to 0 if i get picked out directly at the beginning of a fight. This way i can survive many enemy engages on me and still can be fairly usefull for my team. But sure, if you have the skill to not get caught so easily the built you presented here is way better.

Daniel Gherghe
Daniel Gherghe - 01.04.2023 21:43

The way you say Aery is so infuriating 😭

MK's Details & Deep Dives
MK's Details & Deep Dives - 30.03.2023 20:34

Great video - would love to see more of these style videos sprinkled in with the MF gameplay!

Marko Paunovic
Marko Paunovic - 30.03.2023 20:14

if the guy was hardstuck diamond (as if that is a bad thing..) and now is instant master with a brand new support says a lot about the balance state of the given support..

11pk1111 - 30.03.2023 19:02

literally freelo champ right now. the kassadin of supports
