Power Apps Date Calculations for Business Days

Power Apps Date Calculations for Business Days

Reza Dorrani

3 года назад

41,544 Просмотров

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HiseSpeaking - 10.07.2020 19:12

Brilliant! Thanks for sharing and explaining it in detail as well.

Petrus Ottie
Petrus Ottie - 11.09.2023 18:04

Hi Reza, Please assist, I have a helpdesk app that needs to escalate ticket to a manager if the ticket is not resolved within an SLA of two days. I am using a sharepoint list to store my tickets data. Any idea as how can I calculate this and able to send an email.

D'Nasol - 16.08.2023 08:48

Thank for this Reza, question, what if the box is inside the form? How can I formulate the difference?

R.Sanjay Reddy
R.Sanjay Reddy - 05.07.2023 20:31

The Second query Is not Working, I'm Getting an error like { The function 'Clear' has some invalid arguments. Name isn't valid, 'colDateRange' isn't recognized......Clear(colDateRange);

OyaBoy TV
OyaBoy TV - 02.07.2023 13:13

hi i followed this video for my due date. it works perfectly in new item, but when i re open the form let say next day, the due date change

Srushti Deshmukh
Srushti Deshmukh - 28.06.2023 21:32

Hey Reza, love your content! Just wanted to let you know that your code isn't working for a specific test case. If my start date is on Sunday(Weekday Value = 1) and end date is on Friday(Weekday Value = 6) then the difference is 5. So (5 + 5) Mod 5 = 0. Then it gives value as 0 instead of 4.

The Wandering Couple
The Wandering Couple - 27.06.2023 00:38

Hi Reza..  

I have a sharepoint for issue tracker for my team.. All I want is to create a date column which will be a calculated field based on created date. (That will exclude weekends)

If created date is 1st january then due date will be 1st jan+ 2 days = 3rd january.

Incase 1st Jan is on Friday then due date will be 5th January ( excluding Sat and Sun day).


Please help me to create this column in sharepoint.

Amal Gaga
Amal Gaga - 24.06.2023 07:57

Hi reza! Just a quick question.. why i add “Days” my formula become error ?

Marcelo Tafoya
Marcelo Tafoya - 06.06.2023 19:57

Greetings, I love this! However, I was wondering if there was a way to have a different day then Today()? For example a Date Field in the Form that Changed based upon an entry. Then the future date would be determined using this method and the user inputted date. For example:

User Input: 8/21/2023
DropDown: 84 (days)
Output: Future Date (minus weekends and holidays)

Clark Elbing LLP
Clark Elbing LLP - 26.05.2023 22:59

I can't tell you how grateful I am to your videos! You've literally saved my sanity! Would love to collaborate with you at some point. Thank you for explaining things so straightforward!

Utilise Media
Utilise Media - 22.05.2023 07:08

Thanks for another great vid. How could I check holidays for the next 30 days instead of current year? At the end of year there are holidays each side of 12/31

shahab kadri
shahab kadri - 24.04.2023 09:34

Hi Reza,

I need your help big time and hoping you would help as I couldn't find any solution by googling.
Currently, I'm implementing event form in which I need to calculate total hours between 2 dates, time and minutes. If date is same then calculate hours using Time and Minute otherwise calculate hours based on Date, hours and minutes between 2 dates.

eg:- Start Date: 04/24/23, Hour: 8 AM, Minute: 30 and End Date: 04/24/23, Hour: 12 PM, Minute: 30 should return 4 hours otherwise number of hours divided by 8 as 8 hours is the longest event time per day. Could you help me with formula?

Dexter James Ignacio
Dexter James Ignacio - 12.04.2023 14:02

Hi Reza

How can I display a time in a canvas app based on Internet Time or Server Time. (Which does not use the API)

The problem is when I used the Function Now() it displays the user's local time in his/her PC. So everytime the user change their time, the Time in Canvas app will also change.

I am creating an Attendance Tracker I don't want the user's to cheat in their Time-in or Time-out by changing their device or pc Time.

I hope anyone can help me. Thank you.

Colby - 03.04.2023 23:14

What if you wanted to subtract dates to create reminders?

RAYMUND JUNIO - 30.01.2023 16:13

thanks much sir pogi

Isabela Azevedo
Isabela Azevedo - 20.01.2023 20:44

Your video is easy to follow along! Congrats and thanks once again!

Divyanshu Saxena
Divyanshu Saxena - 13.01.2023 16:13

Hi Reza, could you pls make a video on how to calculate estimated end time for each task, if we have start time and duration in hours as an input and then exclude weekends & Holidays?

Vijay Sharma
Vijay Sharma - 11.01.2023 10:06

Hello Reza Thank you for educating us on the nuances of Power automation - I need your help with a quick query I am using a SharePoint list where I have start and end dates below are the things that I wish to achieve
1. Calculate the difference between the two dates that includes the start date and excludes weekends and holidays if any
2. There is no holiday column in my list - how to exclude those holidays

Nelson - 11.01.2023 03:45

Thanks again Sir Reza, do you have some sample formula where it identify conflicting dates, for example, in reservation or leave application, user applied from january 1 to 5 but there is someone already filed from Jan 2 to 4 , appreciate your reply thanks again. :)

Simon Ball
Simon Ball - 10.01.2023 23:14

You’re a true master at teaching this Reza. Great content, many thanks.
