James English Does The Ayahuasca Experience

James English Does The Ayahuasca Experience

Anything Goes With James English

4 года назад

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MARLEYEU - 04.09.2023 16:46

I think you need to go back James and fully let go this time, you no what to expect now and can look at it in such a diffrent way. God bless

One Love, One Family! Abundant Joy & Celebration!
One Love, One Family! Abundant Joy & Celebration! - 01.09.2023 22:27

One of if not my favorite Ayahuasca documentary. Really loved it thank you so much all❤🎉

Lee Johnson
Lee Johnson - 01.09.2023 08:03

I got to go. I'm broken, I've tried to kill myself 5 times in the last year. Im getting no help from the NHS. I admitted myself to a mental health ward and all I got was anti depressants. I was there nearly 4 months. Every day is ground hog day. I'm 51, and in despair. The first time I tried to kill myself (over 7 years ago) I hung myself and got cut down. I had a bleed on the brain, and could not walk for 16 months. I now can't taste anything, smell anything, ive lost some hearing in my right ear, and I have balance issues. My ex kept telling me to kill myself, she went everything to me, I now don't trust anyone. Last November I had my back broken bin two places by two hospital staff. this year I had a fall and snapped my ACL in my shoulder. I don't like what the world has become. This looks like it could be a game changer. How much is it? Im UK based.

Claudio C
Claudio C - 22.08.2023 14:37

Important question: Do you know any peruvian person or any other amerindian person who ever seek for this kind of treatment? Have you met any of these people in the retreats, other than the shamans there? I've watched plenty of videos about Ayahuasca and I can only see western/americans/europeans looking for this kind of experience, which makes me think this can be more a kind of trendy activity for adventurous and wealthy people than a medicine, but of course I can be wrong. Anyone?

stewart smith
stewart smith - 21.08.2023 04:34

wow mate, another brilliant watch. i have always had an interest in Ayahuasca, watching this has made me want to find out even more. keep doing what you are doing mate.

Angie Savage
Angie Savage - 29.07.2023 02:45

I’m 7 days away from this experience. To say that I’m not scared would be a lie. I have been depressed and suicidal my whole life. I’m surrendering my fears in hope that I will find peace. A wise yogi in the Himalayas suggests you should face your fears once in your lifetime. I’m 100% committed to what the ayahuasca says to me.

Sydney Larrikin
Sydney Larrikin - 28.07.2023 04:34

Not only did it heal much of the trauma that I have gone through for most of my life, it has affected my coordination, which is off due to child abuse. I'm 41, btw.
Not only can i use my arms normally again, the shaman actually adjusted my spine, and now I don't need special pillows for my neck and back when I lay down or sit down.
I feel also like I have a shield around me protecting me, because of more physical stability, thus more mental stability.
The ayahuasca was the easy part, my allergies to whatever they washed the sheets in was the only rough part.
I have been healed mentally and coordinationally by psychedelics and hypnosis before, but this ritual really helped me in a different way than before

I did Behold retreats in Costa Rica, they don't do colon cleanses.... I did have a nice massage tho....

Shep Kennedy
Shep Kennedy - 21.07.2023 10:21

I've watched this film several times now, and I cry everytime, even though I don't know any of these people, why is that? I wish I had the funds to experience, Mother Ayahuasca. Love & Light ❤

Birdsnest) - 28.06.2023 07:06

I’d love to go there…I love doing meditation 🧘‍♀️Us humans push a lot of our emotions way back in our subconscious it needs to be realised…..Well done james

Look up myco_zack on IG
Look up myco_zack on IG - 02.05.2023 18:03

⬆️ check my name description. He sells shrooms, LSD, DMT, Ayahuasca and mushy chocolate bars. He ships discreetly and globally too.

Caleb Torrez
Caleb Torrez - 17.03.2023 13:25

ayahuasca is bad for you!

Daily Brad
Daily Brad - 20.02.2023 00:27


Nonduality with Donna
Nonduality with Donna - 08.02.2023 15:27

Beautiful 🥰❤️

handcrafted30 - 05.01.2023 02:28

For anyone watching this and seeing the part with the woman talking about her cancer clearing up. Please please do not watch this and think this is a cure for cancer. It is NOT a cure for cancer.

catrina scullion
catrina scullion - 03.01.2023 22:58

Where do i sign up

ANDY WOODS - 31.12.2022 12:25

Cool documentary. I’m certainly going to sit another ceremony

Gabe Raddo
Gabe Raddo - 18.12.2022 05:39


joey ennis
joey ennis - 11.12.2022 05:57

In Tamarindo,Costa Rica now and heading to rythmia tomorrow because of your documentary James. Watched it during the hard times around covid and knew I had to go there. Excited to see what happens and where it takes me.
Thank you

J L - 01.12.2022 10:29

Conclusion - it’s a load of pish.

dean mignonelli
dean mignonelli - 29.11.2022 09:19

fuck that like when you hear those crying and. that is scary.. then he met his dead grandparents

dean mignonelli
dean mignonelli - 29.11.2022 08:50

so keep pushing out 😂

Lisa Brown
Lisa Brown - 19.11.2022 10:10

Caribbean Queen
Caribbean Queen - 16.11.2022 01:03

I wonder where everyone is now 2 yrs later ? 🤔

Zillah Mills
Zillah Mills - 24.09.2022 14:29

I really wish you love and peace in your heart❤ Jamie. i personally think you held back a little and didn’t purge enough! But hey who am I to say anything. I’ve not done it myself as I just don’t have the money to get to these places I wish more of these retreats would set up in England. I’ve had trauma after trauma I now call them blessings I know what they were for I’ve learnt my lessons from them. But was put on diazepam I think you call it xanex in the USA I was put on it at the age of 18 after my first big violent trauma and so this lead to chronic anxiety. But I know I’m a strong woman as after every blessing I got on with life but I’m now 58 still on the medication my body is so used to it I can’t live without it. When the virus hit us all and lock down was put in place I’d forgotten to put my repeat prescription In I had nowhere to go to them I probably could of got them off drug dealers but I’m just a woman that unfortunate things happened to I obviously signed up for these things which makes me question myself because who tf. Would sign up for so much hurt! It does show me how strong I am but when I couldn’t get the tablets for 9 days I was in a bad way I was shaking all over couldn’t concentrate didn’t sleep at all
My eyes were like deers in a headlight and I lost 3 and half stone which took me down to six stone. I was a wreck I was cold turkey I was so Ill. I went to the hospital to see if they could help i got treated like a drug addict and I got told to go!!!! I cried so much I was brought up properly yes I went out drinking when I was younger and stagger home my mum waiting for me bless her. But this experience showed me what Pharmicutical drugs do to you when i was young there was no antidepressants it was just Valium and I was on the lowest dosage but in those 9 days I would of killed to get some but like i said I didn’t know anyone like that to go to. That’s why I want to go to one of these retreats I want to meet my soul my higher self I think I’m that frightened I may have left my body I don’t know how to call her back I was 56 In photo everyone expects me to be confident and I have been in some areas of my life and I’ve shocked friends. I want to know who the real ZILLAH was meant to be I have been a mum for 30 yrs and got 3 great kids young adults now and I’m so proud of them I was very maternal it’s all I wanted to be I’d play house when I was little with my baby dolls and pram and blankets I even put my cat In the pram and covered him up😊. Jamie Thank you so much for showing the whole process if ever I get any money I am going to go to Rythmia as it’s time for me to sort me out I’ve given my all to bringing the kids up but now I’m ready to meet me! Love and light. ❤❤❤🌹🌹🤝🙏🏻🦋🌈💎💎⚖️💎

aviduke - 19.09.2022 02:12

It looks sterile and unnatural, not the sort of place I would want to take such a medicine. I hope it works for people though

Martin Sachs
Martin Sachs - 13.09.2022 23:29

They say there are two kinds of people who did Ayahuasca:
Those who shit their pants
and those who are lying about it.

Evelyn Davis
Evelyn Davis - 13.09.2022 21:47

I enjoyed my journey and got my miracle. Rythmia is an amazing place. I would go back in a heartbeat 💓

Debbie Ballard
Debbie Ballard - 28.08.2022 20:33

🤍 Changed my life

Jalen Salazar
Jalen Salazar - 22.08.2022 22:24

Thank you mate for sharing your experience. I just returned from Rythmia. Aya truly helped save my life. This was the hardest f’ing work I’d ever done. That week, i had both the hardest and most beautiful/peaceful days of my life. So many moments of insight - overwhelming at times. Since then, my mindset has subtle shifts with phenomenal impact; so much more ease in my daily life. Super clear that 50% of my healing happened when in Ceremony with Aya, and more importantly, 50% is taking place as I integrate the wisdom of this other-worldly intelligent medicine. Peace and ease to all 🙏

Ryan Revolution Foods
Ryan Revolution Foods - 10.08.2022 15:08

DMT is the gateway from the 3rd dimension to higher dimensions/reality’s

Norman - 07.08.2022 21:05

You won't give any details about the relationship with your mother, and you won't give any details about your experience after drinking Ayahuasca, but you have no problem pushing the people you are interviewing for details.

Hillary - 06.08.2022 04:24

Giea 😇 angels 🙏🏻

Hillary - 06.08.2022 04:22


Hillary - 06.08.2022 04:04

To heal me to find me deep inside , 🙏🏻🙏🏻❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️I will do this one day for me to love myself and heal myself and just interested and I know it be so intense but I know a friend who has don’t this deep in the jungle to find me

Hillary - 06.08.2022 03:59

I would love to expierence this have done for 4 years ;; it would be extremely hard but u as he says when u know ur ready to go threw the pain to heal 🙏🏻🙏🏻🙏🏻🙏🏻❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️ I need this 🙏🏻🙏🏻🙏🏻🙏🏻❤️

Amber Turner
Amber Turner - 20.07.2022 17:27

I would like to schedule my own ayahuasca experience. If anyone has information on who I talk to, please let me.

fiddlestickz muzik
fiddlestickz muzik - 03.07.2022 15:57

Fkn ridiculous these medicines are illegal, only under our horrible, destructive, materialistic systems we live in, would something so powerful and good be banned. We create all this trauma needlessly, when we all should be living symbiotic lives with nature. We should be harnessing free energy, and spending our days cultivating plants, building weather resistant homes and caring for animals. Instead we work painful, soul destroying jobs in heavily polluted cities for corporate killing machines.

elelni123 - 28.06.2022 21:43

Why can’t the government/doctors find a way to heal people here! Everyone needs healing ❤️‍🩹! Life is very hard!

elelni123 - 28.06.2022 21:06

I wonder if this is good?

Anastasia Ionas
Anastasia Ionas - 21.06.2022 17:51

"it's a f-king painful experience this" - that about sums it up. It can be wonderful and horrific from one moment to the next. You're never really ready for it, even if you think you are. But that's the point, it pushes you beyond your limits.

Night Knight
Night Knight - 19.06.2022 20:57

This Is great footage man seriously , amazing , true , just great

Night Knight
Night Knight - 19.06.2022 20:06

I wish I can one day go there

black knight
black knight - 09.06.2022 19:39

the real spleen kidney punch!

Hans Hansen
Hans Hansen - 08.06.2022 00:22

Would like to see the trackrecords, to see if this plant is doing something for people in the longrun.

Marlise - 24.05.2022 04:49

Thank you for sharing this experience, it was beautiful to watch everyone’s healing journey . Been searching for soul healing, emotional and mental healing for years and I believe my time to finally release and be set free has come . I really want to go to one of these retreats. 2022 let’s gooo!!!

Anthony Delorenzo
Anthony Delorenzo - 20.05.2022 07:40

A masterpiece. Evoked so many emotions. Thank u

David K
David K - 12.05.2022 08:35

James, has it effected your life today? Are you different from the person you where?

Willimina Yatsallie
Willimina Yatsallie - 05.05.2022 15:35

Ahaya actually means God ❤️🧡💛
