Learn How To Make Your Own Build in Path of Exile

Learn How To Make Your Own Build in Path of Exile


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@nunote2362 - 29.12.2023 08:17

my only real gripe with making builds, is the time investment needed to even start trying it. a lot of the builds i'm interested in use level 60-80 gear, meaning before i can even start trying it out, i need to spend hours leveling up the character. which just means i'm not able to really experiment with a lot of options.

@casualliyt7490 - 21.12.2023 06:17

What is your class and build for this build used in the video? Looks fun.

@noname-xk1rd - 23.10.2023 19:36

I tried to make my own builds in past, mostly awful, but at some point I made nice ed and later vortex. It was kinda inspiring, but after that I left PoE for some time, and now it completely different game. Feel newbie again >_<

@Minodrec - 13.10.2023 21:29

Awesome video.

@Aszriel - 27.09.2023 21:56

You earned a sub. You deserve more views keep it up ! :)

@AutodidacticPhd - 15.09.2023 03:21

Late to the party, but you did ask... My first build and my thoughts on the experience? Well, it sounds a lot like how this video started. I was originally playing back when acts 3 & 4 were the end game and player hideouts were first introduced. Back then you could run just about anything and make it work with whatever you found along the way or had stashed from a previous run... and then I put the game down for several years.

Coming back near the end of Crucible League? Hoo boy. Totally different ball game. Exponentially more mechanics and content, emphasis on build guides, people talking like the campaign is just something you have to knock out fast because endgame is the whole game now, and the importance of engaging with the trade economy... well, it all feel a little... grumble grumble. When it comes to secondary content, I'm mostly reading/watching SSF friendly stuff, because to me, well, if you have to follow a strict build guide, then the game might as well not even have all the complexity and I might as well go play something with a set number of fixed classes and a by the numbers walkthrough on the best towns to buy the best gear at.

Don't get me wrong, I like the growth in content and complexity.... I'm just not so fond of how optimization seems to have become a requirement rather than a personal challenge or how so many of the community metrics revolve around grinding currency and gaming the trade market.

@vosovoso5220 - 21.08.2023 03:03

this is well and good, but because you can brick a character in poe, experimentation is more punishing then trusting a blizzard game.

@syrusmarks1 - 19.08.2023 03:26

Restarted the game. Had some success with someone's build. Now wanna use my own. Thank you for the tips. I disliked how nearly every thing I saw was 'Max your DPS, I can't stress this enough' I like balanced builds, or fun builds. After all, I'm playing a game, I should have fun. If that means I'm jumping across the screen and just knocking down enemies and not killing them, but just getting a laugh at knocking them down. I'll do it. So far POE community seems pretty nice. Could just be the new guy sent tho.

@VeryBadPlayerTV - 22.07.2023 20:33

Anyone else confused on where the follow up videos are

@nuggtzofFun - 15.07.2023 09:10

Currently I’m playing a witch with blazing salvo and zombies. It’s going ok so far. Lvl 65 .

@Zartris - 13.07.2023 07:16

What are the playlists called as i cannot find them on your channel?

@Christian_Bagger - 07.06.2023 19:50

Diablo 4 is out… and it looks like fun, but I’m not touching another Blizzard product. I’ve played Poe like once… and I think making my own custom build is where I am finding my enjoyment. I will look up your series, once poe2 is getting closer.

@TheZerosteel - 30.04.2023 01:57

i made a purifying flame Inquisitor build and it barely was able to do red maps. the white mobs die normally but some blue and yellow feel some tanky. and bosses take more than 2 mins to kill

@pxpq - 18.04.2023 00:29

Im just starting the game, farmed an oni-goroshi and got so bummed out when i found out that there were no oni-goroshi builds around... what do i do?

@carlpanco7417 - 18.03.2023 21:28

"Have you ever made your own POE build"

Uh yeah, duh, like the first thing you do when you get the game... hellooooo

"How did it go, did you consider it to be a success back then"


No, duh, that's like the second thing that happens when you get the game, helloooooooo

@dragonxtamer5964 - 16.03.2023 10:53

I been playing incinerate since it was a projectile, shotgunning, everyone used vaal pact, mages all ran voltaxic rift(btw its 100% again), and warlords mark allowed spell steal.

@SpiritDK - 04.03.2023 00:56

i often look up build guides, but it's mostly for references, i almost never follow a build, currently, 3.20 im doing a split arrow/shrapnel ballista build and currently at lvl 54 im doing good

@xXhiXxification - 26.02.2023 00:08

I made a Bladeflurry char once for Hc ssf and it went really well untill it instantly fell over in its first t1 map.

@mmrox4320 - 21.01.2023 11:03

I just go with simple mindset, like I want to freeze enemies and set them on fire (Hot Ice)
Or with bleed to make blood Popsicles. Only issue is scaling it up and finding the right gear for me.

@juanduque7983 - 15.01.2023 04:19

im not seeing some of those skills in standard league

@akairibbon4658 - 19.12.2022 11:05

Your description of coming up with builds is honestly more work/more complicated that some college degrees. This game is fucking crazy. Idk how anyone finds the will/drive to do this. Lol.

@anaalvensleben789 - 09.12.2022 03:25

Hi, this is pretty late, but I'll comment anyway. In general I try to make my own builds, but I started playing in Delirium league. I consider most of them successes, simply because each of them have been trying to get further than the last. I have gotten to the point of being able to make builds that can do t14-16 maps + bosses comfortably and I like delving and heist, but lately that's where I've stalled.

PoE's midgame seems pretty horrific. You really need to have a strategy for farming when you get there and then have some understanding of how to transition to endgame builds or scaling your current build up further. So far I've either a) don't really know how to farm or what TO farm or b) anything I can think of to get more out of my build is a price hike from 20chaos to 5 div or more. All the changing league mechanics and other mechanics don't help either. The atlas change really took a while to get used to and I'm still not comfortable with the new passive tree. Hopefully you did start that series so I can go check it out. Good luck on the new league!

@ladyfrost3931 - 08.12.2022 22:57

Pity there wasn't a mod that could create a build out of items I already own in my stash lol. Especially on standard.

@nilsarildegge9685 - 08.12.2022 18:32

What cyclone build is the one you are doing when talking about mechanic?

@kny6108 - 03.12.2022 06:39

Liked for headhunter drop at league start.
Going to sue if no headhunter drop at league start.

@n8doggy733 - 23.10.2022 07:29

Great vid! I agree that building around QoL is probably the number one thing, especially for someone like me who plays on console. For this reason i am running Deaths Oath

@boeserKadser - 31.08.2022 21:27

TBH: If your'e watching a poe build video as a beginner, you wont understand anything. Half of the time they're talking about gear, gems and stuff you havent even seen or heard of in the state of starting the game per being maybe a few hours in.
Instead chose a playstyle you want to run with, look up the passiveboard online to get a rough idea whats available for your playstile and maybe plan a vague way on the board. You will learn and see stuff while you play and notice in what your character is lacking and adapt on the go

@SomeUnkindledAsh - 17.08.2022 22:26

This video series is great. This is how I've always felt abt POE: I only started last year sometime, but the entire appeal of the game to me was the giant tree and customization of playstyle. Using someone else's build just takes away all the fun and accomplishment. I've played one build per league, skipping leagues here and there, and the highest I ever made it was t10 maps. I'm cool with that. I learn a bit each time and I always play skills I like, with weapons I like, on characters I like. It's such a different experience than most have with poe, but it's satisfying to me.

@RustyPro676 - 15.08.2022 22:18

im trying, i feel like going ssf with a build guide helps you initially. SSF will always give you challenges but with a build guide you at least have an outlier of what to do and the rest you figure out yourself. Have gotten way more knowledge because of that, but quite comfortable enough to make a build

@TonyJ93 - 15.08.2022 19:50

great content, subbed :)

@nikitaromantsev4869 - 13.08.2022 19:40

Have tried making my own builds many times but didnt finish any of them. Usually I see too low dps numbers in PoB and quit making the build xD I know that I should just put more time in it but the main problem for me is to understand how to scale damage. Like for now I think that a build that just uses x skill and supports it with just a tree without any significant keystones can't exist in PoE. What I mean is that for damage you NEED to double/triple dip it. Find some mechanic that the build can abuse so to say and thats what is hard for me - to find how to make skill x do more damage.

@travissullivan6575 - 13.08.2022 13:19

I have a question: Like, if you're using trinity support, does the ele pen from trinity stack with elemental pen support? I know elemental pen support is more pen, but is the extra amount more than trinity (if they don't stack) worth it over another support gem?

@5133937 - 12.08.2022 17:29

I’m kinda new since 3.15 and still don’t understand damage scaling as well as I would like. I understand the difference between “more” and “increased” modifiers, and it seems the goal is to get the highest possible base damage with as many more multipliers as possible. But even when I do that, it seems like I can’t get my damage to scale to the level pro build creators can. I would love to see a video on this topic, all the ways of scaling damage - “more”, “increased”, “added” damage, “effectiveness of added damage” on gems, damage conversion, flask effect buffs, etc.

@eshannumin - 12.08.2022 17:02

1. Learn how to calculate the dps of your skill in POB so you have a rough idea. This can be complicated, but some creator somewhere has done it, even for minion instability.

2. Look at builds from people you trust and try to balance between defensive, offensive, utility, and life nodes the way they did.

3. Don't waste currency on small upgrades or leveling gear on your first character.

4. Don't give up period. I did srs minion instability in 3.17 up to boss rush red map end game making 2 ex an hour without sweating my lax pacing. Look for ways to push your build further. You may find a real limit, but honestly everything is "viable" with 50 ex put into it. It won't be a top tier build the first 3 times you do this, might not ever be, but you can make 50 ex with a full time job, a kid, and 8 hours of sleep. It may be slower than other people, but every time you learn more about crafting and farming you will get better and better.

@marksutherlandjr.2121 - 11.08.2022 20:06

Ten your builds "feel" good because of this though.

@tigerland277 - 11.08.2022 16:24

Waiting for your series!

@DKannji - 10.08.2022 14:21

Every time I play this game I'm either starting a new build or continuing one I was previously building. I fail quite often in making a build that survives into endgame, however, I always learn from those failures.
Currently I'm doing a Shadow Mines build focusing on Pyroclast Mine, I have yet to equip a single aura(excluding Skitterbots) and am finding different auras to be a compelling addition for different encounters. I'm still not in maps so I feel little reason to commit to an aura just yet... But I'm definitely swaying towards one of the Purity auras.
I think it's super fun to just create a new character and see how I can shape them into an interesting or wacky build.

@Netbase2000 - 09.08.2022 16:44

I tried a Galvanized arrow mf build. With time I cut the mf gear. With what I know today I would put more thought in the auras and the mana manegement.
It was okay but a bit disappointing. Couldn't do last maven and I couldn't figure out why. Lacked boss damage

@Netbase2000 - 09.08.2022 16:07

Well done. PLEASE continue the guides

@KmaC2464 - 09.08.2022 15:10

Great video, ive started to learn similar lessons in finally getting into crafting.

@breech33 - 07.08.2022 23:34

Your POE videos are the best. Watching your videos have taught me so much about the game. Please keep doing your videos. Us POE nubes appreciate you!!!!

@nr1strengthstackingtank701 - 07.08.2022 18:00

Nice vid! Made my own legacy build, wel 2 actually. One build that has 50.000 energy shield and one that can afk wave 30 simulacrum.

@derbengel8172 - 07.08.2022 17:05

Great video! Also doing own build's since Ultimatum and after some practice i really got the hang of it. I feel like i first really started to understand this game since i am not copying others builds anymore and just go for personal preference. Also totally agree in your "DPS is not everything" point! Rather have good QOL and being flexible, than being hypersquishy as a trade-off.

@villunboxandreviews - 07.08.2022 11:46

Thanks for the input my good sir! Been watching a bunch of your videos and Ive learned a lot. This is my first league and I able to bet some uber elders. Im just curious, what is your item filter setting? can you share it with us?

@Hawksbane77 - 07.08.2022 00:31

I have done both ends of the spectrum. Following a build and trying to create. Honestly, I have more fun creating. Don't waste respec currency. You can always reroll.

@Hawksbane77 - 07.08.2022 00:28

Glad to see you're still playing PoE. See you in game during next league.

@alexzephyris1455 - 06.08.2022 18:36

My experience with making my own builds has been core to me having fun in path of exile. I started in delirium and by heist, I decided to make an earthquake bleed champ. It started by me wanting to play a tank build, that didn't need to hit fast or go fast, not using crimson dance and going lacerate like the rest, it would simply be an immovable juggernaut for content and I succeeded.
It was cheap, it did 2m DPS and I could easily have pushed more and it was unkillable. Enduring cry, life leech, life Regen, recovery on block, block cap, 10k molten shell, flesh and stone. From the end of heist where I knew I could league start it to the end of ritual in which I had my most fun ever, it was the build I loved and still yearn for.
And it was apparently a meta build, but I didn't know, not after the fact of me having fun fighting kosis on 100% deli for 25 minutes. I farmed a HH with it and then found one more on Cadibro(RIP).
Since then, I was never able to make my own build. I can't find anything interesting to even try and make it work, it feels I always need to dump 40 exalts to make even somewhat reasonably ideas work.

@gmoddude12 - 06.08.2022 16:58

I have tried like 3-4 builds every season and not a single one succeds with how enemy scaling just jumps to the roof from campain to Maps either i have not enough damage or i spend less than 90% of my build on defense and therefore gets 2 shot by blue mobs :/

@Izith69 - 06.08.2022 15:24

I made a chaos slinger in Scourge (?) and failed miserably xD It went from slinging to selfcast bane + soulrend and I ended up fighting sirus with 150k dot dps. Then I decided to give up, switch to grimros CF Glad and just went blasting, with the build being better even in white maps xD (to be fair, at that time I wasn't that great at getting currency fast, so I wasn't able to try different gear making me lose motivation to continue playing my build)
