This Insane Discovery Is Changing Australia Forever!

This Insane Discovery Is Changing Australia Forever!

Leaf of Life

1 год назад

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Ken Mahood
Ken Mahood - 01.10.2023 09:06

Once again using Ukraine as an excuse to push up end user costs.... BULL! Ukraine hss never been a major player in World markets beyond their neighbours!

M - 30.09.2023 17:41

leave strips of trees or wildflowers in the field. mentality needs to change.

Mark Williamson
Mark Williamson - 27.09.2023 06:46

I know that an infinite number of monkeys with typewriters can produce the works of Shakespeare. Seems that a smaller number of monkeys can write turgid crap like this. But On the plus side Scotland is going to turn into a dessert.

tdrbrt - 20.09.2023 03:08

They've recently developed a corn that grows in the tropics. Before that, corn could not be grown in the subtropical environment. It was about as successful as growing citrus in Minnesota.
Corn will soon be grown in Africa, South America, and other regions straddling the equator.

Lowell Alberto
Lowell Alberto - 13.09.2023 23:33

Desserts plays an important part in the mechanism that brings summer rain. The hot air over the desert rises fast causing convection current loop that brings rain. Turning deserts into forest might disturb this summer rain.

The concrete roof-top in cities, which has increased many fold in past 20 years, might be propelling hot air into atmosphere triggering unusual rain pattern. If this turns out to be true,
then the global warming is not how it is projected. While cutting down on harmful emissions is good, it shouldn't be a hype.

S. Spees
S. Spees - 12.09.2023 16:06

Why is this insane? Sounds natural..

jainam patel hmt
jainam patel hmt - 09.09.2023 19:37


allon33 - 09.09.2023 11:23

fool talking about global warming, unsubbing

The Hypergeometrical Universe
The Hypergeometrical Universe - 08.09.2023 04:36

What about Family Planning. That would solve global warming, water wars, famine...

Joan Kirby
Joan Kirby - 07.09.2023 11:26

I dont know if you are just liars or misiformed could be both.

Alan Edmonds
Alan Edmonds - 06.09.2023 21:21

The waste is due to high costs on food to many greedy brands on the selfs

Stephen Mitchell
Stephen Mitchell - 06.09.2023 17:52

stop third world immigration and all the problems solved,

Indigenous - 05.09.2023 14:57

Scotland has mild winters? That's news to me.

The Radio Vault
The Radio Vault - 05.09.2023 01:49

if you are planting 1-2 kinds of trees that is still a monoculture

Rehoboth Farm
Rehoboth Farm - 20.08.2023 19:25

Wasn't it the big agra "science experts" that sold us industrial scale monoculture farming, chemical fertilizer, glyphosate weed killer, and gmo foods while telling us that the small family farm was inefficient? Weren't these the people who drove the small farmer out of business? Now, 40, 50 60 years later they have been proven wrong and not even a, "Meh, sorry." Now we can just reorder our whole society again to suit their desires.

Lynn Moss
Lynn Moss - 20.08.2023 17:42

Does it look like another mono-crop?

Mark Franklin
Mark Franklin - 03.07.2023 06:11

Other studies show that world populations will begin to decline within the next 30-50 years

Kert Mustapha
Kert Mustapha - 02.07.2023 23:28

This is just more global warming propaganda. Sorry I ain’t buying it!

L.A. rabbyt
L.A. rabbyt - 01.07.2023 20:34

So what exactly was this journalistic effort trying to communicate? That planting of trees and shrubs in W.Australia has potentially remediated desert land after agricultural degradation? The story line and conclusion is kind of lost in the choppy and abrupt editing I would say. Some interesting trivia and observations though.

Sarat Saratchandran
Sarat Saratchandran - 30.06.2023 08:59

The save the soil call by Sadhguru has been a momentous time! He became a roll model for tree planting and tree farming!

Joseph bartolovic
Joseph bartolovic - 25.06.2023 09:09

More propaganda and lies

Russell Gray
Russell Gray - 24.06.2023 00:24

bull shit

stenka rasin
stenka rasin - 20.06.2023 12:10

This is the real answer to climate change and water shortages, Kudos to those Aussie farmers who've chosen to implement this system.

Clay Bair
Clay Bair - 19.06.2023 06:52

liars liars liars liars liars

samthing4thetrack - 18.06.2023 16:47

GARBAGE, how much of this is "broadcast" within it's own thought bubble! ALLL OF IT. Deforestation in Scotland by farmers explicitly, hardly, UK was a Naval power, where did all the trees come from to build the ships of the pre-1900s? The UK, where did they come from anywhere in UK that they had useful trees. NOW YOU WANT TO BLAME FARMERS. Heat for lower wheat field yeild? Winter wheat, it is planted all over the place here, so maybe those Aussie farmers are daft or you are just spewing non sense. This whole presentations is probably funded by the WEF or some other, like George Soros, just another massive disinformation campaign

YT are WOKE Bastards
YT are WOKE Bastards - 18.06.2023 06:34

misleading !!

Thomas Zulu
Thomas Zulu - 17.06.2023 19:45

The population of the world will never reach 8 billion. Most of the developed world including China are recording population decline

Lesley's Logic Lampoon
Lesley's Logic Lampoon - 17.06.2023 17:28

decades of global HEATING "?????a fraction of 1 degree.what will improve faming crop production is INCREASING OUR HISTORIC LOW C02 LEVELS.

Antonio Forestgardens
Antonio Forestgardens - 17.06.2023 16:39

Hi 🍉 !

Blizzard - 17.06.2023 12:16

You have over stated the areas affected by salinity, The western Australia wheat belt is the size of Germany, and is divided by four sections, The LA Nina and el Nino happen on the East coast of Australia, on the West coast of Australia we have the Indian ocean dipole, which leads to cooler temperatures and more rain, on the West coast of Australia, Perth has been colder than Hobart this last three years during autumn and winter, 😮

Bob Juniel
Bob Juniel - 17.06.2023 08:39

The media condemned tree huggers and supported tree clearing. The media should have to pay land restoration taxes towards rectifying the damage. The politicians endorsed clearing the land for monoculture. Desalination is not rectified by just replanting trees. The media insists there is no global warming, because it does not report scientific analysis and clear presentation of the data. We need the facts.
These people are planting eucalyptus trees, because they are Australian. That is nationalism gone mad. Eucalyptus or gum trees denude the soil, are subject to super heated bushfires, and will be cut to be processed into wood products. This is false restoration, a politically popular media event.
Why not plant trees that produce edible fruits, medicinal herbs and greater shade for solar heat transformation? Sandalwood is a good example.
A proper use of sanctions would be on countries not preventing the clearing of forests, and replanting forests. Brazil must protect and restore the Amazon RainForest.
A proper use of sanctions would be on companies in countries like the USA and Canada, selling produce that originates on cleared forest land. I believe McDonald's burgers are made with meat from cattle fed with feed like Soy and Maize or Corn, grown in what was once Amazon Rain Forest. Monsanto introduced GMO crops and pesticides to ensure high production. All profiteers must be fined or taxed on an ongoing rate to pay for the restoration of forests. I see no reason not to do so using orchards of fruit trees and a huge variety of productive plants and trees.
We must identify and name individuals and companies, including major share holders and financial backers to know who should not be entrusted with the earths valuable resources. Public naming and shaming would reveal operators that consistently put profits before conservation of the environment for future use. I say this because the same investors profiting from current operations names will keep reappearing. Land theft and forest clearance for mono culture is not an accident, it is a deliberate plan by senior politicians, investors and financiers.

Burnz - 17.06.2023 03:41

The water wars are on the way

Dimitar & Lidija Berberu
Dimitar & Lidija Berberu - 16.06.2023 04:01

Australia was beautiful natural land in the previous >65,000 years, before the savage colonisation. However, after the selfish (individual profiting )Anglo-Saxon Industrial Re-Pollutions, all went bad. We need to appreciate the Aboriginal respect for nature & stop the possessionist selfish mindset.

Jeff - 16.06.2023 02:19

The longer evil billionaires exist the worst civilian life will get.
Do the research and stop spewing the propaganda. P2 is still actively implementing their evil...

john wickham
john wickham - 15.06.2023 19:49

So why are European country’s taking away fields from farmers

Dennis McDonnell
Dennis McDonnell - 15.06.2023 16:22

As these mistaken western governments reduce the carbon imprint, the forests starve as they need the carbon to breathe.
The people need to wake-up and force their governments to stop this climate change nonsense and the lies they use to purpetuate it, and return to normal levels of carbon dioxide and methane in the atmosphere to stop the desert takeover and allow vegetation to regrow.

John Smith
John Smith - 14.06.2023 07:46

WOW, who would have ever thought trees were good? - thank GOD for the amazingly intelligent Scientists.......

Mark Mcgill
Mark Mcgill - 14.06.2023 03:26

This person full lies. The truth she does not know.

Thomas Rehbinder
Thomas Rehbinder - 13.06.2023 22:15

The world is facing a population collapse and you are still yammering about a population explosion. Change the record on the player, please.

Pincer movement
Pincer movement - 13.06.2023 20:37

Aren’t they now worried about reverse population growth, or was that last week . This is absolute tosh .

Wayne Lust
Wayne Lust - 13.06.2023 19:59

This video is riddled with speculation and outright lies. Green space, farm yields and forest size have all increased in the past 50 years. Global population has flat lined. Western populations only grow with immigration. Birth rates have dropped due to the large number of women in the workforce, declines in marriage rates, and increased cost of living.

old timers
old timers - 13.06.2023 18:42

Funny Australia wheat crops have been at record levels not dropping at all. As to climate change ,yes that's always happening .Manmade climate change on the other hand has not been proven. 130 odd years of doom from climate change and not right once . We are the land of droughts and flooding rains ,then throw in the bush fires as well.

Plons0Nard - 13.06.2023 18:15

Keep politics out of real work : farming.
As a Dutchman, I love the clear thinking that farmers have and do.
Cheers ❤

Ram Rao
Ram Rao - 13.06.2023 10:48

junk click bait video

Videum Fantasticum
Videum Fantasticum - 13.06.2023 00:30

Problem with reforestation is a new monoculture. The video did not make clear that one problem is replaced by another one

Raymond Beck
Raymond Beck - 11.06.2023 05:48

yeah scare the masses.

NeneLyonz - 10.06.2023 05:13

Does anyone know if Australian Farmers use no till farming?

Mega Bampot
Mega Bampot - 10.06.2023 03:09

Remember the massive LAKE that forms (occasionally) when there's exceptionally heavy rainfall? Now THAT is a spectacle! My wife is German (I'm Scottish) & we live in Perth. Our neighbours are also from elsewhere. Next door, Belgium & China. THEY recently drove all around Australia's perimeter. Then there's our other neighbours: England, Seychelles, Hungary & India. My wife would LOVE to travel all around Australia, but says the only time we could do this would be when she retires!
