Plot Twist: There’s No Dark Matter. Our Theory of Gravity is Broken

Plot Twist: There’s No Dark Matter. Our Theory of Gravity is Broken

The Secrets of the Universe

1 год назад

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Ahmet Sarisakal
Ahmet Sarisakal - 29.10.2023 03:50

galaxies are clustered inside more dense areas of space in terms of heterogen space time dimension

Robert Tsou
Robert Tsou - 15.10.2023 18:51

My own theory of VOID, Relativity and Dark Matter
1. Empty space/vacuum/void is not really empty.
a. The universe first started the two basic elements: matter and void. Humans belong to the world of matter and its equipment is also made from matter. This limits mankind’s ability to successfully measure the parameters of the VOID as of today. Could not measure it does not mean the void itself is really empty. It is like electrons and protons. The “Matters” and the “VOID” are the opposite of one another, and they interact with each other.
b. The relativity theory helps us understand matter causes the space to curve. Another way to say this is it is an interaction in between the matter and the void. The relativity couldn’t say why matter causes that space to curve, but it was proven by observations that there is interaction in between space and matter. If VOID is not really void and interacts with matter then it makes sense why gravity can affect something millions miles away. It seems to me rather saying it is a curvature of space I would rather say it is an interaction in between the void and the matter.
c. I think when Matter and Void are close to each other then it weakens the space/VOID. This is because they are opposite entities. For example, the earth and the sun, when you put two large matters in that space it weakens the space in between. The space starts to shrink in between. This is similar to the interaction you have with electrons and protons. When you have more electrons than protons it weakens the overall positive charge. You put sun and earth there then it weakens the space in between and it starts to shrink. I have doubts about calling it as a curvature. It is more like a space shrinking effect.
2. Dark Matter and Dark Energy are also can be explained by VOID. Void itself is the actual Dark Matter and Energy. We swim inside it every day without knowing it.
a. Maybe we have thought about the Dark Matter/Energy in a wrong direction. They do exist but they are maybe not the matters and energies we known of. We are in a matter world ourselves and we think like a person in a matter world. All our equipment is also made from matters and that makes things even more complicated and make detection of Dark Matter almost impossible because it has something to do with the VOID.
b. The galaxy spins faster in the outer layer. Scientists could not figure out why it against the newton’s gravity theory. The Dark matter theory then created to explain that, and it was able to explain the phenomenon perfectly, but the problem is no one can detect those things in the real world. At least so far have not been able to. This makes me think we are looking at the wrong places.
c. We may be looked at the wrong direction. The Dark Matter is not hidden inside the Galaxy but it is majorly outside the galaxy and push the galaxy from outside inward. The galaxy is floating in a mass of emptiness/VOID and all that emptiness has a very strong force coming from the void and they push the galaxy inward. Because there was so much emptier space/VOID in between galaxies compare to inside galaxies then it makes sense the outer galaxy stars have to move faster to compensate the force coming from the outside of the galaxy. So maybe we are looking at the Dark Matter in a wrong way. It is coming from the huge void in between all the galaxies, not inside the galaxy, and it is the opposite force of the Dark Matter we known of that actually generated all those extra gravity from outside the galaxy. It is the VOID that does all the job.
3. Universe expansion now makes sense.
a. We know the universe is expanding but we all scratch our heads about what actually causes the expansion and why it is expanding. If you believe what I said in no.1 and no.2 have some meaning, then it is very easy to explain why the universe is expanding. Because the VOID is pushing everything around it to every direction no matter where you are.
b. My puzzle now is the VOID and the matter should be equal at the beginning of the universe due to the opposite properties but now it seems the VOID is winning due to the universe expanding. The more it expands then there is less chance the “matters” can catch up with the space expansion to reverse the cycle. The universe should be VOID and matter balanced so this is what I still couldn’t figure out why.
4. Singularity now makes sense.
a. Black holes now make sense. The black hole is full of matters and very small VOID there. There is not enough VOID inside to push it to expand so it will reach singularity.
b. The whole universe will eventually become huge empty spaces/VOID and lots of singularities in few places if the universe expansion continues. I do not know if all those singularities will explode toward the end or not but I do not think they will combine into a single super-size singularity due to the universe’s expansion property. I also think the universe’s expansion will not stop because the more it expands the VOID gains more upper hand there and “matter” world will lose.

A. C. Tort
A. C. Tort - 14.10.2023 02:40

Gravity is sound. The problema is The cosmologic model

Greenmachine305 - 12.10.2023 15:36

How about we tweak Gen Rel instead?

Bryan FRANCIS - 29.09.2023 13:08

How satisfying to sit and watch and listen to Humans, armed with a little 3-lb brain , try to dechiper something that defies the imagination and intellect , using theoretical physics...a Human concept, even though astonishingly clearly beside me ! Nature doesn't tweak and twirk it's Laws to suit the time of day . When one can't openly say that Einsteins' theories of relativity and gravity is outdated and probably clearly wrong , then our proper existance needs to be questioned ! 😎

Michelle Johnson
Michelle Johnson - 25.09.2023 09:46

So whats up with the bell shapes now being as strong as if not stronger than the triangle.. question birthed from this universe map being made up of two bell shapes... asking for a friend

Daniel Johnson
Daniel Johnson - 16.09.2023 21:45

If you're trying to tell me that those people were gathering their information from a galaxy cluster by watching it's rotation then I'm calling someone a liar. To be able to gather ANY TYPE of information like that would require a minimum of 1000 years to get any sign of a galaxy rotating.

Clay Weisenberger
Clay Weisenberger - 07.09.2023 07:56

Which is more likely, that the overwhelming majority of the mass of the universe is comprised of particles that cannot be detected despite our best efforts, or that we just don't understand gravity. I'll take Option B.

Keith Mayhew Hammond
Keith Mayhew Hammond - 04.09.2023 05:45

Sometimes it seems like these ambitious theories that scientists come up with to explain what we don't understand is just a cover for not wishing to admit that we can't understand. Perhaps there are somethings we are just not meant to know.

Muhtada Ali
Muhtada Ali - 03.09.2023 23:48

Allah is the One Who created seven heavens and likewise for the earth. The ˹divine˺ command descends between them so you may know that Allah is Most Capable of everything and that Allah certainly encompasses all things in ˹His˺ knowledge.
Quran 65:12

And He completed them as seven heavens within two days and inspired in each heaven its command. And We adorned the nearest heaven with lamps (stars) and as protection. That is the determination of the Exalted in Might, the Knowing.

Quran 41:12

Nate06 - 31.08.2023 08:06

There’s no such thing as gravity😭😭😭 do you’re own research please

Joni - 25.08.2023 02:20

woah!!!!! incredible 😮

GOT-IIT - 20.08.2023 02:46

Is it possible... like a tornado... that this dark matter (is acting like the wind ... which we can't see if it wasn't for the cloud / dust / water, etc)... is pushing the outside of the galaxy to spin just as fast, if not creating a partial spin on a galaxy.... I haven't finished watching it yet... but now my head is spinning with ideas... lol

William Vaughan
William Vaughan - 18.08.2023 18:52

Is anyone taking into account the electrical effects?

Michelle Beckham
Michelle Beckham - 18.08.2023 01:11

In the future people will be like, "dark matter, what were they thinking?lol".
I knew something was way off when electric universe makes accurate predictions and the professional physicist are constantly wrong.

Jerek Bilbar
Jerek Bilbar - 14.08.2023 19:33

Dark Matter is an observation, not a theory. The lack of recorded mass is an observation, not a scheme.
