WordPress Custom Fields Tutorial Without Plugin

WordPress Custom Fields Tutorial Without Plugin

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Sohaib S. Khan
Sohaib S. Khan - 05.10.2022 14:04

Dope tutorial 👍✌

Drew Stuff
Drew Stuff - 30.04.2022 18:40

Thanks, sadly I don't see "screen options" in my WordPress. Any ideas?

fanste - 10.02.2022 10:48

Great tutorial. Thanks man.

Martin Kaspar
Martin Kaspar - 25.01.2022 23:24

Thank you Björn - many thanks for this video - awesome. One question though: does this work with the new theme the Twenty-Twenty-Two (TT2) - love to hear from you.

Marián Kohn
Marián Kohn - 07.01.2022 20:07

How did you add the custom edit fields to the post edit page in the admin area???

Lo Lo
Lo Lo - 15.12.2021 13:56


Glauk Abazi
Glauk Abazi - 25.10.2021 13:24

I am sorry if i am wasting your time. I wanted to know if it is possible to show the post date in custom field automatically? I am using wp bakery grid builder and i want a different date format to be set automatically to the post grid? Thank you very much in advance.

Carylis Palacios
Carylis Palacios - 27.07.2021 05:57

Your website is broken! Check it out!

Bruno A. H. Vincent
Bruno A. H. Vincent - 23.07.2021 08:26

Excellent vide, but why multiple php nested statements? Couldn't you use the opening and closing php tags for the whole block ?

Sheraz Razzaq
Sheraz Razzaq - 04.06.2021 11:28

What If I want to take input from the user from the front end like If i am making a listing website and I want people to add listing from the front end and I want to show the fields on the front end to take input.
Please Guide me

Cord Cutter Lifestyle and Tech
Cord Cutter Lifestyle and Tech - 08.05.2021 04:30

great stuff

David Deane
David Deane - 23.02.2021 09:27

This was super helpful. Thanks! I have a project that may be a little ambitious. I have a blog with posts organised by three categories: read (articles), watch (vids), listen (podcast). I love the “[clock icon] x minute read” meta info, but would like to have it so that:
– my read category displays “x minute read” (default)
– my watch category displays “x minute watch” (???)
– my listen category displays “x minute listen” (???)
I'm guessing I need an "if" function to turn on or off metadata based on category selected (eg, if category is watch, I don't want read time to also appear).
An easy job? Or a big one? :)

Dream To Unite
Dream To Unite - 15.02.2021 03:15

how about adding an image to the value like a small icon and having that show in the front page?

Jonathan Brande
Jonathan Brande - 03.12.2020 18:15

Hi thanks fot the tutorial, i want to add a custom field to the order details, how can i call the meta data from outside the post?

Migel Kapllani
Migel Kapllani - 21.11.2020 06:45

Great 😊

Tyler Merritt
Tyler Merritt - 24.09.2020 00:19

Is there a way to hard code custom fields to a custom post type without having to manually add like this?

Ăn Học Với Từ Mây
Ăn Học Với Từ Mây - 05.09.2020 23:27

Whenever I google, I see your website and tutorials :) They're great and have helped me a lot. I am not a coding person. I only imitate (copy what you show :) I trust you can do anything with Wordpress. There are couple plugins on wordpress where I need to tweak a little bit and wondering if you are available to help. Thanks a million for all your great videos. Subscribed!

Syed Atiqur Rahman
Syed Atiqur Rahman - 20.08.2020 13:01

Thank you. very nicely explained. great tutorial

Blogging Tips for You
Blogging Tips for You - 23.07.2020 06:58

Useful vid, keep 'em coming!...

Laurence De Smet
Laurence De Smet - 20.07.2020 10:27

Hi Bjorn, great video. however Ive got a new installation of WP and whatever theme I install, I only have the Hello world Post to play with. I dont have "My Best featured image" post to Edit. Am i missing basic plugins after the installation? Thanks

Aziz Ahmed
Aziz Ahmed - 11.07.2020 17:24

Great Tutorial, I have learnt so much today about custom fields. Thank you so much WPLearningLab. I have to try this today on my Dokan plugin where vendor add new product and I have created advanced custom fields ACF in my wp admin panel but those fields were not showing on the vendor's adding/editing screen, I could not figure out why, so I will try this method and see if it works.

Ron Doyle
Ron Doyle - 16.06.2020 22:34

How did you create that great intro graphic with all the words forming you logo? First time here but I subscribed and will be back!

Online Ziggasa
Online Ziggasa - 31.05.2020 10:44

Great. It's very helpful. I need also custom field with plugin.

JheysonLopez - 24.05.2020 22:00

what application use for your mouse focus ? thanks

unknown man
unknown man - 22.05.2020 19:50

hi sir, just wanna know if I have to upload bulk products can I use custom fields there?

Barbåra Mottä
Barbåra Mottä - 20.05.2020 23:16

Hi! You can help me, how display the taxonomy of custom post type? Not work with get_post_meta. I have the custom post type and cats of type post custom. and i need display in single post page. and not know the code right. Thx!

Кирилл Туров
Кирилл Туров - 08.05.2020 15:20

Thank's for useful video tutorials wordpress development. Could you make more widely lessons about difficult programming custom plugins on front-end admin wordpress side and programming front-end users side from scratch just without using all ready plugins, only your own programming code for more highly skills programming level on wordpress

Kangarooo - 11.12.2019 09:43

How is recorded mouse highlight?

chicken balls
chicken balls - 02.12.2019 04:07

Hello, I wanted to ask about your code. I'm just learning PHP (I first learned JS) so I don't know if it's a PHP quirk but your code was like this

If true then echo else do nothing

but in the "do nothing" part of your code was just blank, my question is, was the else part necessary? If I remember correctly in JS, if an if statement is false then you don't really need to do anything else if you don't want to but here in you php code you wrote a blank else statement

Resale Express
Resale Express - 06.09.2019 20:47

I don't have facebook.

Vicky - 23.07.2019 20:33

but in wp admin, there is already ACF plugin is there? but in caption of the video u have said "WordPress Custom Fields Tutorial Without Plugin " ?

Lesus - 19.07.2019 15:56

Thanks Bjorn! Just what I needed.... but quick question; I'm assuming this is the same for users? So if I have a Verified custom field, or a featured custom field I could use that to display a verified badge or get a list of featured users?

Xalaris Nikos
Xalaris Nikos - 29.06.2019 16:18

Hellooo. I would like to ask you how to add a custom field on the woocommerce product page. I want to add before sku. For example i want to add Brand: wplearning

Pengguna PHP
Pengguna PHP - 05.03.2019 02:00

toko-online lol

A S - 03.01.2019 15:08

How can we customize the category listing of posts , not single view. Also, is it possible to build a custom field for downloading from a URL which only registered users can click and non-logged users see a message to login or member login box. If you make a tutorial on this it will be highly appreciated.
I am trying to create an e-book listing page where books are listed with custom fields such as Author, Translator, Publisher, Number of Pages and a download button to download the file from a URL but I want the button to only show in the Single Page and only subscribers should be able to download.

Valrik - 15.12.2018 18:41

call me daft, but the video says WITHOUTplugin, but u use a plugin

Zomi Song
Zomi Song - 06.10.2018 05:05

Can u guys please tell me what is the difference between custom field and custom taxonomy?

Alberto Aguiar Neto
Alberto Aguiar Neto - 06.09.2018 18:01

Nice tutorial! Thank you.
Can I add a custom field without plugin by API v2?

Filip Simin
Filip Simin - 02.08.2018 18:00

I got a problem. I do everything like you did in the video but my single.php file changes don't get applied. I am using a Divi theme. When i add the Test in h1 tags it doesn't get renders. In seams like there is another file that is responsible for generating posts, in the single.php file the page title is wrapped in h1 tags but the DOM gets rendered as h2. Please if there is anything comes to mind help. Thanks!

Shrikant Gholap
Shrikant Gholap - 11.04.2018 23:22

Amazing Video. Thanks sir.

Daud Jama
Daud Jama - 02.04.2018 20:55

Great channel to come across

Jesse Nelson
Jesse Nelson - 31.03.2018 15:42

Thank you for your content!

John Boyd
John Boyd - 31.03.2018 10:42

Thank You, Bjorn. A nicely detailed explanation of how the coding actually works. But more than that, it was in layman's terms, which makes thing so much easier to understand.

Tim Martin
Tim Martin - 30.03.2018 18:46

This is a great tutorial! Although I'll probably end up using Pods or ACF etc when I create custom posts and fields...it's great to know what's actually going on in the backend!

I also REALLY LIKE that there was no music in the background of the actual learning module....that helps me concentrate better!

Thanks Bjorn!!!!!
