Blue Suns MUGEN Tournament: Team Tim Wailordlover VS Team Bluerain23 Round 1 Match 5

Blue Suns MUGEN Tournament: Team Tim Wailordlover VS Team Bluerain23 Round 1 Match 5


55 лет назад

415 Просмотров

Welcome to the fifth match of the first round of the Blue Suns MUGEN Tournament!

We're about to heat things up as we start the Fire Division! As expected, these matches are really gonna get heated!

And the first match to come is a clash between Tim Wailordlover's team of Pingu, Cammy, Popeye, and Charizard and Bluerain23's team of the Angry Video Game Nerd (AVGN), Kage-Maru, Akuma, and Terry Bogard! Tim Wailordlover hopes to do well here, but Bluerain23's team sure does look tough! Only one of these teams will be able to beat the flames and come out on top! So let's find out which team it's gonna be!

Team Tim Wailordlover:

Pingu (Mulambo)
Cammy (P.O.T.S.)
Popeye (DDR)
Charizard (Gladiacloud, Solarflared)


Team Bluerain23:

Angry Video Game Nerd (SSkye, DuckSS)
Kage-Maru (NEXUS Games)
Akuma (DivineWolf, Trololo)
Terry Bogard (Memo, edited by RagingRowen)

Stage: F-Zero GX: Fire Field - Cylinder Knot
BGM: F-Zero GX: Fire Field

To keep track of the tournament and who is still in it to win it, here's a bracket to consult:

The scores are the number of rounds won per match, FYI.

#BlueSunsMUGENTournament #BlueSunsMUGEN #BlueSunsTournament


#NICK54222 #MUGEN #Blue_Suns #MEMO #Blue_Suns_MUGEN #Blue_Suns_MUGEN_Tournament #Akuma #Blue_Suns_Tournament #Tim_Wailordlover #Pingu #Mulambo #Cammy #POTS #P.O.T.S. #Popeye #Phantom_of_the_Server #DDR #Charizard #Gladiacloud #Solarflared #Bluerain23 #AVGN #Angry_Video_Game_Nerd #SSkye #DuckSS #Kage-Maru #NEXUS_Games #DivineWolf #Trololo #RagingRowen #M.U.G.E.N.
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