A Complete Guide to everything VRChat Players Say!

A Complete Guide to everything VRChat Players Say!

The Virtual Reality Show

1 год назад

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@joannawhite1841 - 19.12.2023 10:34

Thank You so much. At 72 years young, where can i go to learn how to get started? My hope is that this reality is not as judgemental, violent or mean as the outside world, but i sure i am naive. A pleasant conversation would be nice with some one my age, but not someone who is jaded or a perv. I have found your TVRS, (I hope i got that right) to be helpful but there so much to learn and i had to slow down the content speed so i can understand and take notes. I will probably be so frighten that i will freeze up and become a mute, and have everyone think that i am a creep or something. So anyway, hope to continue to learn and maybe explore this new world reality before i become dust. Just looking for some good resources and get started safely, Thank You again, Blessings, Joanna

@andreisitancrile6999 - 17.12.2023 18:10

all my avatars that I use were stolen from others

@deathab0ve - 11.12.2023 17:20

I am actually learning a lot from this channel. I don't intend to play VRChat as mostly my experience is bad, but every time I come to this channel to learn I get more interested. So much is just confusing. I want a model, so I have to join a game with models, select them, they can be pictures not of the model, then if I fav them I still can't access them and must find again? Odd. Is it my rank? Or when I joined my first game I just heard 6 year olds screaming, so I went to "home", but home was filled with other kids. So like why is home public? Can I have a personal home? I learned to make a server so that is cool and allowed a kidless home.

I know I have to use a model for now and can't make. But you mentioned mixing them. I intended on that. Does anyone know if that is frowned upon. I LOVE a show and I don't just want to rip the character and play as her, and actually would like to be a dude, but would people be hating if I stole a piece of outfit.

Finally. I saw 1 skin, then it lead to a bikini version and I was like "ohh this is allowed interesting" then here was an option of naked. I tried and nothing happened. Now I am just curios, is this like a thing people walk around as? I am not anti-nudity, but I am anti-nudity in a game of kids. Just curios if and how limitations to such things work.

@iTzMajman - 06.12.2023 00:15

95% of all avis are "very poor" the ranking system doesn't make sense. You can be in the "green" for all stats but one thing that barely affects the game can be over the recommended and the entire avatar gets classified as "Very Poor" don't worry if you have one if you don't have something that's overly crazy.

@ryleymacgregor-pratt3551 - 12.11.2023 17:42

protogen = toster

@Boss_Sauce - 12.11.2023 09:42

Lol how my groop does portals is so much more organized we have dedicated leaders of each faction pick a leader and they go through first then you have a member from each side go through the portal every 10 seconds or join directly

@Balsy_Dad - 09.11.2023 21:44

Cuddle puddle. 🤮

@Hanzi2u - 07.11.2023 17:06

are thrill and phia dating ?

@N0M4OFFICIAL - 05.11.2023 16:40

You forgot VRDJ (Virtual Reality DJ) or VJ

@canikostar99 - 05.11.2023 00:12

Would have noted the gumroad special in the part about gumroad and booth. From my understanding, it's an avi that the seller put together to look good, but didn't do anything to optimize (maybe they expect the buyers know how to optimize or pair down to the features they like and want?). They have lots of cool shaders, features, props and a painstakingly detailed model, but they perform very poorly and may even cause unintentional crashers.

@annaengler7540 - 01.11.2023 17:12

Cheers! - an alternative I hear a lot to take a shot, often said when in large groups of people you might not know but are also drinking letting everyone know you're drinking and they should tok

@livedandletdie - 31.10.2023 21:34

OperaGX stands for Trash. Kids these days, haven't learned the true lesson of Web Browsers... Firefox all the way. It's the only decent Web Browser. And When I say the only decent Web Browser I mean it. It is the absolute best Web Browser, bar none.

@user-yp5cq7iz8q - 25.10.2023 18:03

the tupper thing funny cuse now he has people still saying he a pedo

@christalbott450 - 18.10.2023 23:39

9877544212456788987554321Hi. Breathe air. God made all. His son Jesus pardoned us of all wrongs.

@Handlerofyourmomjkjk2ugyuff - 04.10.2023 08:53

You want the short answer to this people that are mentally unstable, furries, groomers and all sorts of fucked up individuals I can happily say that I go on to that Socially Awkward environment where you can almost smell the disappointment and my regret coming on to the fuckin thing, I hate how people find that game more than life when life is outside a pixelated universe where you can do whatever I don’t give a fuck if I get hate I’m saying it as it is 😂

@HumAiClub - 21.09.2023 23:36

Thank you so much for all you do ❤❤❤❤❤

@animebitch7923 - 05.09.2023 23:52

Imma be honest, i kinda got a lil angry about the stuff about tda, but the sad part it is true. But yk I love the tda base because the first avatar i made used tda- I still use tda to this day but yk its all for personal use-

@orakuotaku - 04.09.2023 01:48

you missed VKET
virtual market its held a few times a year and its a massive world(s) that contain som,e pretty damn cool avatars and assets

@glitchgirlcutie - 29.08.2023 08:40

you for got irl

@exanzier - 28.08.2023 06:53

Its stupid to hate Rippers

People that have been ripped are just hiding what there shy a** thinks are "there" avatars. In reality when you post an avatar, its eventually going to be publicized.

@AngelSaintCloud - 24.08.2023 08:38

Whoever came up with the word rizz needs to have their nuts put in a slow cooker

@tsof_trinium6474 - 24.08.2023 08:10

not gonna lie i know some people think its cap. but opera gx is unironically really good. if you have a low end pc please install it and limit the ram on it, trust me it helps

@norman5917 - 14.08.2023 14:21

I use 2 terms jiggle and wiggle physics jiggle is where you can move it with your hands via touch but wiggle is where you can’t touch it it’s just moving while you move

@Bananaa_- - 08.08.2023 16:22

You should also probably include the terms “local” and “global” as a lot of people don’t know what they mean

@GreenBlueWalkthrough - 07.08.2023 17:25

Having been on the internet for 20 years and being a creative for a bit less alot of these terms are that old if not older... Still a great explanation!

@familytablet6453 - 06.08.2023 06:01

du u kno da wae

that saying will forever be a part of me

in CG5 form

@sandhamitizer9706 - 31.07.2023 20:32


@ariesfist6208 - 26.07.2023 09:45

I like Opera more than Google

@Stepika_hitoka - 25.07.2023 12:16

Iron mouse alert!!!

@moennich49 - 19.07.2023 20:54

i have question; is fingver tracking only possible with valve index???

@Zombuu - 17.07.2023 07:08

ive only been on vrchat for awhile but im trusted and made my own avis! im so glad i decided to download it one day lol

@sharpgamern1967 - 16.07.2023 15:15

Yesterday I got on vr with my friends for the first time now after watching this I realize what they mean by there is a lot to understand

@zoeydelia8852 - 12.07.2023 09:17

cant wait till they all realize they blind and cant read near or far sighted at 30 yrs old lol

@vyevd8 - 10.07.2023 02:57

she lied, erp is more than just holding hands and i am forever traumatized

@monikagonzalez8054 - 08.07.2023 00:25

I make my account VRC😊

@jamesflowers1295 - 06.07.2023 22:40

I get called a Questie like it's an endearing slur. Like I'm Starvin Marvin

@tommythesparta4912 - 06.07.2023 08:24

You forgot an old relic of a vr slang, "purple tags"

Players that have the trusted user rank, somep some people don't like them cuz purple tags were jerks about 50% of the time

@strange9086 - 18.06.2023 17:43

See, I had to learn "take a shot" the hard way, after playing a game and someone handing me 20 SHOTS and me being blackout drunk not long later

@Superwastaken1 - 15.06.2023 07:30

I have been and still am a proud opera gx user

@sleepyshatters8993 - 06.06.2023 23:44

You forgot "eepy". Just another way of saying I want to sleep or your sleepy

@helloww_ - 26.05.2023 14:45

Thanks for the info

@panintegral4571 - 24.05.2023 18:50

