One of the best Pi 4 operating systems. Ubuntu Mate 22.04 LTS M.2

One of the best Pi 4 operating systems. Ubuntu Mate 22.04 LTS M.2


2 года назад

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@gooberminther3tik25 - 07.04.2023 04:50

Disgusted Windoze user for decades. Dabbled with Raspberry Pi OS with a minimal appreciation. Eyes wide Open now using Ubuntu Mate 22.04 LTS onto Pironman multi-boot SSD. Dabble with the several OS but always switching back to Mate` Anxious to see Cinnamon for Pi 4B.

@bbaker6212 - 18.09.2022 23:34

Have you reviewed the Pop!_OS 22.04 for Pi ?

@LiveLife378 - 12.09.2022 01:59

OK OK OK - you sold my on it. I have been meaning to try this out on my Pi 4. Looks great and should run great too, better than manjaro KDE and maybe twister OS too. Thanks for the video as always great job! Cheers.

@vladnurk4710 - 22.08.2022 08:53

can someone please post a link to the image file

@ctyl5686 - 11.08.2022 00:31

I cannot get a reliable HDMI signal. The launch screen appears for a moment or two, but then the screen goes blank and after a while I get a 'No HDMI signal'. Other distros work fine on my 8GB RPi 4 setup, although I have to force 1080p with some, but not all distros (e.g. Kali). I have tried the config.txt settings that Lee has previously described to force 1080p for other Debian based distros, so far without luck. Any suggestions - other than buying a better monitor - would be welcome please!!

@5pa201d - 01.08.2022 11:05

Are you using the 32 bit version in this vid? I tried booting the 64 bit and it was just massively broken. The software store wouldn't work, I couldn't change themes, like 75% of the distro didn't function as intended... I'm gonna give a go at the 32 bit now and see how it goes

@stevesweb - 28.07.2022 18:39

I added Mate to my overclocked Pi 8gig. I think it may be the best one I have tried so far. I want to get it on a SSD and see how it goes. Thanks for the video.

@Nobe_Oddy - 28.07.2022 05:58

I had a look at the Argon ONE and I was impressed how it was all in one package, I was IN LOVE!!!.... until I discovered that the m.2 runs at only USB3 speeds :/ And I wanted to MAX IT OUT!!! lol So I found a board from Waveshare called the CM4-IO-BASE-B that (obviously) uses the CM4 and the m.2 runs at pci-e 4x Gen speeds (I THINK it's only 4x but it MIGHT be 8x) - So that is THE fastest storage you're gonna get on a Pi hands down :)
Now the only thing I have to do is find a reason to need that much bandwidth LOL
Oh and you can make the m.2 your boot drive, or the eMMC (which I don't have on my CM4) or microSD or USB - you can also flip a switch connect the Pi to your computer through the USB-C to USB-A and the eMMC shows up as a drive... but I've been wondering if the m.2 would show up as the drive since I don't have the eMMC
I think the original reason I wanted to use the m.2 was so I could pop it into my desktop and copy over all of my... umm... game backups ;) nice and quickly.... you know how long it would be transferring them all with an SD card... which gets about 35MB/s on desktop... I don't understand why tho... even my USB stick is that same speed, no matter if I plug them into USB3 ports.... they must both be USB 2 :/
(oh and I was just look back at some comments I wrote to you before and I was pretty rude, idk why I was a jerk to you but I REALLY want to Apologize and say I'm sorry for being so rude. You've taught me A LOT on your channel and you keep me driven to continue with my SBC journey, and I treated you very disrespectfully... Especially when I TRYING to be funny about pronouncing router 'rooter' - I'm pretty sure that's how you guys say over on the Isles and I was really rude about... I guess I was trying to be funny, but it didn't come off that way in the slightest :( sorry bro. I've gotta start thinking about what I'm saying/typing before type it and re-read it before I hit that comment button....Again, Sorry if I was a real d1ck.... )
THANK YOU for the video(s) ... you're piquing my interest with all the cool OS's ... since I have the room I think I might set up a multi-boot ... well.. ONE of these days lol :)

@x91w - 28.07.2022 02:58

has anyone got CommanderPi working on 22.04 LTS?

@iam.jasonhoward - 26.07.2022 15:45

Cool. Have you tried installing retroarch?

@UenoLocker54 - 25.07.2022 07:35

Very slick.

@danieljohnston3708 - 25.07.2022 05:30

Been using Ubuntu MATE for years now on my Raspberry Pi, an old laptop and a VM. Pantheon is also my favourite desktop layout, it looks great and is very user friendly.

@dragonclaw88 - 25.07.2022 04:24

so do you prefer this over your custom kde image? which os are you using daily if you had to stick with just one??

@jediknight2350 - 25.07.2022 03:09

great video mate.

@ImmitH - 25.07.2022 01:47

I've been running Ubuntu Mate on my pc for years now. I started because of the similarities to Gnome 2 (greatest desktop ever) and I stayed for Martin Wimpress tireless skill, work and dedication to the Linux desktop.

@MrMorokiatt - 24.07.2022 23:20

Hard to beat that Debian 11 KDE you configured. But I like this Cupertino. Keep these going.

@AntonioProla - 24.07.2022 18:45

finally got mount and blade warband running on he pi with this OS! i think all you need is both box86 and box64 installed through pi apps (on 64bit OS) and a linux copy of the game from GOG, (and mesa drivers maybe?) it wouldnt work on twister for whatever reason or any other os i tried, but on this build it just starts right away? might have been an issue with box64 but i havent seen many people trying to play this on the pi so im not sure, the os itself is also very fast and responsive with a mouse, great desktop OS

@johngallagher7762 - 24.07.2022 17:28

Lee, great video.

@billbrown3414 - 24.07.2022 15:07

Your Ubuntu Mate demo appears to be very responsive. Is that entirely due to the M.2 or is the video edited? If you didn't edit out the processing time, would you please post a video comparing Pi performance using an SD, hard drive and SSD?

@DrShaunHutchinson - 24.07.2022 13:44

I've been running Ubuntu Mate on my Pi for a year, recently it updated to this version. It really isn't bad. My only gripe is that you need 2 software stores. Besides Software, you also need Software Botique as not everything is available in Software.

@router5840 - 24.07.2022 10:58

Another great video Lee its a shame the Pi 4 is still a silly price it must be putting people of buying them.

@zxGHOSTr - 24.07.2022 10:23

Real Linux users only need a tty.

@workyz1980 - 24.07.2022 09:36

No no - now ubuntu is not true way. Only Debian!

@Jackson_Anderson - 24.07.2022 09:32

Great video, as always!
* whispers "mah-tay" everytime you say "mate" 🙂 *

@kristiansims - 24.07.2022 05:48

Is it just me or is there a lot of audio peaking in the voice over? Good video otherwise, thanks

@nymnicholas - 24.07.2022 04:53

Wimpy has never failed. If there is one Distro I still go back to, it's Ubuntu Mate. Still good. Btw, I use Arch now. Peace :-)

@TrollingAround - 24.07.2022 04:02

Still not got the top of the argon case?

@Colin_Ames - 24.07.2022 02:20

Great video, as always.

@brehme1971 - 24.07.2022 01:39

Hey. Can this one run Spotify and Netflix? Else I’ll have to stay with TwisterOS 🤷🏻‍♂️

@marekruba3864 - 23.07.2022 22:49

Tried to get sound out of HDMI and HifiBerry Digi sound card
- No reliable information no success ...

@keithmiller9665 - 23.07.2022 22:14

Thanks haven’t used Mate for awhile, been debating coming back to it as I have been using Lubuntu quite happily but worried about how the underlying Ubuntu is now developing. Could be time for a return to Mate.

@MotownBatman - 23.07.2022 21:06

Props forhte ArgonOne!

@pendragonscode - 23.07.2022 20:21

thanks for being someone who put meaningful content in the community :)

@liquidmobius - 23.07.2022 20:21

I'm very partial to Debian, but I'm very impressed. This is exactly the type of distro to bring on new users to Linux. I think I'm actually going to try this out.

@zyghom - 23.07.2022 20:15

I think I met Ubuntu around 2005, it was so new idea that time, much easier than Red Hat or so (yeap, there was a time RH was free). It is nice to see Ubuntu is still here, 17 years later ;-)

@pavan13 - 23.07.2022 20:00

Thanks for making this video

@lee99bay - 23.07.2022 19:56

There is new twister OS? What keyboard layout will be proper on RPI 400 on MATE?

@sethubalaji2257 - 23.07.2022 19:46

Super sir
