How to migrate from Boss theme to BuddyBoss Platform?

How to migrate from Boss theme to BuddyBoss Platform?


5 лет назад

5,922 Просмотров

In this video we will do a live migration from Boss theme to our new BuddyBoss Platform, showing you every step required for a smooth transition. This tutorial is for customers who are already using the Boss theme. Make sure to follow the checklist below.

-- Checklist --

2:58 - Backup your website!
3:35 - Disable all unecessary plugins
5:38 - Upload BuddyBoss Platform
6:13 - Upload BuddyBoss Theme
6:34 - Upload BuddyBoss Child Theme
7:48 - Activate license key for BuddyBoss Theme
9:18 - Enable Forums component
10:10 - Fix Forums permalinks (no longer required)
11:45 - Enable Media component
12:05 - Run Media migration
13:41 - Enable Network Search
14:52 - Enable Follow and Likes
17:12 - Enable Email Invites
18:44 - Delete unused plugins and themes
21:34 - Repair Data
27:05 - Migrate/Test any custom development

BuddyBoss provides you with the software and tools you need to help you sell memberships, courses, and build online communities.

We make it easy for you to build on WordPress, the World’s #1 open source platform, giving you the flexibility, control, and freedom you need, to create a successful online platform.


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Want to launch your own native mobile app for your online community, membership, or courses?
Check out the BuddyBoss App at


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