So I played AC Valhalla Siege of Paris...

So I played AC Valhalla Siege of Paris...


2 года назад

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jayvee - 25.08.2021 18:06

I still haven't finished all of the side stuff 😅 but sometimes it's fun to just hop on and do the junk food stuff? Thanks for watching y'all!! 💙

Emily M Schoener
Emily M Schoener - 08.11.2023 05:20

This video made me understand why I liked Valhalla against my better judgement. Whilst I knew it was wasting my time, like a bad tv show, I still wanted to see it through. The moment in Norway where I stumbled upon the spot of Eivor’s parents death and walked about the longhouse we began in — I connected with him in a way I never did with Kassandra.

Alec Brummer
Alec Brummer - 14.10.2023 14:57

Hahahahah “end of ze world” is amazing

MAX M.M. - 19.08.2023 15:58

I think that something pretty cool about the final Charles choice is Richardis' reaction after I killed him (Btw, I wanted to spare him, but didn't know how, and only after watching a video I rememebered about the gate he closed, which made me feel dumb). Her reaction genuinely made me question whether I made the right choice. And her letter after also made me question it again. I think that's show of a good character. You really want to trust her judgment, but you've also seen Charles' brutality and deteriorating mental state with your own eyes.

Btw, there was ONE single Black Box mission in the Raven and Cuckoo side-quest (main game), featuring Eivor team up with Roshan (from the upcoming AC Mirage. Yes, I was very surprised to see her after having watched the first Mirage gameplay video) to kill a target of hers, by disguising and infiltrating Ravensburg, and killing a subordinate in a public manner.

Johnny Helou
Johnny Helou - 21.07.2023 02:56

do i have to buy the DLCs for Isu story or bassim lore ??? please lemmi know

LoomisPC - 16.03.2023 18:23

I loved this DLC + druids. A LOT

camonaise - 06.03.2023 04:28

im waiting for this game to one day come to gamepass so i appreciate the censoring of mission objectives

I am a dosa :)
I am a dosa :) - 21.01.2023 07:16

hey wouldn't an fpp Assassin's creed be awsm :)

MRK1LL3R45 - 07.01.2023 00:59

When riding around I hated it because the horse was so slow it annoyed me

Mett Fox
Mett Fox - 10.12.2022 19:53

Just finished Siege of Paris. DLC is trash wtf are these reviews about? There is no siege and hardly "battle for Paris" my gaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaat

gilpetperdon - 04.11.2022 18:17

My only issue is the long distance cameras and the immersion breaking combat.

The story for me is hard to get into but I would had the combat felt really good.

moses W
moses W - 27.10.2022 06:46

i sitll stand by my word that origins has the best story between the last 4 games

Микола Сонячний
Микола Сонячний - 27.10.2022 00:09

Just finished it, too. It looks like you also opt for more realistic armors as opposed to all those epic-magic-looking ones. And your Eivor has the same hair/stache as mine :) And the same horse!

Nathan Parker
Nathan Parker - 13.10.2022 08:16

Who wanted to be a soccer game you want to be played as a fight game Viking weapons

Bruce Mohamed
Bruce Mohamed - 07.10.2022 03:33

what cult are u talking about

OnlyDeluxe - 03.10.2022 18:04

i don’t get why everyone hates on valhalla i actually really liked it. i get it’s not an assassins creed game and it was really just to tie in some real world and isu storyline but as viking game it’s absolutely great. ragnarok costing an extra 40$ was a very bad call, even to season pass holders. but it’s extremely interesting, i loved every hour i put into the game. i’m currently on my 2nd play through after all dlc has been released, i did over 150hrs on my first go through, im now on my second now even out of the first couple of england missions and 85 hours in still loving it. if you try and take your distaste and put it aside that it’s not a true assassins creed game but it’s definitely a good game

Zack Larsen
Zack Larsen - 02.10.2022 06:31

It’s nice to see you talk bout Valhalla and not just complain bout it. I played every assassin creed and if people aren’t complaining bout it not being like the originals, they complain bout every assassin creed being the same. Ik everyone has their own opinion but you should keep more of a open mind.

Rónán McGleenan
Rónán McGleenan - 30.09.2022 11:26

I loved wraith of the Druids because you could travel up the blackwater river to Armagh which is where I'm from Tbf the St Patricks cathedral didn't look anything like the one which you can see this day (Church of Ireland, there 2 but the Roman Catholic was built in the 1800's) it looks similar but not the same. Plus the Blackwater river isn't that big, runs up to loch Neigh but if you had a long ship you would have had to cross land and let it sail from the Moy. I've been dying for Ireland to be in an AC game with so much potential but hey it was a DLC, not a full game. But I know the controversy they had previously with the English, it definitely wouldn't go ahead properly with India or Ireland. Two countries absolutely destroyed by the British Empire, plus Ireland and Northern Ireland isn't a final thing yet and a very sensitive subject unless you live here you don't have a say. It is complicated, but one on the Irish revolution in the early 1900's would be great. But the inclusion of Irish mythology was also a strong point for me because most outside of this country just view us as a stereotype leprechauns, St Patrick and green which really don't define Irish mythology and this country like I love wielding Cu Chulainn even though his sword would be greater because it what he lived and died by. But fighting Balor the leader of the Fomorians was awesome. I remember growing up with those stories and to see them in a game was awesome.

1983AE86 - 29.09.2022 23:35

An Assassins Creed game where you aren't actually an Assassin and just encounter them kinda or things involving them......very weird

Abriel Robertsson
Abriel Robertsson - 28.09.2022 04:28

Fool me once, shame on me, fool me twice, I'll pay you $40 for a damn DLC.

TheColdCutCombo WithTomato
TheColdCutCombo WithTomato - 24.09.2022 07:56

I really wish AC games prioritized open ended gameplay and assassinations, similar to how dishonored did all the way back in 2012.

Alan Alb
Alan Alb - 24.09.2022 06:51

Some things of the game feel cheap and worse than unity, combat and animation is the weakest things

Ellange Piano
Ellange Piano - 22.09.2022 17:35

I just cant believe you siege paris with 10 lads
it makes no sense

Asone - 22.09.2022 14:50

this game is still shit

jury - 20.09.2022 23:42

I can't believe I downloaded over 80 GB of Valhalla, played for 5 minutes until I had to delete it 😭

Cpt_NoHand - 20.09.2022 00:01

It's funny how this game is called Assassin's Creed. Its sad..
And then..non AC fans defend it..yeah, enjoy it, but why no new franchise for these..

Türk Oglu
Türk Oglu - 19.09.2022 20:23

This is not assassin's creed i don't know what it is but it's absolutely not assassin's creed for me

InvaliDidea123 - 19.09.2022 13:00

Just tried the siege again, and i havent played anything as janky and clunky EVER. Even the isle of sky is more playable. Horse wont gallop as you prep back and forth from A to B, you can only climb a fraction of what you could in England, obstacles hitboxes and even lootboxes feel less polygonal and broken. I had no problem with the main game or other DLCs but the Siege crashed MULTIPLE times on me on PC. It's a lazy af cashgrab and a h'o h'o h'o in a terriblé french acc'ent.

NeoChibi - 15.09.2022 18:11

35 rebel missions max out the rank to 4 lol

NeoChibi - 15.09.2022 18:10

Editing the stealth settings and you get detected less and have more time to react. Does no one realize that you can edit the assassination and stealth combat. I edited the entire controller to feel like old ac games and it works.

Jon Bour
Jon Bour - 14.09.2022 17:07

Did you really just compare this to Blood and Wine like they’re on the same level?

Buzani - 14.09.2022 11:41

I love Valhalla I feel like everyone here is nitpicking at everything with the's a good game

Dio Brando
Dio Brando - 13.09.2022 08:01

The thumbnail made me think this was conan obriens clueless gamer

joey Heijmans
joey Heijmans - 06.09.2022 14:33

Wrath of the druids was peak in my opinion

Felix D.
Felix D. - 06.09.2022 12:27

I just loved Valhalla as a whole. Not as an AC but as a historical RPG

M F - 01.09.2022 19:53

A lot of the writers for Ubi are lazy or just unimaginitive. Then out of the blue you'll hit a quest or quest-line that is absolutely brilliant, and it reminds you why you play the game in the first place. Currently on the Atlantis dlc for odyssey and the first chapter was definitely in the 'mehh' category of cringe. Then I land in Hades (chapter II) and obviously a different writer or writing team was in charge because it's absolutely brilliant. Ubisoft is schizoid that way. EDIT : Now that I appear to be halfway thru it (Odo and I are buddies now), I do find myself enjoying it. The rebel missions are absolutely pointless, Toka makes me cringe.............. but it's really not a bad little story they've put together if you stick to the main thread. Glass more than half full.

Per Jacobsen
Per Jacobsen - 31.08.2022 10:44

You played the DLC as I played the game. Turned of most hud, only went for the main quest, and I had a veeeeerry looooong movie :)

3EGames - 30.08.2022 00:59

What we really need is a new assassin's creed game with Unity's Parkour, Witcher's story writing and questing, GOT combat or maybe Valhalla's combat with more variety of moves, and Origins' world design

KingReese9k - 28.08.2022 03:32

this game gets too much hate😔

Jacques Taljaard
Jacques Taljaard - 25.08.2022 18:25

i don't care for Valhalla at all . the game crashes like clockwork . Ubisoft has been denying a refund . fix or exchange for 2 years . this game made me promise that i'll pirate any Ubisoft game i want instead of buying it . this game ruined Ubisoft for me as a whole . they literally treat you like crap because you play on PC

DoubleU159 - 23.08.2022 23:47

What’s wrong with children? All npcs in this game look terrible, not just the kids, they’re just noticeably worse. They don’t look like real people their proportions and faces are so fucking weird.

Blue - 23.08.2022 09:52

Someone needs to grow up

MarineCARMINE - 22.08.2022 08:59

I love Valhalla. Don't like the dlc much. Also don't like how all the cool weapons and armor are tied to the store.

Ded2thaworld !
Ded2thaworld ! - 21.08.2022 14:10

Only AC game I actually enjoyed, i think it’s because i hate stealth games and this let me go ape shit instead.

em1ownerify - 11.08.2022 23:51

Wait!!! You guys dealt with the gold chest in the house? I thought I was losing my mind. It actually was what made me give up on the game and realize it wasn’t worth wasting my time for

Batman83 - 25.07.2022 15:42

I really enjoyed this dlc, it brought me back to what AC can be. It reminded me of how Unity was with the assassination missions.

Cristiano Carvalho
Cristiano Carvalho - 23.07.2022 14:22

I liked how we can plan assassinations but stealth mechanics needs improvements.

Kushal Paul
Kushal Paul - 23.07.2022 12:30

Ubisoft has better DLCs than their main games

NinjaFrog6 - 23.07.2022 08:14

Those French accents alone are a criminal offence
