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Zombiesplice - 29.09.2023 08:28

Thank you so much for this video! I mainly play support but this helps me understand what I’m looking for when a Winton tanks as well as basic understanding of him when/if I play as tank. LOVE the demos and walk through (: super duper helpful!! Thanks!

Frost and Fists
Frost and Fists - 18.09.2023 09:55

Really great guide! I'm mostly a Mystery Heroes player, as I like the random aspect. As such, I'm trying to learn to better my wrist characters. I really enjoyed your guide and feel like it's the best one I've come across so far!
A follow up question I have is: How do you tank for the team as Winston when the enemy has a high amount of burst damage (Bastions, Dva, Sojourn, etc.)? Sometimes, I feel like I put the bubble down and immediately it gets shattered and I'm vulnerable.

Keep up the great work and thanks for sharing your knowledge!

Brent Loy
Brent Loy - 12.09.2023 12:01

I'm a Plat Winston main, first off. Important things about my play outta the way.... It's been taking a long 3 years to understand that when I'm not doing anything as Winston I'm most definitely still "doing something". Still contributing.... even though it sounds strange 😊

Glizzywizzy - 05.09.2023 16:18

Wonton is my favorite in overlook

Bain RP
Bain RP - 02.09.2023 21:40

I love playing as winston and this guide is helpful thank you😁

GravellerGear - 02.09.2023 19:26

Winton is consistently S tier tank for this reason.

Ronin_BD - 23.08.2023 02:08

i've been playing Winton for a while now on and off. Find myself playing him more. This really helped me identify a lot of the issues i'm having in self-sustaining myself and keeping in LOS of my support. Thank you.

GldnFish - 15.08.2023 00:52

can u hold jump aswell or do u need to time it?

rattlesnk - 14.08.2023 10:01

What a skin bro! Is it possible to get it now if i haven't played the game for a while?

Biggie Cheeser
Biggie Cheeser - 08.08.2023 11:48

What sensitivity do you use for tank?

Crowdy House
Crowdy House - 03.08.2023 10:34

i have a question for me its hard to control his leap

coko - 30.07.2023 22:25

what are your crosshair settings for winston?

Swvl_dream - 28.07.2023 06:29

Not related but this is your most recent so i decided to comment on it: When using pharah have an advice for connecting shots on targets instead of hitting them with ground explo dmg from far away

Erika Grey
Erika Grey - 23.07.2023 02:47

Ty for the guide and explaining how winston works! Can u do a video with counters against him and what we can do against that😅 And wich map is good for him and why? Ty for ur content

Skeletor Ellen
Skeletor Ellen - 22.07.2023 18:41

Woaaah! Is a lot difficult to play with him than i thought D: Like ... very dynamic, here and there. Thanks a lot for the guide fellaaaaa!!
