Diablo 4 Season 3 HOTA Charge Barbarian Build Guide

Diablo 4 Season 3 HOTA Charge Barbarian Build Guide


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@Raxxanterax - 28.01.2024 22:11

Question I didn't answer in the video: How do you apply the bleed?

You have a few options:
1. Don't apply the bleed at all - just use Blood Rage for the damage increase and not to get berserking since you can gain it from War Cry and WOTB
2. Apply it by using a 2H slashing sword and putting that on charge (has to be different from your HOTA anyway)
3. The Pet has bleed support
4. Use the 2H Sword Technique Slot instead of 2H Axe

@Kaienowaty - 29.01.2024 12:21

Please stop adding this shit.
This game is fuc*g joke.

@supremeboy - 29.01.2024 11:59

I figured this similar build myself while watch Raxx yesterday. Made few changes and i'm more focused using hota, charge is for speed and weapn swapping. I just go bonk bonk and all dies. Did Vault NM 95 like that and been farming 90's like nothing. I'm also missing tibaults and that unique helmet. Only have unique amulet and using unique ring from Varshan. The Hota just feel so much better than buffing charge. I dont have to change anything when i do helltide, NM dungeons or world bosses.

@StillWeRide - 29.01.2024 11:41

so glad i went barb...havent had alot of time to play but am now shooting for this.

@davemac5074 - 29.01.2024 11:26

Its hard to hit a boss with charge on console. Any tips?

@Helena-ny1cm - 29.01.2024 09:31

I have been having a terrible time trying to find the resource support tunning stone! Is it something that I missed in a lower tier? Or is it just that random and I have rotten luck?

@Smurffies - 29.01.2024 07:27

Too many shouts for me.
but cool video tho

@adamballou1295 - 29.01.2024 07:04

This build makes me want to come back to D4

@chrisfernandez3644 - 29.01.2024 06:57

what a waste of time doing buids for a crap game, still no end game, still no fix for crap items, seasons are pure garbage because theres no end game mechanics so they are trying to find something in the season themes so they can replace the end game. Nver playing this game again Just pure crap

@BlackStarASMR - 29.01.2024 06:07

This season I played barb and I have never seen any barbarian builds before, because in season 2 I played rogue. I figured out the main aspects of this barb build on my own without knowing any Barbarian build and even without knowing what "HOTA" meant. Only now I know it's the abbreviation for "Hammer of the Ancients". Since I played rogue and now Barbarian, I can say that Barbarian is so extremely much stronger than rogue. First of all you have simply more slots for buffing aspects. You even have two slots for two-handed weapons with 100 % aspect buff each. But the main reason why Barb is so strong is that all the damage buffs for barb on items and skills are so, so, so much higher and very often multiplicative, compared to what you can get with a rogue. When I got the aspect of ancient storm I couldn't believe my eyes when my barb cleaned the screen of monsters in an instant. I knew immediately that this is completely overpowered, though fun to play. In my opinion a complete misconception of a legendary aspect if your goal is balance. When I read that Blizzard would buff Charge from 25 % damage to 250 % damage, I knew that there would be builds around it. Even without the aspect of ancient storm, Charge would be super strong to clean out the masses of monsters. But the aspect of ancient storm simply multiplies the effect of 10 times damage with another 5 times damage. So overall you basically have 50 times the damage. That's crazy. And sadly, it's only one example why Barb is so overpowered. Last season you could not clean AoZ T25 with a bow and arrow rogue. Absolutely no chance. But HOTA barb with the overpowered overpower could clean AoZ T25 easily. The glyph was completely overpowered as well and of course made the already overpowered builds even much more powerful, so you could see crazy damage numbers in the trillions. It's obvious that Blizzard sucks at mathematics and obviously does not understand the concept of exponential growth even now. Of course to MULTIPLY damage buffs makes damage numbers go through the roof if you only include enough multiplicative factors with significant damage increases. This is a complete misconception and makes non-multiplicative damage buffs so much weaker, if not completely useless. It's no wonder that Blizzard has to patch everything over and over again, because the multiplicative damage boost (or exponential damage boost, like I call it) is so completely insane. Many people don't know much about mathematics. I am a mathematician. As soon as I saw the basic concept of the damage formula and the different damage buffs divided into the categories "additive" and "multiplicative", I knew that this will go to insane damage numbers. In my opinion this basic concept of the damage formula has to be completely reworked in order to give the ground for balance. Otherwise even slight changes let the damage numbers fluctuate with ease. It's like Blizzard does not understand the concept of exponential growth and that when Blizzard sees a build with damage going through the roof ("overpowered"), they nerf it, but buff something else, so the something else goes through the roof. It feels like Blizzard is balance patching by trial and error, moving around in the nebula without the knowledge of how extreme exponential growth is. Blizzards acts like a Sisiphos in my opinion. Instead of fixing the basic misconception of the damage formula, they fix aspects surrounding this basic misconception of the damage formula. It's like when there is a fire in every room of the house, originating from a gas leak in the cellar, and you try to battle the fire in every single room except for the cellar, from where fire spreads again and again.

@Chris-vm3ym - 29.01.2024 05:56

Asking if anyone else has noticed this issue. I have a 2 handed mace it's 2000 more DPS than my present weapon. If I put it on attack power doesn't change. If I check stats it shows the increase under bludgening weapon. Only changes to attack power are from stats like strength or all stats being on the weapon. This is the same with one handers as well. I can even remove them and my attack power doesn't change. However if I change my 2 handed slash weapon attack power changes. If I remove my slash weapon my attack power drops to 0.

I tried it on my barb on eternal realm and things changed as normal this is only on seasonal.

@BlackStarASMR - 29.01.2024 05:34

I don't like builds that rely on seasonal powers, like the skills of the construct, because once the season is over, you char will be transfered to the eternal realm and will not work properly, because you relied on the construct for fury regeneration. The concept is seasons is flawed anyway. Wish it would be an extension each season, instead of a replacement with a new beginning at level 1. The latter is so stupid and demotivating.

@BlackStarASMR - 29.01.2024 05:27

I'd rather go with the aspect of elements to increase physical damage by 60 %[x] half of the time, which is a simple, passive damage increase of 30 %[x] on average. The damage fluctuates, yes, but it's great.

@b.banner_hulk6867 - 29.01.2024 05:23

What weapon do you assign to Charge? The 2H sword?

@shanerowell6943 - 29.01.2024 05:05

This is an example of why you more than earned my sub a while back. Thank you for another excellent post.

@1980chardison - 29.01.2024 04:47

How do you get fury up dam

@deenyc1049 - 29.01.2024 04:45

I’m using this guide, I’m assuming I need to get to around 70 before I can get rid of my generator.

@katiesbackyard3584 - 29.01.2024 04:40

Wow this is the exact video and build I was looking for. Thank you, sub'd!!

@XXLepic - 29.01.2024 04:29

Any update to Nm dungeon tier list please

@craig6090 - 29.01.2024 04:06

"More health than the Eifel tower"

@61hellfire - 29.01.2024 03:40

You can literally add the charge build to any existing build I'm using it on the whirlwind end game build, hits so hard.
Found on bossing godslayers works better duriel Ect.

@mathewbegnoche2095 - 29.01.2024 03:07

Thanks for a great guide raxx, Being uber casual I enjoy watching you blast. Also knowing you are from Nebraska is awesome as I'm living in Nebraska.

@ericwhittington4133 - 29.01.2024 03:03

This is the first season I started with a barb. Definitely different play style to my usual Druid or sorc. Slow starting out but is picking up

@LabeLincoln - 29.01.2024 02:55

Quick question. Im running quite high overpower % with a 40% crit chance. Im using the garunteed overpower paragon perk(every 12sec is OP garuntee) but ive noticed while using Charge, that approximately 70% of the time the game seems to prioritze the yellow crit damage number over the blue overpower number even though its at the 12sec garunteed mark. Id say about 20% of the time it does register the blue overpower damge number. And less than 10% of the time i get the orange crit/op damage number. Is this normal or have i hit some kind of diminishing return wall? Also id like to say HOTA does not seem to be affected the same way. I get the orange crit/op damage number closer to 30-35% of the time. My basic attack(linging strike) get the orange numbers about as often as HOTA. Just what ive noticed while using my version of the build.

@kevingriffin5888 - 29.01.2024 02:42

I mean is there a build link?

@gonfurion - 29.01.2024 02:34

I tryed, barb early is so slow and boring that made me quit, this is a bad season omo

@1ricekake - 29.01.2024 02:25

Thank you sir for this great content. I’ve watched a lot of barb builds as I’ve never played one and this video explained it so much more clearly than the others. Much appreciated.

@Malacite - 29.01.2024 02:09

I'm very curious to see how HotA compares to Rend. I am currently gunning for a Ring of the Ravenous as it has insane stats on it, just gotta hope the devs finally fix Rupture.

@darkwhorse - 29.01.2024 02:04

Ryan, thanks for "ripping the balls off" and putting Adamantium Truck Nuts on this Barb build

@lawlinyourface - 29.01.2024 01:29

Yeah even using your link for the build it pulls up a totally different build than this one. How do I get the build you have here?

@Thereal47Ronin - 29.01.2024 01:22

I would go for WW Hota Build. Even if Hota/overpower is nerfed you can stil hit an ez 300-400m hit.

@glitchy8429 - 29.01.2024 01:19

Thank god I’ve just been saving everything for all the charge builds lol, there’s like 10 different awesome barbs this season.

@lawlinyourface - 29.01.2024 01:11

Why is the build online different but updated yesterday

@Dwal1n - 29.01.2024 01:02

How can I apply Vulnerable? I cant see any skill for that in this build.

@Nothingnesslol - 29.01.2024 01:02

They really should give xp from the rares in the last room

@asersorari6891 - 29.01.2024 00:18

Is it adviced to build the normal paragon "hota" focus or the charged focus paragon. !?

@lemmedasker - 29.01.2024 00:08

Step 1: alt f4
Step 2: boot up poe
Step 3: ????
Step 4: success

@juanflis9578 - 29.01.2024 00:04

Chargue not work vs bosses 😢

@gollese - 29.01.2024 00:03

Why no combat text?

@Junksho1 - 28.01.2024 23:52

Thing is, even if I focus on the "hota part", it does no dmg compared to my Charge, idk, feels wrong in a way.

@BabyDahl28 - 28.01.2024 23:42

Earned a like and subscribe for keeping it real. I prefer it to see actual footage over pre-recorded stuff that only highlights certain things. Been debating on what i wanted to use with charge as ive never played a barb before. WW and upheaval werent really growing on me so ill try this now.

@lurkar86 - 28.01.2024 23:40

this will sound stupid but how are you attacking without lunging strike being on your hotbar, I'm on ps5 so maybe its coz using a mouse you can still attack?

@duchailu - 28.01.2024 23:38

so, what's your guess on how many more seasons barbs will OS world bosses, 4 men duriel and lilith ?

@collinsmcrae - 28.01.2024 23:29

Elon Musk was right I guess. Might as well just be called Barbarian instead of Diablo.

@tntennison88 - 28.01.2024 23:22

Killed a world boss solo... That sums up D4

@user-ij7dp3mm6c - 28.01.2024 23:15

ah good ol hota

@derpy1744 - 28.01.2024 23:07

Thank you sir. I appreciate you and your content. ❤

@manuelredondo9357 - 28.01.2024 23:00

So you said Barb was the slowest class to lvl on a video.
2 days later you see barb is actually the fastest class to lvl, you copy the build and proceed to say it is yours.
Good content

@nelsonsinger3274 - 28.01.2024 22:46

So badass dude I went to update my game and it deleted it 👍

@sysfrozen - 28.01.2024 22:43

I hope after two seasons of watching barbs do dumb broken things. Barb goes back to d4 preseason build.
