quiet-quitting is even better than you think

quiet-quitting is even better than you think

Alice Cappelle

1 год назад

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@BEACHDUDE71 - 11.01.2024 07:38

I only work 21 hours 😂

@BINSNEWS - 10.12.2023 07:16

She's right in a lot of ways this is like "back door" unionization. I don't blame ppl. for doing it. U really have to know how to "work" the system, before U do this. U usually can't prove much, if they say things against U to a new employer as a reference.

@trueromani7262 - 12.07.2023 19:09

I don't know about community work. I just hate most people.

@anajovanovic265 - 26.06.2023 15:51

The work culture in my country has always been this toxic, we are all basically indoctrinated that what the work contract says is the minimum and your actual job is pretty much whatever the employer asks. If you even work exactly what you contract says (no more or less) you are considered bad employee. During my first year working I once left the office after 2 hours overtime after failing to complete a task that I received that afternoon and in the morning I was welcomed by an entire speech from my boss on chat accusing me that I don't want to work 🤨

@georgepalmer5497 - 11.06.2023 21:53

In America factories are pulling out of Main Street and moving to third world countries like Mexico. I know a woman whose husband worked for a factory for decades, and the factory decided to go get cheaper labor in Mexico. They lost everything. I don't know where they are now, but I bet it isn't good. What the white collar people don't understand is that if they don't pay their workers more no one will be able to buy what they produce. One thing that would help is to raise wages overseas and bring down trade barriers. Then the poor in overseas countries could afford to buy what the developed world produces.

@janito799 - 25.05.2023 00:09

French dont shower

@londonhughes5986 - 31.03.2023 01:04

Due to paying my own expenses and student debt, I broke down crying last week when I was finally able to not call myself lazy. To admit to myself that working full time and going to school/two jobs during breaks for the last 5 years (65-70 hrs of work a week) is too much for me mentally and physically, and that when I enjoy life outside of my 40 Hr a week internship, I am not being selfish. The US education system is all kinds of messed up, but I am looking at the future with more positivity and pride than when I was in the midst of my lowest points in life so far.

@wolborg105 - 27.03.2023 19:05

Ben Shapiro voice: Wow, Alice. You want 70% of the ad revenue? Here's 70 reasons why I don't agree even if it would benefit me

@kaninma7237 - 17.02.2023 08:40

Even those who quiet quit do more work than shareholders do for the dividends they get. Shareholders expect to paid for doing no work into the indefinite future, yet they are likely to complain loudly and angrily about those who "work their wage," as the video put it.

@user-xz6cb3iz8s - 11.01.2023 19:18

Probably the only meaningful leftist trend

Everything else is bs for high middle class kids

@RavarsenBlogspot - 26.12.2022 23:48

I quietly fire the ones who quitely quit

@endlessnessdown5012 - 26.12.2022 03:13

12 hours of boring work and being paid 21$? no thank you.(21$ per work day mind you)

@catsaresocute650 - 25.12.2022 22:54

I always adpired to that. 40h work week focused effort, in emergency cases more, but
otherwise I come in or turn in work until break then the rest and then I am done. I want to work. It's very important to me. But like as one aspect of my live. Not my live

@joaomrtins - 28.11.2022 03:27

What about quietly seizing the means of production?

@ahnafkayess8587 - 21.11.2022 17:11

She really has a good sense of humor

@speedemon851 - 08.11.2022 11:23

it's not "quiet quitting", it's really more ACTING YOUR WAGE! The corpos could care less about whether we live or die, just as long as the money keeps coming in. Workers of the world unite, an injury to one is a injury to all.

@beanwednesdays - 28.10.2022 07:02

I worked at a shitty, miserable company that thrives on abusing the bottom of the ladder, and I risked everything by quiet quitting. I refused overtime, didn’t work harder than what I was working and very bluntly reminded my superiors that I don’t get paid to do some of the tasks they delegated to me, but I took the time to find a new job as well.

@azfarsyed7082 - 21.10.2022 19:14

We people today have no 💡 where to 🔍 real relationship, A Book' Wrote Marry Shelley in year 1818, " Frankenstein" please to try to read, Man made high tech, 📱, apple watch.?How to marry & to look after their babies, Who will give protection of future generations.Islam gives us one Message.Awareness .Fairness for All. Financial system have failed to fullfil basic needs of 7 Billion+ people in this 🌏.Thanks your good useful information.

@FlawlessP401 - 21.10.2022 18:45

Welp I hate poor people more and more everyday

@maipensapparot - 21.10.2022 17:53

Is this a typo in the name of the video?

@tipoftheiceberg7034 - 21.10.2022 11:22

I'm not anti work at all. Working can make you feel like you have a good routine if you don't work crazy hours you feel like you gotba groove going, if you got a good manager and good co workers that you like and get along with then you're going to feel better PLUS get a little extra money. Quiet quitting on the other hand is cool. I'm also not leftist at all, most of them are retarded however so are people too far on the RIGHT as well. There's some honestly good ways of trying to change things that left does really well but it's the individualised shit like insufferable trans and AAAALL the weird fuckers that branched off of that

@Xena9002 - 21.10.2022 09:14

It’s wild to me that acting your wage is considered lazy. Companies want to pay workers as little as possible for the maximum work yet they’re surprised workers don’t want to work more than their allocated wage??

@fudgenutss4 - 20.10.2022 18:33

It’s pronounced “cu-why-et”

@serenasirb7505 - 20.10.2022 15:26

I agree that the people who find themselves in this kind of problems are indeed privileged by the standards of many, many people. But that doesn’t mean that it couldn’t bring change worldwide after a while by setting examples of healthy boundaries for the work-life balance. This could mean actual positive change starting with how we raise our children and wether we feel like having them which will make for growing, prosperous societies and freer and happier individuals.

@aureliustirto3159 - 20.10.2022 15:07

Depends if they have a controlling majority or not. If they don’t and they sell the shares, other investors will just buy them ip.

Also if they do have a controlling majority, they can’t just break up the companies. Assuming the money invested belong to their clients, if breaking up the companies is against the best interest of their clients, then JP Morgan could be liable for breach of fiduciary duty.

@babsalabs3984 - 20.10.2022 14:46

Hello! Sooo, when I first started working, we had union shops and reps on site, we were encouraged to join them. Now when you join you have to "keep it quiet". I used to work loads of hours thinking that I'd get a pay rise, the pay rise never came. So now I just do what I need to do and go home. I'm so confused on what quiet quitting actually is??

@heatherduke7703 - 18.10.2022 23:40

You might want to go back through the subtitles and correct all the instances where it calls it “quite quitting” instead of “quiet quitting” 😛

@karsit0owo892 - 18.10.2022 21:38

something similar happened in Mexico with unions. They are seen pretty much as bullshit by a lot of people in the country because during the second half of last century, a lot of political parties and politicians did a lot of resources diversion thorugh unions. So generally speaking, a lot of people see them just as another non trustworthy, bureaucratic institution

@josueravena3464 - 17.10.2022 05:02

In a nutshell, we don't want to be exploited let alone for not being properly compensated.

They should go on strike, fight for their rights.

@ciaxx - 16.10.2022 23:16

I am fine with unions as long as barriers to entry are kept to a minimum. The problem is that in practice, unions sometimes protect people who are already established within an industry at the expense of people trying to get into it for the first time, by making it impossible to make a living in that industry without union membership while also making it very difficult and time consuming (sometimes years) to get membership. This is true especially in creative industries.

@moosy - 16.10.2022 13:28

Can we please rename it? Like quit-working maybe?

@manynames741 - 16.10.2022 04:19

kwi yet (2 syll.)

@olalovelee - 16.10.2022 00:16

The first 10 seconds… subscribed lol

@mentak2593 - 15.10.2022 23:45

It’s funny how the upper classes want to call workers lazy, while they themselves make money sitting at home, charging the middle and lower class massive percentage rates on loans, credit cards - pretty much everything possible until we are essentially indentured servants. They will exploit every last drop of blood they can until there is a massive uprising. You would think internet/social media would have made it easier to get workers to band together but instead things just devolve into petty squabbles over gun control, pronouns, vaccines etc …and nothing gets done. I really hope change happens soon with quiet quitting and strengthening/ forming unions.

@60gator - 15.10.2022 23:44

People are such sissies.Let me tell all you geniuses something, we're headed into a major depression and if you have some bull crap office job you're the most expendable people in a company.Grown men standing in line for a bowl of soup.Grow up study the 1930's and steel yourselves for the train wreck.

@rayorbison4699 - 15.10.2022 23:25

How is quiet quitting any different from just doing your job, other than letting someone else influence how you are supposed to feel about the work you do? Isn't that just "working", and quitting is...quitting?

@heitorfreitas3662 - 15.10.2022 19:04

you guys are one step close to the communist manifesto, please run towards It!!

@jrme4216 - 15.10.2022 15:55

enuough! quiet quiting is not about being lazy, being lazy would mean doing less than agreed. quiet quitting means you do the job you were hired to do and nothing else, meaning no mor unpaid overtimes. why so few people understand this.

@elizabethmoran6966 - 15.10.2022 10:24

….until you get laid off because someone worked harder than you 😂

@valentinadigiorgio1840 - 15.10.2022 07:13

Us, europe, and the rest. Recognize the rest, name the rest.

@erenbay8668 - 15.10.2022 06:34

I woder do you have a french version of your channel or podcast? if not, can you recommend similar channels in french?

@rosevisionmacs - 15.10.2022 02:15

Acting their wage. I love it!

@MichibellaD.C. - 14.10.2022 21:59

This isn’t anti work it’s ANTI-ABUSIVE WORK.. you’re supposed to do your job and go home and enjoy yourself.

You work to live, not live to work!!!!!!

Not do your job recover and only have an hour for yourself.
