4K CABVIEW Dimitrovgrad - Niš (Sićevo Gorge rock cliffs and Nišava river valley -- Southeast Serbia)

4K CABVIEW Dimitrovgrad - Niš (Sićevo Gorge rock cliffs and Nišava river valley -- Southeast Serbia)


3 года назад

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Augustus-Z - 04.05.2023 16:11

Beautiful journey, thank you.

Chris Borel
Chris Borel - 28.04.2023 11:57

If the train of liquified gas seen after 34 minutes of this video is a full loaded one, its 22 wagons and the engine weight more or less 2200 metric tons. It is frightening to see such a dangerous product transported on such a dilapidated infrastructure.
Thank you for this great video. A former Swiss federal railways train driver.

Kale Kale
Kale Kale - 13.03.2023 23:20

Nigde nikog nema. Opuste nam Srbija

Markus Ramseier
Markus Ramseier - 07.03.2023 19:40

From now until the first quarter of 2025, this route will be rebuilt, electrified and upgraded for speeds of up to 120 km/h. Something's up!

Đorđe Tičerić
Đorđe Tičerić - 01.01.2023 22:37

Зашто на овој прузи ( Која очигледно има доста критичних тачака) нису постављене паралелне шине које спречавају исклизнуће вагона?

Đorđe Tičerić
Đorđe Tičerić - 01.01.2023 22:22

Дулевоз би могао да јасније означи називе деоница пруге, Брзине , итд.!

Đorđe Tičerić
Đorđe Tičerić - 01.01.2023 22:06

Има ли ИКО у Дирекцији Железница Србије ко је прошао овом пругом ? Из “ Авиона” се види да је 80 о/о дрвених прагова полу-труло ! А том пругом се возе вагони - цистерне са Опасним материјама! Ремонтовање ове пруге треба да буде Приоритет у 2023 години ! Поред пруге , треба и обновити зграде Станица ! Није нам најважнији Национални Стадион !

georg1945 - 09.10.2022 18:19

Lepa je Srbija !!! Hvala ti DuleVoz !!!

directorient - 06.09.2022 22:05

I travelled on this line 3 times with the old Istanbul Express between 1989 and 1990. That was before Yugoslav war and Serbia-Kosovo war; anyway trains were riding at this speed, even on the main line south of Belgrade, where every train from Skopje, Greece, Bulgaria and Turkey had to travel to reach Belgrade. Trains were riding very very slow, tracks were in a miserable situation. And war had yet to come.

Pobunjenik - 16.08.2022 12:34

Uzivamo u vožnl

Anthony Sherry
Anthony Sherry - 06.08.2022 01:58

Its like a episode of " 60 years after humans".. tragic, but quite beautiful as well

Egor Okorokov
Egor Okorokov - 18.07.2022 23:10

Это прекрасно, природа из кабины! Такой шарм, мистика, когда поезд идёт по тропинке в лесу, и вверху смыкается листва! Перед Островицей.

Eduardo Lorenzetti
Eduardo Lorenzetti - 06.05.2022 21:10

Almost abandoned

Алексей Белоусов
Алексей Белоусов - 01.05.2022 09:39

Так много участков с медленным движением, почему?

miha mihic
miha mihic - 22.04.2022 22:59

ova pruga je u jako losem stanju-sve je zaraslo ko u prasumi skoro pa se ne vise sine od trave male brzine lupa sve jadno je to a kupili nove vozove za sta da se unistavaju po tako losoj pruzi

Trains & Boats
Trains & Boats - 14.03.2022 09:16

Amazing footage ❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️

Baptiste Esclauze
Baptiste Esclauze - 03.03.2022 23:59

Coucou et coucou j'aime beaucoup Les trains ce manifique j'adore boucoup fait rêver paysage très jolie adore boucoup sentiments dévoués à bientôt Merci 💌💞💕💓👍👍👍✋✋✋💞💞💞💕💕🌹🌹🌹

Ataur Rahman
Ataur Rahman - 28.02.2022 02:15

I see these videos while doing my TreadMill work out. Wish your description on the lower Left corner were a bit larger in Font Size for easy reading. Very nice natural scenerio, thanks for sharing.

Adnan Mulaimovic
Adnan Mulaimovic - 29.01.2022 15:39


Peg Allen
Peg Allen - 13.01.2022 22:53

Thank you for the ride along in such a beautiful country. So lush and green

Skye Samuels
Skye Samuels - 07.12.2021 08:15

Quality Footage 👍👍👍

Angela Weedon
Angela Weedon - 03.09.2021 02:32

I love the greenery!

Carrie MacDougall
Carrie MacDougall - 20.06.2021 11:24

Thank you. 😊

Hunor Bács
Hunor Bács - 24.05.2021 12:16

This mountain in Serbia is better than the mountain in Germany

Żorsz Popmpi
Żorsz Popmpi - 19.05.2021 22:55

This train goes through meadows and through green tunnels :-)

laurent jallet
laurent jallet - 05.05.2021 02:00

Merci beaucoup belle vidéo ça change de la france

aufaida sehn
aufaida sehn - 13.04.2021 20:03

Hi! I'm from Germany and planned to visit Serbia, Montenegro and Bosnia&Herzegovina for the first time in my life in March 2020. Then Covid came and I hoped to do my trip in March 2021. Sadly that turned out to be impossible as well. But thanks for your videos of these countries, it's a pleasure to enjoy that beautiful landscape there, making it all a bit easier to deal with. Hvala!

Seamus McEvoy
Seamus McEvoy - 08.04.2021 19:18

Having watched quite a few of your videos now, it always strikes me how green and lush Serbia appears to be. Well done, please keep the videos coming.

Miljan G-4
Miljan G-4 - 10.03.2021 13:27

Zbog cega ova pruga nije elektrificirana ni pre ni posle devedesetih?

Miljan G-4
Miljan G-4 - 10.03.2021 13:26

Lep video

Wimex - 05.03.2021 01:17

Well, after seeing this, I think I'll never complain about Czech railways again

Nikola Zlatkovic
Nikola Zlatkovic - 03.03.2021 20:43

kad krece rekonstrukcija pruge ?

Sergio Neves
Sergio Neves - 12.02.2021 19:36

Dulevoz, a linha de comboio e a paisagem são espetaculares,percebesse que está em modernização, no entanto é perigoso ter a vegetação tão próxima da linha.

Vincenzo Canta
Vincenzo Canta - 12.02.2021 19:25

Is it the line for Greece?

Wallykget1 - 05.02.2021 07:33

These slow train rides reminds me of my younger self when i used to take long bus rides to spend some weekends in the country.

Київський Кіт
Київський Кіт - 03.02.2021 17:38

Чесно кажучи, я думав, що ця важлива лінія була вже давно електрифікована. Адже вона з'єднує Європу з Туреччиною і Близьким Сходом.

А щодо обмежень швидкості... Нічого дивного, залізниця проходить у горах, де не дуже й розженешся. У наших Карпатах теж не надто швидко їздять.

Arne SW
Arne SW - 06.12.2020 00:02

Its almost unbeliveable that this line is still up and running, dispite almost all the stations, houses and infrastructure is abandoned. No signals is working and only the most important raiway crossings are working. It is very interesting to watch this video. Thank you so much for sharing it with us. Regards from Norway.
😉👍 🇳🇴

뚠뚠 - 24.11.2020 13:05


Shmuel Yerushalmi
Shmuel Yerushalmi - 24.11.2020 00:10

Very great and beuatiful views. Thank you!

John Falkenstine
John Falkenstine - 08.11.2020 13:40

Yes, it's a bit rundown. wooden sleepers for the tracks and it is slow. Also, very beautiful countryside and the rolling stock is good. It's not always neccessary to have a fast train and the latest of everything.

Ljubodrag Djukic
Ljubodrag Djukic - 22.10.2020 13:49

Брзе пруге су добре за послован свет али овако полако одгледати лепоте овог дела Србије па то је дивно. И податци које даје уметник Душан се уклапају у ову лепоту. Хвала г. Душану за овај и друге виде које је снимио и са нама поделио.

Zvonko Velickovic
Zvonko Velickovic - 19.10.2020 04:15

Bravo Dude,car si za ove vozove,iz celog sveta te ljudi pozdravljaju,samo tako nastavi !
