Waste of Money: NVIDIA RTX 3080 Ti Review & Benchmarks

Waste of Money: NVIDIA RTX 3080 Ti Review & Benchmarks

Gamers Nexus

3 года назад

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@phobia8879 - 26.11.2023 10:29

Just got a 3080ti EVGA FTW for 550$ USD. Should have gone 3080 for 425$ USD though since theyre about the same performance!

@TekNeil - 06.11.2023 09:44

So...End of 2023, is a used 3080TI worth £500? Coming from a GTX1080 i bought brand new 7? Years ago for circa £700. I run four 1080p 75hz monitors and do triple (5760x1080) gaming AND live streaming. The good ol 1080 is starting to show its age. 😢 @GamersNexus

@lk2178 - 04.11.2023 05:14

Watching with this card 🤠

@xFierceDeityx-wx5nh - 29.10.2023 11:01

Its not a waste of money when theyre cheaper and upgrading from a 3050. never buy a gpu at msrp or scalper price stupid of anyone to do. You dont need to upgrade to a new card every year thats kinda a waste of money and not enjoying the card necessarily with time. I think every 4-5 years should go for an upgrade at this point. Ill sure as hell buy a 5080 ti when im done with my 3080 ti.

@JoeJ523 - 27.09.2023 21:49

Whatever I just bought a used 3080 TI for $480 bummer…..

@COMMANDandConquer199 - 18.09.2023 09:01

2023 and I just picked one up for $650, so I think I'm doing ok compared to when it launched.

@Nathdood - 04.09.2023 07:50

i just got one two years later for 600... i think thats reasonable

@googie - 30.08.2023 08:01

this is the problem with factoring $ value in the review. you just look dumb years later when the prices fall and the tech is still outperforming newer models lol

@PoRRasturvaT - 15.08.2023 15:04

I have a strong consideration for the 3080Ti on the used market today because it's barely more expensive than 3080s, yet it got wide memory bus and 12GB.
It's almost a shame it's out of the comparison on 4070Ti reviews

@teej_youtube - 14.08.2023 09:33

I swear dude just uploads videos to bitch nothing has changed lol RTX 5090 announced omfg by some miracle Nvidia announced it will be $599... Gamers Nexus, "It should be $449 because of blaah blah bitching this bitching that."

@MegHumper - 02.07.2023 20:51

sure am glad i didnt listen to this when i bought my card. sure did help when hogwarts legacy came out and when re4 remake, and and the last of us made 3080 non ti's look like a joke. thanks tho. oh, and my wifes 3060 12gb runs 1080 just fine. something told me 12gb was the next step. rtx 5070 will be our next cards. so long as the bus isnt 192 bits like 4070s. limiting bus speeds to handle certain resolutions is dumb and limits peoples choices.

@hobbyxplorer - 26.06.2023 19:38

I was running a 6900XT and it was great for gaming, until I got into some Ai work. It was horrible. So I grabbed the EVGA FTW 3080 ti 12gb preowned for $650. It actually goes for $1300 as of now. I guess since they don't make them anymore.

@AntoineFinch - 13.06.2023 19:53

Movie prop Money for Movie prop gpu's in June of 2023 seems about right!

@Akotski-ys9rr - 10.06.2023 21:33

You can probably get a 4090 for $1200 these days

@craig7899 - 01.05.2023 10:21

I camped outside best buy back in the great gpu shortage times. I got a ticket for a rtx 3080 for 700 and traded it the sameday in line for a 3080 ti to a miner. A 3080ti new during the gpu shortage was a steal at $700. $1200 is a waste of money

@maxxomega6599 - 17.04.2023 08:44

I have up to $3000 to spend on a 2 new GPU's. After all these You Tube videos I have watched, I'm just not sure what to buy...I have just built 2 new Gamer Rigs with a 12700K in each one...

@filterdecay - 06.04.2023 19:21

i just bought one used for $50 more then the 3080 used prices. So that seems in line with the performance increase.

@aaz1992 - 01.04.2023 11:03

Crazy how my new RTX 4080 laptop gets roughly the same performance as the 3080 Ti but the 4080 has frame-generation. A lot of progress in a year

@jarablue - 09.03.2023 09:55

Bought a EVGA 3090 FTW3 Ultra Gaming card off facebook for 750$. I am good till 5 or 6 series. Nv will probably charge 3k per card by then.

@haies09 - 02.03.2023 15:41

Paid $800 for mine 😊

@hello7431 - 13.02.2023 10:04

This aged badly. The 3080ti has the best (performance * (performance / price)) of all time, you just have to buy used.

@filiplaskovski9993 - 11.02.2023 14:23

The 3080 is the best price to performance card of all time, my 3080 trio scores 19053 graphics score on timespy!! Right up there with the 3080ti’s scores

@jasonrebelo4584 - 09.02.2023 17:50

2023 opinion COMMENT HERE. Value is subjective. Love the work these guys do. But understand my story and see why no regrets:
2019 - Gathered Am4 build with gifted shitty GPu so I could get everything built and running.

Shortly after the world 🌎 shutdown.
GPUpocalypse happens and now there's no cards or 4-5x retail price cards.

I'm in southern ONTARIO Canada.

I waited almost 2 (advertisement friendly) years before deciding on enough is enough I'd like to game on the $1500 gaming machine I built in 2019 and not just use it for basic work tasks and StarCraft haha.

. Enter the still scarse Canada market summer 2022. I found a 12gb 3080ti for $1300 down from $2000 at a local computer store that got 3 in stock.

I went to straight from work bought it on credit card and boy oh boy no regrets super fucking happy.

Yes my GPU cost the same as the rest of my build roughly. (But next upgrades in 1-2 year chip\board\ram will be heavily cheapened Am4 top tier products likely clearances and get all for less than 700 for a top pp 4k adequate fps killer for another 5 ish years). Without my PSU catching fire.

I digress the point. Only cards I could find were $700 NOT GOOD CARDS. I want 2k and 4k 60-120 gaming. I snagged a card right before they became available and on sale for 30 series and I got sooooooo but hurt thinking I made a massive mistake (all hype it's only money). Then the 40 series launched and thanks I love my 3080ti. loveeeeeeeee it no regrets
Super happy 3080ti owner here
I get 4k 110-140 on pretty much anything I touch. Hell I even run a 65 Sony x90j on HDMI 2.1 with it and 4k120 is gorgeous smooth.... I could go on but ye forget 40 series and Am5 ridiculous pricing to build all new PC no thanks top out Am4 for 5 years is my strat, and opinion.

I'm no expert just a guy waited 2 years for a decent GPU and happily paid 1300 after plenty of time to save

@GetPaypaTop - 25.01.2023 19:14

I WISH I had seen this video b4 spending almost 2k .. f nvidia

@kris33451 - 18.01.2023 01:25

now its gud for 3oo usd used ahahah

@madgtagamer - 09.01.2023 19:50

Thanks for your honesty

@dishsoap1 - 05.01.2023 20:59

Coming from a 2080TI and only gaming in 4k, The upgrade to this card was a nice boost. I also mined on this card for about 8 months which brought down that 1200 dollar price tag some. It essentially games like a 3090, so it’s a cheaper than one in that sense.

@TheDiWHYGuy - 02.01.2023 22:11

My EVGA Hybrid 3080Ti is a beast never gets over 65c and can render a 11 min 4k video in less than 4 min, and keeps my games frames over my refresh rate (144Hz) 2K easy, but I will have to use it for 20 year to financially recover from the covid price I had to pay... ps my cpu is a i7 7700k so bottle necked some what but not to worried about it lol :D

@adamt3149 - 26.12.2022 18:46

I have a 3080ti only time it flickers is when i connect the hdmi to a 4k sony 120hz tv

@JCTiggs1 - 25.12.2022 03:12

The 3080 Ti is for buyers who don't know any better and think the extra $400+ cost matches the actual performance increase. Nvidia knows these customers exist.

@tomr3319 - 20.12.2022 22:19

How do perceive the value of money these days? $1000 USD is what was $750 USD three years ago.. i don't get the hate for hi end cards, really man the card is alot smaller than the 3090 FE and is just as good in performance. A small PC builders dream as the 3080 ti FE will fit in most smaller cases without issues. Why no mention of the pros? i just bought this card for 900 CAD, i paid $1,200.00 CAD in 2019 for a zotac 2080 amp. Let it go man... the card is brilliant.

@JelyFishTN - 20.12.2022 03:53

Steve is the only reviewer that makes me laugh my ass off.

@kidsythe - 15.12.2022 07:30

So wait the 3080ti is 3-8 precent faster than the 3080. But within a few precent of the 3090. So the 3090 ain't that great

@heysus609 - 13.12.2022 05:21

Got one for 400 dollars and a 5700xt

@SuperSikarlo - 05.12.2022 20:11

His ego is so annoying

@117johnpar - 02.12.2022 13:23

One year later and we get a 4080 for this same price.

@selmevias1383 - 01.12.2022 14:41

I found one on Ebay, Founder edition under warranty for 350€, somehow I feel like I out-scammed Nvidia.

@noahcooke01 - 29.11.2022 22:17

i just bought a new FE 3080ti 1200$. hmmm

@meowdaleekittenpaw9443 - 27.11.2022 15:22

1 year later, im at an impasse, i can buy a galax 3080 12gb for a relatively cheap price of 856 or save up a bit and buy a 3080ti...i cannot find close to retail prices on other cards, any help with that?

@ODog2323 - 24.11.2022 17:15

Does this conclusion still hold true? Looking to upgrade my 3060.

@gobravo123 - 17.11.2022 18:44

Is it still a waste of money today?

@ivalterbaptista2305 - 16.11.2022 21:43

just picked up a tuf 3080ti for 900CND. Brand new in box too. Pretty good deal i think.

@ScarySkeletal - 14.11.2022 20:34

Yeah I waited until I got the 3080 ti for 960 after tax and going from a 1060 6gb

@antonisautos8704 - 10.11.2022 04:27

Glad I paid a lot less for the 3080Ti than they used to sell for. Never would I ever pay over 1000 for a gpu to game on.

@lunaeclipse5768 - 07.11.2022 15:57

once i see the intro
i already know, the title is a lie

@Fast85FoxGT - 05.11.2022 22:01

A year later I got a 3080ti ftw3 ultra with a hybrid kit for 650 lol.
