Are Translator Devices Worth it in 2020? Testing it in Japan

Are Translator Devices Worth it in 2020? Testing it in Japan

Tokyo Lens

4 года назад

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Something Else Here
Something Else Here - 04.11.2023 05:56

I'm so glad that these didn't exist when I lived in Japan.
If they'd existed, then my weak Japanese would have been zero Japanese.

terry tari
terry tari - 28.10.2023 09:20

Japanese is the fastest language in the world & Spanish is the 2nd fastest language!

I Click Like
I Click Like - 12.10.2023 05:45

Is it even possible? English-Japanese simple sentences maybe. But Japanese-English I doubt. Because things are being omitted and that combined with completely different sentence structure, you might get in trouble.

taxana6 - 21.09.2023 00:58

Funny video. Big disappointment though that young adults don't even understand the slightest bit of English. So many people talk about how much Japanese students are required to learn. What does this poor result mean? Probably the guys you found in the park were not really representative - and still: very poor western foreign language knowledge among them. What languages are tought in Japanese schools primarily - if not English. Chinese, Russian?

damo - 10.08.2023 05:23

Probably needs 5 more years to make it perfect

Romel Alcantara
Romel Alcantara - 27.04.2023 18:48

sir baka pwede mo akong bigyan nyan gusto ko ng ganyan .problem wala me pambili...😅😊

Marc Weerts
Marc Weerts - 25.04.2023 01:01

Fun video and amazing how good these things are, and Sherry is always a great guest!

Paul M
Paul M - 14.04.2023 04:44

You should redo these tests with the Google Pixel devices, seeing as they handle translation better than your typical Android smartphone now that they have completely revamped the product.

sho iku
sho iku - 06.04.2023 20:09

Use simpler words. Google translate works but have to break up sentences and use simpler, non-ambiguous words.

Violinist 1
Violinist 1 - 20.03.2023 00:08

Why do you have to use and internet connection?

Thomas Klugh
Thomas Klugh - 09.02.2023 02:34

That was fun.

Andrew Jackson
Andrew Jackson - 26.01.2023 17:46

I love it.

Delavan - 20.01.2023 04:01

super cute! google translate still seems the best choice unless you have a few hundred bucks to throw around.

zepeling - 21.12.2022 17:44

the "im glad i became" killed me

Travis Poppenhusen
Travis Poppenhusen - 07.12.2022 02:47

Even though it's been around for years now, the Google Lens translation feature still feels like magic to me. I honestly can't wait until something like Google Glass comes back around with that as a primary feature.

ZenRider _
ZenRider _ - 06.12.2022 18:24

I'm planning a motorcycle trip to Japan hopefully now that everything is open again. And I'll definitely be taking this with me

Personal Contrasts
Personal Contrasts - 02.12.2022 00:21

does Japanese actually have heavy swear words? I mean like really, really hard ones? (not just basics like "shut up")

Heather - 01.12.2022 19:37

Watched ✈🇯🇵

Changwook Ji
Changwook Ji - 25.11.2022 17:15

Isn’t more fun just learning the language and talking to people directly? That’s what I did as a young man in the early 90s. You guys are young and ought to be able to pick up the language fast, no?

Matthew Day
Matthew Day - 11.11.2022 05:38

I’m such a tech nerd, this video was FASCINATING to me. I’m always so curious how things like this work and if they actually work well. Having someone to test with, and another service to test against, was so cool. I could literally watch you try this all day.

Blue Footsteps
Blue Footsteps - 08.11.2022 05:00

I have always loved these devices, there is one by Waverly labs that I have followed since their start. Thank you for sharing these options.

Ashlyn Currie
Ashlyn Currie - 05.11.2022 17:46

"Videos like this" はいい練習だと思います!たくさん分かります!嬉しい!I also, love a good sherry video, she's a lil bean. I might like having that translator for Germany. I know soma friends of mine will study their japanese into google translate to see if they can be understood, or if they're saying what they think they're saying.

bork0992 - 01.11.2022 16:53

I’m shocked how well they work. Trying to learn as much Japanese as I can, but this would be excellent for bridging the gaps

Remo Williams
Remo Williams - 30.10.2022 06:18

I see Sherry I click. I will binge her channel after this.

MailMe2Japan - 29.10.2022 20:45

This is really useful. I am glad they have them in shops for the Olympics. I wonder if they continue to use them for tourists. having something like this I think would help reduce my nervousness about not speaking the language. hopefully people would be amused by the novelty of using a translator and be more comfortable engaging with a visitor.

Zenbugami - 22.10.2022 09:25

Really cool device, have it's pros and cons. You should try it as well with many different accents 😉

Josh Stark
Josh Stark - 20.10.2022 05:14

I really thought the translator would get tripped up more! That’s great.

kingrocklee - 17.10.2022 23:06

I went around Japan for a month without speaking japanese, just using Google translate for some things and I got around without any problems. Might have been more of an issue if I traveled way out into the country though.

Quike Badilla
Quike Badilla - 13.10.2022 19:30

Interesting 🤔...Are there other languages on the device? Or just English?

a Takoranodon Brachiosaurus
a Takoranodon Brachiosaurus - 09.10.2022 20:55

I remember this being on of the first videos of yours I enjoyed watching. Though I want to keep translating applications to a minimum, it could work as a last resort 👌

Juanita Mcleod
Juanita Mcleod - 05.09.2022 21:05

Thank you for sharing that video, it was very helpful to find a new way to communicate. I wouldn't dare you google translator for speaking any other language except Spanish. I plan on traveling to Israel and I'm definitely convinced to buy one of those devices. The use seems fluid and natural! AWESOME

Ali Aslam
Ali Aslam - 25.08.2022 03:34

Hello, sir, this device can tansalate urdu to english

Yuki Hiroki
Yuki Hiroki - 01.05.2022 19:45

What is it called?

Phileo SS Nature & Music Channel
Phileo SS Nature & Music Channel - 09.03.2022 16:27

Actually, in Japan we are taught in school that "challenging" means やりがいがある. So, it was 'correct' school translation.

Freethinker1 - 24.02.2022 10:14

This is the way of the future. In another 5 to 10 years learning another language will be redundant

cclevel45 - 21.02.2022 20:27

This was a great video

Olivous Retro
Olivous Retro - 16.02.2022 11:02

Which translator was best?

scrappybread - 30.01.2022 17:49

Those people that were waving at you all the way until you we're out of the park we're the cutest ever.

Lulu Lulu
Lulu Lulu - 20.12.2021 14:11

I need that for watching vtuber :3

Larry Medina
Larry Medina - 18.12.2021 16:41

This is great!
I want arabic

Kiwi Girl
Kiwi Girl - 15.12.2021 18:17

I want this magical language thingy 😍🤣

Kalipolis - 11.12.2021 20:00

I am having a baby boy with my Japanese wife of 8 years and I need a translator so I can finally speak to family in Japan properly. I also think this might be helpful to learn simple words and phrases.

Ashleigh Miller
Ashleigh Miller - 25.11.2021 03:31

I wish you had translated what it really guys laughed a lot in parts but didn't let us in on the joke... I don't know if it nailed it, or if it didn't...

Antacitra Channel
Antacitra Channel - 13.11.2021 05:21

it's an amazing gadget, and for me it's like changing my view of the translation tool that has only been controlled by the internet, especially google

dina pratomo
dina pratomo - 10.11.2021 10:45

This is fun, u know smtime u look like that guy who's play cpt America

johnson zhang
johnson zhang - 05.10.2021 06:07

I must practice my English well, or I need to buy this equipment

jurrassitol15 - 21.09.2021 15:07

Reminds me of when i went to a restaurant in japan with some English speaking friends, and the waiter was trying to let us know that they had run out of noodles and he had used google translate...the translation was funny...according to google translate “we have run out of noodles” translates to “the noodles have disappeared” 🤣
