What I Learned At Music School (Besides Music)

What I Learned At Music School (Besides Music)


3 года назад

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One of the biggest debates among people who went to music school is whether or not music school is a waste of time and money. Personally, I got a lot out of my time there, but I think the reason it's such a contentious issue is that different people want it to be different things. But whether or not it's good, I think there's a lot to be learned from hearing people's stories, so I thought I'd share a bit about my music school experience and some of the things I learned while I was there.

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Last: https://youtu.be/5MK79KO-2Pk

Script: https://tinyurl.com/9zx5b37r

Huge thanks to our Elephant of the Month Club members:

Susan Jones
Jill Jones
Howard Levine
Ron Jones
Brian Etheredge
Khristofor Saraga
Len Lanphar
Ken Arnold
Elaine Pratt
William (Bill) Boston
Chris Prentice
Jack Carlson
Christopher Lucas
Andrew Beals
Dov Zazkis
Hendrik Payer
Thomas Morley
Jacob Helwig
Davis Sprague
Alex Knauth
Braum Meakes
Hendrik Stüwe
Dan Bonelli
Kevin Boyce
Scott Howarth
Kevin Wilamowski
Nicholas Lennox
Kelly Christoffersen
רועי סיני
Dhruv Monga
Jake Fisher
Ken Jones
Obadiah Wright
Carlos Kobalent

And thanks as well to Henry Reich, Gabi Ghita, Owen Campbell-Moore, Gene Lushtak, Eugene Bulkin, Logan Jones, Oliver, Anna Work, Adam Neely, nico, Rick Lees, Dave Mayer, Paul Quine, CodenaCrow, Nikolay Semyonov, Arnas, Caroline Simpson, Michael Alan Dorman, Favrion The Man, Dmitry Jemerov, Michael McCormick, Blake Boyd, Luke Rihn, Charles Gaskell, Ian Seymour, Trevor Sullivan, Tom Evans, Elliot Jay O'Neill, Max Wanderman, Chris Borland, JH, David Conrad, Alex Atanasyan, Elliot Burke, Tim S., Elias Simon, Chris Chapin, Lamadesbois, Jerry D. Brown, Ohad Lutzky, Jake Lizzio, James A. Thornton, Todd Davidson, Brian Dinger, Stefan Strohmaier, Shadow Kat, Adam Wurstmann, Kelsey Freese, Angela Flierman, Richard T. Anderson, Peter Leventis, Kevin Johnson, Ryan, Matthew Kallend, Rodrigo "rrc2soft" Roman, Jeremy Zolner, Patrick Callier, Danny, Francois LaPlante, Volker Wegert, Joshua Gleitze, Britt Ratliff, ml cohen, Darzzr, Aaron Epstein, Blake White, Chris Connett, Charles Hill, Alexey Fedotov, Joshua La Macchia, Alex Keeny, Valentin Lupachev, John Bejarano, Kenneth Kousen, James, h2g2guy, W. Dennis Sorrell, Melvin Martis, Niko Albertus, Luke Wever, Gary Butterfield, Professor Elliot, Jozef Paffen, Steve Brand, Rene Miklas, Connor Shannon, max thomas, Jamie Price, Red Uncle, Roming 22, Doug Nottingham, Andrew Engel, Nicholas Wolf, Peter Brinkmann, Robert Beach, ZagOnEm, Tuna, Hexa Midine, Mathew Wolak, Naomi Ostriker, Alex Mole, T, Lincoln Mendell, Vincent Engler, Sam Rezek, Matt McKegg, Beth Martyn, Lucas Augusto, Caitlin Olsen, Kaisai Morihito, NoticeMK, Anna, Evan Satinsky, James Little, RaptorCat, Jigglypuffer, leftaroundabout ., Jens Schäfer, Mikely Whiplash, room34, Austin Amberg, Betsy, Stephen Jones, Tonya Custis, Dave Shapiro, Jacopo Cascioli, Francisco Rodrigues, Elizabeth, Michael Tsuk, CoryC, Rafael Martinez Salas, Walther, David Van der Linden, Doug Lantz, ThoraSTooth, Robert McIntosh, Brandon Legawiec, Brx, Graeme Lewis, Jake Sand, Kayla Sparks, Max Glass, Jim Hayes, Evgeni Kunev, Alon Kellner, Özgür Kesim, Rob Hardy, Aditya Baradwaj, Matt Ivaliotes, Yuval Filmus, Jasmine Fellows, Richard Goldberg, Patrick Chieppe, Eric Stark, Jon Prudhomme, David Haughn, Gordon Dell, Juan Madrigal, Byron DeLaBarre, Matty Crocker, anemamata, Brian Miller, Lee-orr Orbach, Eric Plume, Kevin Pierce, Jon Hancock, Caleb Meyer, Mark Henning, Jason Peterson, Peggy Youell, EJ Hambleton, Jos Mulder, Daryl Banttari, J.T. Vandenbree, John Carter, Conor Stuart Roe, David Taylor, Dragix PL, Cereus, Marcus Radloff, Wayne Robinson, Gabriel Totusek, Gary Evesson, Kottolett, Brian Stephens, Dylan Vidas, Nicolas Gort Freitas, SecretKittehs, Mnemosyne Music, AkselA, John Castle, Philip Miller, Sam Plotkin, Sean Thompson, David MacDonald, Jeremiah Coleman, Matty Tamer, Nellie Speirs Baron, Charles R., Josh, William Yates, Carlos Silva, The Gig Farmer, Sam, Hunter Embry, DialMForManning, Wayne Weil, Spicy656, Michael Wehling, and darkmage! Your support helps make 12tone even better!

Also, thanks to Jareth Arnold for proofreading the script to make sure this all makes sense hopefully!


#12tone #music #theory
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@jordangrail9639 - 29.04.2024 23:02

u know i got into music because of my asian parents but became serious because of anime

@Hyuzuka - 20.03.2024 20:02

Bro is edging us, talking about the metal singing, but never showing it

@rubensandwhich2182 - 09.01.2024 23:58

You went to MI huh. It’s okay I’ll keep it secret 😶‍🌫️

@McCatshot - 19.09.2023 04:35

None stop rapid fire-dialog and 5th grade doodles for 13 minutes is just too hard for my eyes and ears to take. No thx.

@nicolasfox - 28.05.2023 06:24

I would be pleased if you posted at least one blue gummi bear.

@KennethWayne - 20.04.2023 01:54

Thanks a ton.This helped me a lot.

@msenecal - 16.03.2023 06:01

I am so glad your career path brought you here. My life is better because of 12tone.

@braveshine2579 - 26.02.2023 15:45


@reallifeanswers9764 - 26.01.2023 23:56

Thanks for the encouragement. Life is full of twists and turns and we become successes by navigating those with grace not by being who we thought we'd be.

@ericherde1 - 22.08.2022 21:56

So many little Easter Eggs in these videos: bitcoin symbol on “waste of time”

@ericherde1 - 22.08.2022 21:42

“Only one place to go: Berkeley.” Um, all the way across the country? Doesn’t Boston have its own music schools?

@shawncamp333 - 13.04.2022 00:10

I get this is educational or what ever but your story made me tear up

@XDSDDLord - 01.02.2022 19:40

Pro tip: if you plan on dedicating your life to things without compensation with the hopes of a payout, make DAMN sure you're going to either get that payout or have a quick out, because otherwise you'll find that the last four years of your life have been flushed down the toilet and now you're tens of thousands, if not millions of dollars in debt, and so crippled by your situation you can't find a way out. Good luck.

@visagemsc - 16.01.2022 23:00

Lesson 1: Do stuff.
Lesson 2: Don't know how bad you are.
Lesson 3: Find the right enviroment for you.
Lesson 4: Most hard concepts aren't hard, but relies on previous knowledge.
Lesson 5: Be realistic but not too realistic.
Lesson 6: There's no time limit on learning.
Lesson 7: Find a mentor.
Lesson 8: If you're an expert in something, if you've ever succeded in something, don't be afraid to drop the ladder back down.
Lesson 9: You can't always tell what's important.
Lesson 10: Sometimes your plans are bad and it's okay if they don't work out.

@skrowmedia - 23.10.2021 00:46

Your observations about the obscurity of difficult material being related to an absence of the right building blocks is a huge truth bomb. The best teachers i ever had all led me to discover the path to the new knowledge by making and leveraging those connections.

@clvkforessaycollege190 - 01.10.2021 08:03

good job man. now berklee student is learning from u!

@shredder6976 - 21.09.2021 00:07

Couldn't get few things cause of me not being english native speaker but I've been rewatching this for a few times and it helped me go through japanese, thank u.

@aliaebbert8400 - 01.09.2021 19:39

This video is gold! Exactly what I need.

@fmphotooffice5513 - 30.08.2021 01:42

The short answer for those "meaningless" classes required for your BA/BFA are not to make you a renaissance man. It's so that during your life-long learning, as you communicate with your fellow music specialists, you have a little experience or at least a class you passed many years ago that gave you experience with a baton or anything else like a list of composers you have no interest in. I'm sure there were grains of knowledge you found delightful discoveries too.

@brendanwoodey7961 - 29.07.2021 03:45

Plot twist. You ARE a teacher, probably with more control over your classroom than if you were in a more formal environment.

@AshnSilvercorp - 13.07.2021 16:41

I had a degree for both music and art.

Music school was half worth it.
Art school was absolutely not worth it at all...

@milesmckenty2386 - 06.07.2021 10:25

“It’s a for profit university that I have some serious problems with.” Yeah man. I’m an MI alumnus too. 😂

@alejandronieto576 - 04.07.2021 00:54


@1MU51C4L - 29.06.2021 16:09

What would you suggest? A 3 year music degree or an 8 grade course from Trinity, Rockschool or ABRSM in the same field? P. S. I don't care about the degree. The skill and the knowledge is what I'm here for.


@imagesofstyle - 20.06.2021 18:36

That was one of the most incredibly helpful and insightful clips... ever! Thankyou!

@pulaski1 - 23.05.2021 06:47

Sometimes career paths are just random dumb luck - I had some unassigned time in the office and found myself assigned to a life-changing project, along with a number of other trainees. Almost all of them hated the project but it struck a chord with me (metaphorically, not literally), and four years later I was asked to lead a ground-breaking project-within-the-project, which left me as a leader in the field, and 25 years later it pretty much defines my work and career path, and all because I had some unassigned time when I was a trainee 30 years ago.

@dbt4869 - 12.05.2021 22:37

What I learned in boarding School is?

@pedroscoponi4905 - 11.05.2021 03:50

Very frustrating how every person that reached a measure of success out there in their fields is like "life can be really chaotic! Try hard, chase your goals, and be willing to fail and stumble along" while everyone that surrounds me seems to treat anything that doesn't line up with the "schedule" as taboo.

@dejavukun - 29.04.2021 22:42

Nicely put
"lesson number four: most hard concepts aren't actually hard, they just rely on previous knowledge.
when something's confusing, it's probably not because your incapable of understanding it. it's
just that the person explaining it has made some incorrect assumptions about what you already know.
especially in a field like theory, everything is built on top of something else. things
that look like huge logical leaps are usually just a series of small steps.
the art of teaching is figuring out which of those steps you need to make explicit,
and the art of learning is asking the right questions to uncover the steps you missed."

@dejavukun - 29.04.2021 22:41

You draw pretty good

@robinkebaili5684 - 22.04.2021 19:30

I'm late to the party, but one great lesson as well, especially in the artistic field, is to not have a large amount of projects/plans. You need to focus yourself, your time and skills to a selected amount of project that will help you get where you want to be, even if you're still opened to opportunities.

The sweet number for me is 3. I have 3 main projects that I get focus myself on, without putting my health in danger and still feel fullfilled

@ywenp - 20.04.2021 20:35

Wait, so it existed people that came to Berklee to become James LaBrie?? I'm not even sure James LaBrie wanted to become James LaBrie...

@Jack-on2fb - 14.04.2021 05:32

I guess Berklee is good for more pop stuff but in Boston the top schools for voice are Boston University, New England Conservatory, and Boston Conservatory. Berklee’s vocal technique is not strong. NEC and BU are very good for classical voice and NEC has a great vocal jazz program. However, for the style of rock I could understand how you need a unique teacher and learning environment for learning rock music.

@nils2868 - 14.04.2021 03:48

Just writing along for myself
1. Do stuff
2. It’s good not to know how bad you are
3. Find the right environment for you
4. "Hard" concepts just require previous knowledge
5. "Plan for failure while preparing for success"
6a There is no time limit on learning
6b Find a mentor
(6c "Always drop the ladder back down")
7. Some things just need to be done
8. You can’t always tell what’s important
9. Plans don’t always work out and that can be a good thing

@coltranius - 12.04.2021 16:33

This is great. I’ll be asking my students to give it a watch!

@ramizr - 09.04.2021 06:33

From Vsauce's Website, you're freaking awesome dude . I'm literally obsessed with your videos 🥰😇😊

@GiantPetRat - 08.04.2021 11:58

Wait, what would be wrong with a (well-taught) conducting class if you wanted to better understand theory? Don't get me wrong, as a Spanish major I will be ranting about a third of my required college classes until the day I die, but conducting seems like it could tie in to even music theory surrounding genres other than classical or jazz if you wanted it to.

@brionreid7316 - 07.04.2021 22:41

I finally felt compelled to dig to find out why your intros show a right-handed animator while the vid-body is a lefty!
Step1: sort videos oldest first
Step2: notice the thumbnail change from righty to a lefty after Dec 18, 2015: Goodbye, Emmanuel
Step3: watch the video & finally understand
Conclusion: Emmanuel animated right-handed but left. So Cory, being all that was left, stepped right in left-handedly.
The intros are just original Emmanuel footage. Mystery solved. Back to music.
Thx for the vids & the "mystery"

@okonh0wp - 07.04.2021 16:55

That was awesome

@jeremyzamorano4774 - 06.04.2021 19:55

Great content, brother!

@maplebob23 - 05.04.2021 18:54

Well, it made you more racist, I guess that is a key to success in today’s pink-purple haired tyranny.

@WizardOfArc - 05.04.2021 03:58

I failed at becoming a teacher and became a software engineer instead 🤷‍♀️

@WizardOfArc - 05.04.2021 03:48

That LA school... I wonder what IT was? 😉

@kjl3080 - 05.04.2021 02:06

Very inspirational
