Should You Buy A House Now Or Wait?

Should You Buy A House Now Or Wait?

Zach McDonald Seattle Real Estate

2 года назад

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@chrisko2008 - 01.07.2022 01:12

Bought my house in 2007. 30 year 6.5%. Have refinanced 3 times. Now have a 15 yr 2.125% and house payment is less than original loan. Things are always changing, just have to change with it. I bought at the worst time and home has more than doubled in price. Thanks for all the info Zack!!!

@rightbrainblok - 01.07.2022 01:31

do you have affordable / trustworthy property management recs for seattle area?

@CaptainHookhatesBooks - 01.07.2022 11:59

Locked in a rate at 5% and pulled the trigger on a home and currently in escrow. I don't think a crash will happen due to low inventory but family is growing and need my own space. Im in for the long run so even if housing dips a bit I'm not worried but if it goes up Im ok. Just trying build and start my wealth.

@nadiakhaleel8490 - 01.07.2022 19:35

Hi Im in process of buying a house I offered 50 thousand over the original price (the price of the house on market was 375 thousand dollars in Tacoma)
Know i asked the owner to discount 10000 from price sinces many hoses prices got down otherwise Im not going to buy this house!
Please advice me I suppose to receive a key next week.
The house need around 40 thousand dollar to fix it
And the rate that I got it 6.6

@mrsbrianslade - 05.07.2022 22:49

Like the haircut! How would you advise a Seattle buyer who bought at a 4.3% interest rate in mid-April? Struggling with all the scary posts people are sharing.

@ejminava407 - 10.07.2022 02:51

real estate agent tells you to buy what a surprise

@ejminava407 - 10.07.2022 02:51

its like asking a car salesman whether you should buy a car
