r/NuclearRevenge - They Fired Me. I ACCIDENTALLY Shut Them Down.

r/NuclearRevenge - They Fired Me. I ACCIDENTALLY Shut Them Down.


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@teefarrell6096 - 01.10.2023 06:25

1st story Nuclear for 😂 sure

@teefarrell6096 - 30.05.2023 14:07


@discoduckgandolf - 06.01.2023 08:29

Not an accident, really. It was divine intervention

@baldrian22 - 26.12.2022 14:22

that lawsuit will cost the company a large amount. a good lawyer for the earlier employe that got fierd just before op will be a nightmare for the company there,

@phlushphish793 - 08.10.2022 19:46

Started a 4 wk. training course at a major food distribution co. You'd recognize the name if you heard it. The 1st day, and 2 more times thereafter, the trainer announces, "If I finish early with you, I get a free day off!" So, she was rushing us through training to get her 'free day off.' One guy had left a co. he'd been at for 12 yr.s to train there. 1st day of 2nd week, it's our turn to try on trainer's laptop, that has a button for the mouse between the 'G' & 'H' letters on the keyboard. 12 yr. guy couldn't get it on his 1st try; so, trainer fired him on our 15 min. break (free day off, remember? She didn't want him slowing her down). 8 months later she stops showing up. I can only guess, 12 yr. guy got another job & hired an attorney to file a wrongful termination suit that the co. had to settle. The co. looked around, asked 'who fired this guy? You? You're fired!' Well, Jeannie, you now have all the 'free days off' you can handle!

@pirateskeleton7828 - 04.10.2022 17:23

Among the things that bother me in Reddit stories is, when they introduce people like a cast, and when people say "it will be important later". These things are completely unnecessary. If a person is relevant to a story, they can be introduced when they become relevant. This is more natural and you don't have to keep track of names. As for "this will be important later", It is already assumed that if you bring up a detail, it's because it plays into the narrative. Most of these stories are minimalistic anyways, so any extra details provided should be used to drive the narrative forward or as setups. This has nothing to do with DarkFluff, he just reads the stories. Stay cool

@colinmoore7460 - 30.07.2022 14:40

Ah, a British story!

@jeffm9770 - 28.07.2022 21:09

Aren't bookies illegal? Or does bookie mean something different wherever OP lives?

@susanrand512 - 23.07.2022 15:22


@stevecannon-english8683 - 11.07.2022 20:37

I took 2 days off to go to my Great Uncle's funeral,. When I got back in town I stopped by the restaurant to get my schedule and I was told I was fired because the manager couldn't find documentation of my uncle's death. I explained he had lived in another state about 200 milles South of us and that he was a highway worker who was killed by a drunk driver who was rich and had connections that kept the story out of the papers until a judge could rule. I brought the funeral card from the mortuary and what newspaper clippings I could find from area papers not under the order not to print (this was long ago --pre computer days). The manager told me the real reason I was fired was because the assistant manager and I were friends and she was trying to either fire him or make him quit. She said it really had nothing to do with me other than my friendship with him. He had never told me about problems at work so I was clueless. I knew the owner of the stores in town so I called him begging a job. I was given one with the promise I could return to my old store eventually. I worked at the other store for a year and everything was fine. Before the manager was fired, I found another job. The manager was terminated 3 months after I left and the assistant was given a nice severance package for putting up with her harassment. The manager was fired for firing me without cause because I had filed a complaint with the labor board who began an investigation and found she had been doing this with all employees who predated her becoming manager.

@rominazarei744 - 07.07.2022 17:26

Condolences for Tammy T-T

@svenstevenson2245 - 04.05.2022 16:20

Not nuclear, pro.

Nuclear requires clear bending and breaking/disregard for the law to ensure its execution.

He'll this is technically accidental pro, as the revenge was an unintended consequence of the OP seeking justice and an answer.

Real pro requires planning, intent and justice met out by lawful terms.

@Jedidiah_Martin_2 - 27.03.2022 22:27

Yep, Karma almost always gets people in the end, and usually right up their end lol ;^D

@gageperuti5519 - 05.01.2022 01:38

When it's spelled that way, it's pronounced Hor-hay.

@stevenslater5038 - 10.11.2021 23:13

I really think you could get a lot more views if you just censor the cursing and generally profane language.

@veldasnyder2170 - 30.10.2021 01:26

yep nuclear

@edisntavailable - 13.10.2021 09:55

Definitely paddy power lol

@firstnamelastname7035 - 03.09.2021 13:46

The first one legit said pro revenge

@robertbode2716 - 26.08.2021 17:10

That is not good enough. I would want financial retribution. They literally had a company cover up. Those two should not be in prison but in a grave.

@croach2194 - 19.07.2021 10:37

OP's Mom taught him a lesson about how to challenge injustice effectively.

@Mwnbeam - 17.06.2021 22:14

Don’t wanna be rude but rslash is better imo cuz he does special voices for the karens

@Anagh1701 - 20.05.2021 11:46

Shay was your manager. You should know he might betray you. You know he did that in the 7 years war.

@sourisvoleur4854 - 20.05.2021 00:41

If you're a criminal or doing criminal things, don't piss people off.

@martinquetzal5346 - 19.05.2021 00:12

So... The hell is a "bookies store"?

@jasonbutler1996 - 16.05.2021 07:49

like a cat... OOH, SHINY..

@jasonbutler1996 - 16.05.2021 07:47

Thieves can be enticed very easily

@jasonbutler1996 - 16.05.2021 07:45

right off the bat, accused of theft of money, i would have approached the highest ranking member of my employer. I would have said: 'i can prove my innocence. Let's put out some bait. :

@ML_._ - 12.05.2021 09:45

That was not nuclear, that was a super nova!

@launcesmechanist9578 - 10.05.2021 07:57

Eventually, all things done in the dark will be dragged into the light.

I'm sorry I was trying to be philosophical but now sounds creepy. Still, it IS technically true.

@randallpetroelje3913 - 16.03.2021 05:21

I don’t believe in revenge, I believe in justice.🤣😂👍

@revan7364 - 13.03.2021 19:42

Now that’s some revenge haha dam op made the place lose its gambling big time

@rmhartman - 27.02.2021 03:01

Wow. So they had a pattern of hiring new employees then firing them immediately after their probation period? That's the kind of thing higher ought to be looking for.

@Kris_sy - 09.02.2021 20:53

That's happened to me twice -- Craft Country and Kohl's.

I was fired and blacklisted from working retail altogether b/c Management "claimed" that I used a stolen store credit that a customer supposedly left in the store. The security also claimed they caught me on camera stealing, (and NEVER showed me the footage to prove it) as well as said that I admitted as much b/c I said the exact amount on the card to them during the interrogation (which was a elaborate "scare tactic" disguised as friendly banter). I only knew the amount b/c the customer was a "Karen" before Karen was a thing, and you'll ALWAYS get those when in retail.

I couldn't sue Kohl's and they knew it.

Craft Country was when I was younger; they fired me b/c I was supposedly rude to this couple -- they made up a story of how I gave them attitude (just b/c I didn't make a lengthy convo with them like I did with the person in front) and how I threw their change at them! All this, NOT TRUE!
Another cashier even saw the whole thing go down but refused to back me up; the manager fired me w/o even VIEWING the cameras!

Nothing else was done since that store went out of business in that location; hope no one there was able to get back on their feet or find another line of work in their field.

@My03Tundra - 09.02.2021 08:04

I wish I could have done this with a previous horrible employer, with horrible leadership.

@ghyslainabel - 07.02.2021 22:09

4000$ or 5000$ in 4 years divided by 2 people? They stole pocket change.

@shomarimonroe150 - 01.02.2021 19:07

Fantastic video

@samuelc.491 - 21.12.2020 00:37

"my 2019 was wild, but with everything on the up-and-up..."
oh, buddy, you aint seen nothing yet.

@tobythesuperfasttram - 14.07.2020 16:22

never say Cheltenham again

@sizzlingpizzaprince3024 - 21.06.2020 16:10


@thepurpleelephante2296 - 18.06.2020 20:00

Lol I really love your mercy but my family wouldn’t approve me wearing a shirt with beer on it 😂😂😂

@yootdoot - 30.05.2020 19:12

op when they hear what happened:

@samuelc.491 - 18.05.2020 01:58

"its 2019 and everything on the up and up"

@SevCaswell - 11.05.2020 20:31

That story was clearly based in the UK, so they stole over £4,000 not $

@dajunjiet - 11.05.2020 01:00

you read too slow

@Mt88950 - 12.04.2020 11:54

That beer is going to go flat!!! 🍺

@shkunk1 - 06.04.2020 14:58

Fired and most likely prison time. I would say nuclear revenge.

@walterengler5709 - 05.04.2020 19:00

I love these as they point out a truism .. where's there's smoke their's fire. In other words, if people are doing one unethical thing, even one … you can be certain OH so certain they are doing others and can't be trusted.

@jesuswasahermetic5871 - 03.04.2020 02:56

Lies do have the tendency to come full circle

@DankMang - 02.04.2020 02:36

all of these are so fake its embarrassing
