Are There Two Creation Accounts In Genesis?

Are There Two Creation Accounts In Genesis?


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Cheryl Williams
Cheryl Williams - 22.09.2023 10:00

Who is Enki and Enlil?

Mr. Scott
Mr. Scott - 19.09.2023 03:36

intelligence is required for understanding things.

Bojan Postic
Bojan Postic - 17.09.2023 10:01

Genesis 1. God create man at his image and God is Spirit so first man was spiritual man. Thet man was man and female in his spirit.

Genesis 2 . God create eartly man and put Spiritual man in thet earthly bodu and man become living soul.

Then God take one rib out of adam and he takes also a gental and female spirit and makes women. But thet women was take of Adam because she was a part of man in genesis 1 when they were created.

Johnathan Blauw
Johnathan Blauw - 17.09.2023 01:24

Beautiful examination of the Paradisal Eden and the Tabernacle!!

Brian Overland
Brian Overland - 09.09.2023 19:52

Nice try, but no cigar. I've never heard so much special pleading in my life. If you engage in endless double talking and talking out of both sides of your mouth, you can justify anything -- or at least try to. Bottom line: if the Bible is "THE INFALLIBLE WORD OF GOD," then these self-contradictions cannot logically be explained away.
In the final analysis, we have to accept that the Bible is the work of men TRYING to understand God; it's not that there aren't good, inspirational passages in the Bible, but to regard every word of the Bible as infallibly true is not logical. An Omniscient Being does not contradict himself. the Bible is the work of men, not an Omniscient Being.

Bethsheba Ashe
Bethsheba Ashe - 05.09.2023 09:07

Genesis 1 to 2:3 are verses belonging to the evenings and nights of creation, whereas the rest of Genesis 2 are the verses belonging to the seven mornings and days. Moreover - the verses of 1-2 have been arranaged according to an alphanumeric order, so the hypothesis that the first two chapters stem from two different sources is demonstrably false. I've blogged about this with the Times of Israel if anyone is interested in learning more.

RasRobert McClain
RasRobert McClain - 01.09.2023 07:44

The reason is the truth. The people in Europe are Arab. And lite skin people

Ethiopia in a sunny place the darker-skinned races were born

RasRobert McClain
RasRobert McClain - 01.09.2023 07:42

If you look at the map you will realize that neither a or b is close to

RasRobert McClain
RasRobert McClain - 01.09.2023 07:42

One Creation happened in Ethiopia

One happened closer to Turkey near the Euphrates

Α - 25.08.2023 15:13

The second account is what God did in the garden of Eden so Adam can witness Gods creative ability and to name the animals

Cee Jay
Cee Jay - 20.08.2023 11:34

Y’all do realize Adam and Eve were made to create the israelites. Everyone else not so much .

D H - 19.08.2023 03:10

I don't think Adam is the first man per se. Who are the wanderers? Cain kills Abel, is banished from Eden, pleads to be saved from the murderous wanderers and receives a mark from God preventing the murder.
This one thing alone can suggest a few outcomes. 1) That evolution still fits Genesis bc Adam and Eve are special; Priests created as adults in a holy and specific place well after Gen 1 happens and 2) That Adam and Eve are sent to a greater purpose to combat the evil of the world outside the veil of Eden, this beginning the arcing narrative of the whole Bible that shows we are slowly progressing towards a more equitable and less evil people...slowly from slavery and sacrifices to helping the poor and becoming a collective and just society and 3) That not all of us are products of incest. Probably a lot more.
I can never find anything about these wanderers and I realize it breaks Jewish and Christian mainstay understanding but it begs more information than we have.
Also this makes Eve a bit heroic and not a bumbling failure causing original sin. God merely set her in a place of choice like he so often does and she made it, gained knowledge, and God isnt necessarily angry and pu Islington her but stating " now you have knowledge of pain, evil, etc" so they must begin the long trail to fixing the lowest of worlds, the earth outside of perfect Eden.

Matthew Meuleman
Matthew Meuleman - 18.08.2023 15:06

You jave given me an auxiliary understanding of Gen 2. I have understood for wuite some time that gen 1 and teo are seperate creations from seperate deities.

The talk about plants and animals being specific to agriculture and the no mentioning of light and dark make me think of the golden age of Saturn, aka the purple dawn- tge lsnd before time. Firstly Saturn was seen as a titan of agriculture, often depicted with a scythe. There's also a theory backed with a wide areay of evidence that Saturn used to be Earth's primary star at the north pole, during ehich time thete was no day and night, only the purple haze from the corona of Saturn's electromagnetic field.

Evidence for this includes accounts of Saturn being "the best son", couns that depict Saturn as the sun. World wide cave paintings of "squatterman" along with plasma physics experiments thst reproduce squatterman via plasma contained within an magnetic field. We also know that giant mushrooms dominated the land before plants, grass came into significant being 10 million years ago. Mushrooms don't need light, only radiation, as opposed to grass that needs light for photosynthesis to exchange sugars with micelium for every non-sugar component of itself.

It also would explain how giants and dinosaur like creatures could exist within the early old testament, as itysaid that earth's gravity field eould have been less intense during pirole dawn, as Earth either had less mass, or the electrinagnetic strength of earth was different. Gravity being best described as latent omnidirectional magnetism. It woukd also explain the "long lives" in the early old testament.

The flood could be lined up with a cataclisms described as the war in the heavens when the sun entered our solar system, saturn was cast to the far reaches of tartarus and mars and venus discharged enormous arcs of electricity due to shifting potentials and placements

proclaiming truth
proclaiming truth - 14.08.2023 17:24

Hey, IP. Love your videos, but i was just wondering how the people before the fall of adam and eve were saved if they were at all. I do believe that people were before adam and eve. I am just confused on how not counting their sin works with salvation for them since they did sin. It has been on my mind. Just want to know your answer. Thank you for your channel, God bless you. If anyone else has an answer would love to know. Thank you. I know this isn't what the video is about, but I had a question. But this video was very good.

J Thomas
J Thomas - 14.08.2023 03:12

Creation Eden ~ Temple characteristics.

Exodus ~ Temple Characteristics

Christian Chaidez
Christian Chaidez - 11.08.2023 08:34

In Genesis it says that God made the light on the first day but he didn't make the sun until the fourth day

Ice King
Ice King - 07.08.2023 19:14

Everything you're saying were speculations..
Let's not go far from the scriptures
Genesis 1, God created heaven and earth and its host ends up in
Ch.2 :4; Meanwhile somewhere on earth comes
Genesis 2:5 -Is describing a desert wherein God will create the Garden of Eden. (The 4 rivers support this statement)
<2> Purposes-God Created Male &Female the same time and Blessed them afterwards w/the task to populate earth and subdue it. Whilst Adam was created 1st followed by Eve, pregnancy is a blessing to humanity, but to eve its a punishment. Adam and Eve was supposed to work and guard the garden.
When cain was exiled there's already people capable of hunting him.
For the record Adam and Eve had only 3 sons in total.

BEARaCUDA - 07.08.2023 10:10

Adam amd Eve weren't hiding their nakedness, they were covering themselves to hide like camouflage so they would'nt be found by God when he came searching. Think practically, not all things follow the text, sometimes man interprets things like sex into the text. In fact, it was the Lord who killed animals to cover the men and women but that was a demonstration of the sacrifice and being prepared to face the trecherous outside world. Nakedness is deadly outside of Eden, there are animals and the gentile tribes.

Serpentine Fire
Serpentine Fire - 06.08.2023 01:35


JAMES SMITH - 25.07.2023 23:04

Many sceptics have claimed contradictions between the account in Genesis chapters 1 and 2, or that they were written by different authors; people who make these claims with little or no evidence to support them.

There are essentially two claims of contradiction between Genesis 1 and 2 as follows:

The first claimed contradiction relates to the description in both accounts of the creation of plant life. Genesis 1:11 records that God created vegetation on the third day before the creation of man: Then God said, “Let the earth bring forth grass, the herb that yields seed, and the fruit tree that yields fruit according to its kind, whose seed is in itself, on the earth”; and it was so.

Genesis 2:5 states that God created man: “…before any plant of the field was in the earth and before any herb of the field had grown. For the LORD God had not caused it to rain on the earth, and there was no man to till the ground”.

So which account is correct?

Did God create vegetation on the third day before He created man as recorded in Genesis 1, or after He created man as is seemingly suggested in Genesis 2? The answer is very simple and is rooted in the fact that the English language is sometimes insufficient and inadequate in its depth to properly express and translate the original Hebrew (a real problem for those Christians who claim the 1611 King James Bible takes precedence over the original languages used in the Bible). The Hebrew words for vegetation used in Genesis 1 and Genesis 2 are different and mean different types of vegetation; some Bible versions deal with this better than others. Genesis 1:11 uses a Hebrew term referring to vegetation in general, whereas Genesis 2:5 uses a more specific Hebrew term referring to vegetation requiring cultivation (i.e. a person to care and tend to it). Genesis 1 is referring to God creating vegetation not requiring cultivation before He created Adam, and Genesis 2 is referring to God creating vegetation that did require cultivation (farming) after He had created the first farmer (Adam); why would God create plant life that required farming before He had created the first farmer? The New King James Version quoted above does use different English terms to describe vegetation in Genesis 1:11 and Genesis 2:5, but still falls short of the intended meaning found in the original Hebrew.

The second claimed contradiction relates to animal life. Genesis 1:24-25 records God creating animal life on the sixth day, before He created Adam, whereas most translations of Genesis 2:19 seems to suggest that God created animals after. For example, the New International Version of Genesis 2:19-20 says: “Now the LORD God had formed out of the ground all the wild animals and all the birds in the sky. He brought them to the man to see what he would name them; and whatever the man called each living creature, that was its name. So the man gave names to all the livestock, the birds in the sky and all the wild animals”.

It has been claimed that the above passage (in some translations such as the NIV) says that God created Adam first, then the animals and then brought the animals to Adam for him to name them. But the text does not say that; read in context even in a poor version like the NIV Verse 19 says: “Now the LORD God had [already] formed out of the ground all the wild animals…”

On the sixth day, God created the animals, then created man, and then brought the animals to Adam to name.

There are no contradictions between the creation accounts of Genesis 1 and 2, and one author wrote both accounts – Moses.

Genesis 1 is the account of God creating the universe and life on earth in chronological order during a period of six literal days, whereas Genesis 2 is an expanded account of the events that occurred at the end of the sixth day, when God created Adam. Other than the fact that Adam was created in God’s image, Genesis 1 provides very little detail of the creation of Adam. For a book dedicated to introducing the relationship between God and man – the pinnacle of God’s creation – the information provided in just four verses in Genesis 1 is not much at all. This is because Genesis 1 was never intended to be set apart from Genesis 2 and 3 in the way that it has been by the subsequent inclusion of chapter and verse separations.

In Genesis 2 the author (Moses) provides greater detail about the creation of man. He uses a common literary device describing an event from the general to the specific; he first describes the sequence of creation, and then clarifies the most important details (especially of the sixth day). Whilst it is understood and acknowledged that Genesis to Deuteronomy in their present form
were compiled during the Jewish exile in Babylon, it is widely accepted in Jewish tradition that Moses wrote the content of the first five books of the Old Testament, known as the Torah, but also often referred to in Scripture as the Law (with the obvious exception of the account of Moses’ own death, which was most likely written by Joshua).

Glen Newell
Glen Newell - 22.07.2023 09:28

Interesting account but nonetheless a flawed cherry picking of the text. It would also have been useful to know what translation of the 1/5 you were using.

DEBORAH WARING - 19.07.2023 10:37

Men wrote the bible and they accept the second creation, where women are "less than" man. I wonder how this gets overlooked?

muzikLovr - 19.07.2023 03:23

Gen 2:1-4 belongs to chapter 1. There were luxuriant places in the west and there were places in the east much less so.

vanindallas - 16.07.2023 04:01

Starts out a little slow in my opinion -- I was beginning to think I wasn't going to hear anything new.

But by the end I felt it is one of the best videos on scripture I have seen in a long time.

T.D.H. Miller
T.D.H. Miller - 13.07.2023 23:02

There are 2 accounts of creation in genesis.Gensis 1 of the Creation accounts has both male and female being made and told to subdue the earth.

Genesis 2 of the creations accounts has Adam by himself to tend the garden.

We know for a fact that they are 2 different accounts because we have the genealogies from Immanuel they call Jesus to Adam it was said to be the son of god.

Immanuel only begotten and Adam the created son.

No other families genealogies are present in them. Only the bloodline.

Still all written by Moshe!

CLL X - 11.07.2023 12:00

Excellent video, brother.

James Miller
James Miller - 05.07.2023 23:48

Biased and tendentious, as always

Christopher Musanté
Christopher Musanté - 05.07.2023 05:52

Isaiah 45:7 (KJV) does a 'contrast' between light and dark, peace and evil. These (2) accounts are separated in the same way - one with man 'created' and the other as 'formed'. Note also the change from using the term 'God' to 'LORD GOD'.

Tuvoca - 05.07.2023 05:35

If they were somehow combined they were likely harmonized through a prophet and standardized. It would be like correcting the apocrypha that has true elements but parts needed editing. And sometimes it is a stylistic thing.

OrdoMallius - 02.07.2023 09:12

Genesis 1 is not creation of cosmos. Genesis 1 almost feels like a record of survivors from some cataclysm. It sounds like a calm after a massive storm of some kind.

𝗙𝗮𝗶𝘁𝗵 𝗕𝘆𝘁𝗲𝘀
𝗙𝗮𝗶𝘁𝗵 𝗕𝘆𝘁𝗲𝘀 - 28.06.2023 10:59

They put subliminal in the word to confound the reader

Nathan Barnes
Nathan Barnes - 26.06.2023 09:17

Taboola are a bunch of crooks they just decided to place me on a recurring payment platform and take money out of my account without authorization and on top of that they did nothing to promote my content I wouldn't use them if you paid me to use them again. Ty he worst

Norma Wingo
Norma Wingo - 25.06.2023 21:06

I’ve said this for many years and people looked at me like I had 7 heads. Ahhhh….finally!

Juene Turner
Juene Turner - 25.06.2023 20:26

My observations are that Genesis is an account of establishment of the Cycles necessary for live as we know it on this planet (in this Biodome) [Cycle of the Earth making daytime-nighttime, the Water cycle, Carbon, Earth-Moon-Sun "cycles", Marine life cycle, etc); Genesis the making of a Mankind to cultivate the soil in a special garden that Mankind was to spread across the planet.

R Littlefield
R Littlefield - 24.06.2023 07:09

I believe the Bible says that God exists outside of space and time. Imagine you are a painter. The painting itself is actually two dimensional, you being three dimensional. The is the relationship to Space Time and God.

christopher easley
christopher easley - 23.06.2023 16:18

Adam and subsequently eve were made before the day 6 males and females. 99 percent of people and academics will say no to this and claim that Adam and eve ARE the same as the day 6 males and females, but I disagree. it clearly states in chapter 2 that Adam was made BEFORE there were plants on the earth. That is before day 6. And it also makes sense why Jesus is the second Adam. Adam, Eve, and Jesus are different than the males and females of day 6. it surprises me that people can't see this. I believe there is an agenda to discredit this. just what I believe and see.

Alan Boyle
Alan Boyle - 22.06.2023 18:09

Why would we assume God would be working in earthly days,eg in heaven a day is as 1000 years,and 1000 years is as a day, doesn't work,if a day was 1000 years long,then how long is 1000 years,24 hours? Time does not exist as we know it,I think the seven days are seven stages,eg the earth was without form in those days,lines up with the thought of the earths coalescence from a cloud of dust!

Messianic Jew Jitsu
Messianic Jew Jitsu - 21.06.2023 21:13

I read it as two accounts considering how the Bible layers itself and recalls itself, "circular" as opponents call it but it isn't a problem.

If you don't know much it introduces you to a basic week, while explaining a basic stage for things to unfold, a billion years and other humans over in Nod or 6th day man can be going on before Mesopotamia gets a man or Adam and begins God/Jesus's interaction with humanity through a chosen race/Darwin's Finches by analogy

Wirbelchen - 21.06.2023 16:29

wait, since when do skeptics claim this? We literally learned that in religious classes.

Коля - 14.06.2023 11:36

So it's like everything about the tabernacle, the priesthood and all the things mentioned in the later half of Exodus and in Leviticus were all made to reflect the garden of Eden where everything was perfect which reflects God's plan to restore us all back to "Eden". And even more amazing is how everything in the OT was a shadow of Christ to come. It's truly amazing how deep God's word is below the surface of the words themselves. Like the ocean which seems so plain on the surface, yet we can only dream of reaching the deepest depths knowing everything about the ocean. Or like space, which seems so dark and empty but to the watchful eye there is so much to discover and explore.

Supreme Ali
Supreme Ali - 06.06.2023 06:07

One creation is by God. The other by Lord God

Anon Omus
Anon Omus - 02.06.2023 00:18

Has anyone ever considered that genesis 1 is not a creation account but a brief overview of all of history with man being created in the image of God on the sixth day representing the end of the time of man when we who believe on Christ are given new bodies and we enter into rest in the new heaven and the new earth? I would be glad to expound on this idea if anyone is interested

Historical Perspective
Historical Perspective - 27.05.2023 04:35

does God have testicles? If so then why?

papasitoman - 23.05.2023 22:40

A bunch of books put together over years. The stories are often made up of several sources, so they just put them in-regardless of contradictions. They are metaphorical stories. They don’t need to make logical or historical sense. You get a lesson from the story.

Bruno Borer
Bruno Borer - 23.05.2023 19:26

I remain unconvinced in spite of the intellectual gymnastics. When we believe strongly in something we will dance on the head of a pin to defend it…even in the face of its own contradictions. It’s human nature. But I’ll listen again and reconsider the apologetics presented here. Thank you…

J N - 21.05.2023 15:08

It is commonly believed that when God spoke, the thing He spoke just came into existence.

If this were true then such believers must think God is but a magician. But no, God creates and He makes.

Genesis Chapters 1 and 2, including Chapter 3 make complete and logical sense - but only to those whom the LORD gives to understand.

To those seeking understanding, go first to Jesus - follow him sincerely and he will teach you, even all things.

Laz - 18.05.2023 21:38

Why does God needs sacrifices to met? The being isn’t all powerful? What would he need

0nly This
0nly This - 12.05.2023 03:55

In Genesis 1, God (Elohim) fashions humans "in our own image", male and female - bidding them "Be fruitful, and multiply, and replenish the earth".
In Genesis 2, the LORD (all caps) Yahweh, plants an orchard and fashions himself a gardener to tend to it. There is no mention here of whose image the gardener is made in, but only that he is a solitary male - with neither mate nor mandate to procreate. With general access to the the Tree of Life, there would have been no death in the Garden, no need for population replacement, no need for procreation and so no need for male and female.
Considering such circumstances, another able-bodied male would have served the gardener's need for a suitable helpmate far better than the YY female the LORD ended up extracting from his XY body - and we would all be descended instead from the male and female humans of Genesis 1, being fruitful, multiplying and replenishing the earth beyond Eden's borders.

Hendrix Sun
Hendrix Sun - 08.05.2023 22:01

They don’t contradict he recreated after Satan sang the song of a man about himself. When he did the earth couldn’t take it. But when recreated God says to subdue it. He didn’t say that the first time. Adam fell among the thieves on his way to out to the seed down. He never put it down. So we have too.
