Baldur's Gate - Best Sorcerer spell selection for BG Trilogy with Ascension and SCS

Baldur's Gate - Best Sorcerer spell selection for BG Trilogy with Ascension and SCS

Coredumped Gaming

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@svandalbear - 03.11.2023 02:20

I personally think the level 2 Resist Fear is essential. Its an aoe, which means itll effect all party members, and negates all the fear/intimidation effects when fighting draconic and demonic enemies. A must have imo

@jecoasowilo928 - 27.10.2023 17:00

Great video. Would love to see one on divine spells. Very informative and concise. Thank you for not making it too long

@tomtom-tw1ou - 10.09.2023 14:14

nice video!
recently I finished baldur's gate 1 and going to play 2, this is going to helpful

@Aliceinchains1234 - 08.09.2023 23:35

What about with SR? Spell Revisions...

@user-ii7dr4hl9j - 31.08.2023 22:28

One reason to bump up incendiary cloud to a higher priority is that even though characters like Korgan can't become immune to dispel, there is a ton of gear in bg2 that provide fire resistance and its very easy to have 2-3 characters completely immune (or even absorbing) fire damage. And if you're a dragon disciple, you can put on a fire resistance ring (or protection from fire + spell immunity abjuration) and create a space where you will heal like half your total hit points per round for a turn. Kinda broken against anything that doesn't blow away the cloud effects (dragons and most clerics).

@TheCmurley131 - 09.08.2023 20:32

As much as the Sorcerer is fun to play, I prefer to roll a fighter (++ in shields fighting style) and then dual class to mage at level 2. Purely to be able to equip helmets, shields, and certain 1H weapons that work well on a mage and otherwise would be unusable. Helps so much in BG1 with survivability if playing solo or in a small party. The only thing I don't like is that the character model remains looking like a naked fighter when equipping robes...that drives me a little crazy TBH :)

@tordlin - 03.08.2023 17:33

Remove magic depends on level? Is it correct to give it to sorcerer in case most of you enemies will be higher level then you if I`m not mistaken?

@tordlin - 03.08.2023 17:23

Is description of spells still actual after mods (IWDcation, etc)?

@mirieus - 16.07.2023 23:35

Sleep will make your life ALOT easier for BG1...It hurts not to choose it

@ravedubin3983 - 16.07.2023 02:28

I'm a level 2 sorcerer and I haven't unlocked any new spells help please?

I'm new

@user-ke3pm1zw3j - 11.07.2023 08:13

I honestly like lvl 1 chromatic orb. Higher lvls it’s a cheap finger of deaths

@jakubbiskup4494 - 10.05.2023 15:57

Guys can you tell me whats your thought on mass haste Mordenkainens swords? I literally use it throught whole game nearly, and i dont know is it so good as i think or not. And if i may ask, please wrote more than "it sucks". <3

@rockstar6goalkeeper - 29.04.2023 05:21

No secret word? How do you mage duel

@iv4nGG - 28.04.2023 16:03

What spell do i pick for better inglish accent?


@felixzahner495 - 13.04.2023 01:38

Good Guide. The Sorcerers I played could not live without Glitterdust, AOEInvisiblity, Animate Dead, Mordenkains Sword. Depends on the play style I guess.

@geraltgrey-mane695 - 02.04.2023 04:03

What stats should I focus on first as a sorc? Con? Charisma?

@Krokosmil - 22.03.2023 23:50

I didn't realize project image worked like that. :O
Will try..

@Antilluminati - 11.03.2023 23:36

Wow such a nice vid.. and you don't cuss like some American on here.

@ericcartman8554 - 13.02.2023 04:31

Now I want to play bg1-bg2 as a Sorcerer, dammit I just started my pure kensai walkthrough :(

@bigchris1234 - 06.02.2023 07:26

Question about chain contingency(9th level spell); you suggested stringing together 3 Horrid Wiltings contingent upon spotting an enemy. In theory this sounds great but in practice does this often get used up killing some low level mooks?

The way I've been using contingencies is to create them, then delete the contingency out of my memorized spell slot (the contingency itself is still stored) and then rest and make any minor tweaks to my spell selection, effectively giving myself a number of extra spells per day stored in the form of contingencies.

A bit of cheesing, but still nothing compared to the similacrum cheese (that I've read about/seen guys like you and Daveorn talk about) which I haven't even made an attempt to learn yet.

@domokun845 - 31.01.2023 07:50

God I loved the way spells worked in this game, stripping defences off your opponent was actually fun. Stacking buffs and debuffs. 5e and the concentration mechanic ruined it but I understand why they went that route.

At least we still have pathfinder

@SlunceBlunce - 23.01.2023 22:13

Very nice guide. But could you elaborate why is Dragon Disciple more powerful than normal sorc? I mean, who cares about fire resistance, you lose one spell charge per level which is HUGE. Normal sorc is much more powerful at mid to high to end game.

@Sean-fs3nr - 16.01.2023 08:05

Eesh... really going with petrify and blind at the start, huh? That's bold.

Holy shit I didn't think I'd watch more but DONT USE THIS GUIDE. Oh my fucking GOD these spell choices are so god awful. Follow anyone else's guide. Holy shit Protection from Fire, are you fucking high??? Russians must be drunk 100% of the time or something man holy shit.

@andrese564 - 09.01.2023 05:59

Whats the point of all those spells that remove buffs if remove magic can do it and erase all at once? Or is not like that how remove magic works

@ericcrossley4059 - 31.12.2022 15:15

Why no simulacrum? Or did I skip that part?

@redelephantsdotnl - 13.11.2022 14:28

Don't get me wrong, us simians should only refer to you as sir... Still, I feel like nitpicking.

1: Agreed, almost. Protection from Petrification! A little situational, but in those situations - not having this is suicide
2: I prefer to skip invis here for improved invis later. Especially on SCS, vocalize is mandatory. Sure, you get the amulet of power at some point, but you have to get there, first. Also, I oftentimes give the AoP to a cleric or paladin for the Negative Plane Protection. AoP becomes more a wizard thing by the time you get HLA's and you don't get drained all the time. Web remains useful throughout ToB. Couple in a sequencer; fire at Yaga Shura and laugh.
3. Agreed, unless you go solo. In that case, protection from normal missiles is mandatory for BG1 segment. For a party, a notable pick is mass invis. See enemy casting evocation or necromancy? Pop this, and the spell is oftentimes wasted. In a fight you can't win? Pop it, regroup. Also superduper handy for when you travel the world map in bg1 and bg2. Still, that spell doesn't scale - so you could have your off-mage cast that.
4. Yeah, see, you pick both invisibilities, I wouldn't do that. I'd take this one, and Vocalize on level two.
5. Yes, agreed.
6. Yes, agreed.
7. I'd forego Sequencer for Spell Trigger at 8, and take Mordekainen's Sword here. Great summon to hold off the goons.
8. Eh, I take both? Not immediately, but by the end of SoA, early ToB you have both.
9. Take both!! CC first, Time Stop second.

@mattholomew2 - 03.11.2022 05:35

Why do you sound exactly like edwin? Lol

@sergiotc78 - 28.10.2022 08:59

Lol he sounds like Edwins brother 🤣

@jameztrainwreck2681 - 16.10.2022 18:32

I play on a phone so I can't get scs?

@Altiar253 - 28.09.2022 14:22

fantastic review! i like your use of spells i selected different spells but you made me appreciate spook alot more thanks. i like using Horror as an early level 2 spell especially combined with web is just cruel on low level enemies haha :D

@youngimperialistmkii - 29.07.2022 21:01

Ohh! Spell guide.

@hellscorpio82 - 28.07.2022 17:49

you don't fool anyone with that accent you are a portuga i am sure of it. LOL. Bom video continua.

@BlackBinderGames - 25.07.2022 00:20

Do you not like glitterdust?

@notalefty999 - 13.07.2022 12:11

Why is dragon disciple good?

@awesimo4684 - 11.07.2022 14:15

Can't argue with the majority of choices here.

One essential Icewind Dale spell that deserves a mention, if you are playing with those spells, is the level 4 spell: Emotion Hope. It's a party wide buff of +2 to saving throws, damage, and hit roles, that lasts 1 hour. That's an essential buff IMO. Hard to say where it fits for a sorcerer preference among the other great level 4 options, but definitely wants to be somewhere in your party at least.

@09calz - 11.07.2022 00:18

Nice guide im doing my first SCS run as inquisitor planning sorc next I’ll use this guide for tips

@ToTheNines87368 - 06.07.2022 08:46

The game is difficult enough already :(

@OnAVisitAtLee - 29.06.2022 21:06

Хуйню не городи. Тем более для Party. Посмотрел только первые три лвла. Дальше смотреть, нет смысла.

@Ddd23153 - 28.06.2022 11:43

Spirit armor instead of greater malison? No glitterdust?

@mummy7344 - 28.06.2022 10:55

Haven't played the game in decades and planning the buy game again. Do you think it's okay for me to use the 2 mods that you mentioned?

@Tentin.Quarantino - 27.06.2022 16:03

For 6th level I always pick death spell as my first choice. Sure it’s not very useful in difficult battles but it’s convenient when you meet a large group of trash mobs

@Andrew-it7fb - 26.06.2022 17:04

I've always found web to be too limiting and annoying to use. Too many times, you're too close to the enemy and end up disabling your party as well.

@atmosdwagon4656 - 25.06.2022 20:42

Project Image is straight cheating in my eyes and so fun to abuse with a meme build. But wow did Bioware not even remotely think that spell through. It's arguably more powerful than Wish, which itself is utterly OP if you have high Wisdom (or just carry Potions of Insight to be used in conjunction with it; you can afford them if you can cast 9th level spells)

@atmosdwagon4656 - 25.06.2022 16:40

I'm honestly glad and kinda surprised the video wasn't just a 10 second screen that said "Play a Mage instead, lol".
Because that's usually the advice given when the matter of Sorcerer pops up in these games. (and most versions of D&D prior to 5th edition)

@User_Un_Friendly - 25.06.2022 08:41

While I disagree with some choices, (playing Sorcerers, I prefer Dragon Disciple and spam Incendiary Cloud) I agree with your choices. Last spell choice on level 9 is Wish. SpellStrike and Imprisonment doesn’t even compare. 😛

@krowaswieta7944 - 22.06.2022 16:55

As someone who played bgs with all mods with hardest settings (including legacy of bhaal), this list is weird af to me. You listed here a lot of useless spells (remove magic; you have breach etc. to remove magic from enemies... Your enemies usually are higher level than you so this spell simply doesnt do anything most of the time; another such spell is detect invisibility - again, you have better spell than this one to deal with invisibility) and didnt include game changing ones (like chromatic orb with malison, hold person (stun is the most 'lose of controll; effect), gllitering dust, hold monster, hold undead (well, hold spells are especially important for legacy of bhaal) etc.

In general it looks like you use mage almost exclusively as a support whos job is to immobilize enemies.

@tomservo1367 - 21.06.2022 21:26

Great guide, appreciate it!

@xOrlparx - 16.06.2022 12:56

Very nice video, I listen to while at work. Love bg content <3

@evolvedape2161 - 13.06.2022 04:54

I expect your channel to do quite well in time. Well presented and not overly complex. Keep it up!
