YouTube's Worst Reviewer | Under The Mayo Continues To Contradict Himself (Mayo's Sifu review Pt 2)

YouTube's Worst Reviewer | Under The Mayo Continues To Contradict Himself (Mayo's Sifu review Pt 2)

Psychonautic Therapy

1 год назад

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@NamelessCrusad3r - 10.07.2024 06:26

Bro enemy in the intro is fucking awesome

@cornondajakob - 06.07.2024 06:01

Mayo thinks Halo sucks, therefore anything he says is wrong

@Tyler-qc6lz - 02.07.2024 04:40

I think this is an overly rude video that has generated a hate filled comment section. There are ways for disagreements to happen between people without the disagreements devolving into mere insults. I think you made some good points in the video but because they were undercut by insults to the person you were arguing against they lost some of the impact and instead this video became a video for people who already held your opinion instead of possibly convincing someone that didn’t already think the same things as you. Maybe that was what you were going for, but I hope that’s not the case.

@jassykat - 01.07.2024 02:57

why are you mad, he's just doing a review. I think it's cringe that you find something to complain about every 5 seconds of his review.

@WreckTheMan - 27.06.2024 11:00

Make yo own mf game of your so good at changing things then 😭

@darklordsonic9757 - 25.06.2024 18:06

Acerthorne is worse than under the mayo

@jonathandawson3091 - 09.06.2024 18:20

I think Mayo is right.

It's one thing to have a proper training mode explaining throws etc.

It's a completely different thing to have a half arsed thing only once when you start a game. Worse, every time unskippable when you start a new game.

@gilgameshthetreasurehunter2750 - 09.06.2024 01:35

Every video I see about Mayo has brought me to the conclusion that he's denser than an Osmium brick.

@manasdharpure5789 - 25.05.2024 09:09

This neuro impaired nimrod tryna make enemies with every fandom on the earth💀💀 First Ultrakill now Sifu

@Mr_guy99 - 08.05.2024 05:42

You make good points, but sometimes you take things out of context when he was talking about the camera zooming in he was talking about during takedowns because it feels more movie like I’m guessing, but what he was talking about in the other episode Was the camera stopping when it hits a wall making it impossible to see enemies

@gabrieldinis6382 - 29.04.2024 13:19

I am convinced that UnderTheMayo is just a mentally disabled person who asks ChatGPT to write an essay full of bullshit about a game and then narrates it to his worshippers.

@antiproductive4131 - 20.04.2024 19:02

Who would complain about an optional easy mode? What a pretentious loser

@ryanbhadain5867 - 18.04.2024 14:25

Contradiction is not the same as nuance, which is what intelligent people always have in their analysis and reflexions. Nuance is key to the truth. Nothing is black or white.

@TherealXIX - 22.03.2024 02:23

Ur clout chasing mayo ngl get off his diccc

@algosemvalor - 18.03.2024 00:24


@Wex86 - 17.03.2024 19:58

I'm so glad that I got into Ultrakill just to then find out about Mayo and mess up my "stupid scale".

@deathcold_longplaysua4846 - 12.03.2024 23:08

I get it that this video is old by now, but it explains Mayo's review of Batman Arkham Asylum and City in recent video. But what it doesn't explains is his defenders who are trying to defend him from incoming fair criticism.

@littlemoth4956 - 03.03.2024 02:25

He wants an easy mode, but hates easy modes.
He wants the camera to not zoom in any more, but hates when it zooms in.
I'm genuinely curious what goes on inside his head.

@erthsda6758 - 20.02.2024 14:31

I don't know how Under The Hypocrisy can take it anymore lmao

@thepolishdestroyeroprpioru9164 - 15.02.2024 00:19

"It's a good thing you don't make this game, because it would suck" - Hakita, Ultrakill.

@fishtonk5506 - 24.12.2023 06:03

To fully sink in how bad under the mayo is as a game reviewer, I spent 1 day watching video on how he’s a bad reviewer and over all of this one day journey, I had more fun breaking his downright narrarsacistic character down than watching any of his game reviews.

@JtheBOSS - 14.12.2023 22:46

Nearly 14 minutes before I realized the other loader is named
Favorite Femboy

@Tarragon_ - 11.11.2023 20:21

That Go F yourself had me in tears 😂😂😂

@soulstech414 - 02.11.2023 18:57

I don't like mayo... at all. But I do believe that if a developer wants to make a game with a single difficulty than that's fine. They want to make a game that has one experience, you need to learn the mechanics and get better at the game or you're not going to finish the game. Personally, I like that alot

@flyingcow87 - 02.11.2023 06:54

sounds like massive skill issue tbh😔

@cuppacawfee - 24.10.2023 14:32

Great video!

I wonder what text to speech program he uses for his A.I voiceover.

@riplix20 - 09.10.2023 07:50

Wait youve been able to skip cutscenes since at least the easu mode update

@omegaxtrigun - 27.09.2023 12:32

Mayo has the weirdest ego. One dev gave him the slightest bit of acknowledgement and now he thinks he’s a pro game designer.

@tyupiopumpkin3313 - 14.09.2023 04:26

mayos video is like if someone complained about drizzle in ror2 being too easy

@genuine8776 - 11.09.2023 18:39

Favorite femboy.

@DONG-502 - 31.08.2023 05:24

And yet under the mayo fanboys exist

@brennenbyrd4507 - 24.08.2023 17:17

I find is so funny that Mayo skips tutorials and then complains that the game doesn’t teach him anything yet when they do something to help him he complains about hand holding.

@MothFable - 19.08.2023 10:20

Coming into this from his “based” takes on ultrakill his problem is thag he thinks games that aren’t doom eternal need to be doom eternal with no regard for the fact that the game is intentionally not doom eternal? So fucking annoying. Also seeing you play ror2(as a fellow loader main thag makes me happy) I was remembering how I was against command until a modded character description described how playing without command is just getting cucked by the game.

@idiotheh - 12.07.2023 22:30

easy mode

@banks3388 - 21.06.2023 08:03

I mean I fundamentally agree that there are game titles that don't require an easy mode and the outright exploitation of people with disabilities that comes out of the whole journo accessibility argument was pretty gross. In saying that I find it hilarious how butt-hurt some people get when a game ends up having an easy mode added (Sifu was always fairly casual in it's difficulty). I personally take the approach of Paradox where I believe people who want to play for achievements should have to have an "Ironman" mode enabled that will essentially force them to play on normal or harder difficulty if they want to get any of the achievements (or lock out some of the harder achievements put there for the try hards so that people can't exploit the easy mode to get them).

Again tho, don't be a journo who rages about how people are ablest because they won't cater specifically for you or because you're that bad at the game that you couldn't get past the demo and/or tutorial (a certain cuphead vid comes to mind).

@malcolmelproductions - 19.06.2023 04:22

Mayo: doom dev gives him the slightest bit of attention

“So I think that you be given a gun with limited am-“

@fobo3361 - 17.06.2023 12:35

Being mayo's friend must be torture, having him trying desperately to get you into some random game he's obsessed with despite it not being your thing and swearing up and down that it just needs an "easy" mode, when in reality if a game like sifu is too hard on normal, then rogue likes probably just aren't your thing, cuz thats EVERY rogue like, playing it over and over getting your shit kicked in and just trying to learn a LITTLE bit more one playthrough at a time

Its the classic old school style of game design where they make it extremely hard to stretch out run time, think Contra, its not a very long game start to finish but you'll spend days trying to get through the whole thing, and thats the whole point of the rogue like genre, sifu 5 levels, hades 4 areas, deadcells like 30-40 minutes per run, all hard as nails and is going to take starting over again and again, if you dont like that (as mayo knows his friends wont) then this genre isn't for you, but then you got this fuckin guy constantly pestering you about how good it is and saying he'll teach you, RIP to whoever knows mayo irl 🤣

@jknifgijdfui - 15.06.2023 19:08

I think a lot of his points are fine sure in the intro the game teaches you a few moves but only once and all at once and youll probably forget he wanted the easy mode to not be so easy you couldnt just mash one button the entire time as he wanted it to actually make people learn how the game works just in a much less punishing area under the mayo is flawed but he has a pretty simple philosophy he just wants games to make you learn how they work and while he might go far sometimes i feel its a fine enough philosophy and a hard beat em up like this one is one of the best places that idea can be used for under the mayo can be a prick but dont act like everything he says is automatically wrong

@doompunk64 - 14.06.2023 00:29

How did you miss the part where Mayo was talking about the camera during takedowns not zooming in? He was complaining about the overall camera in the first review and even complains about it again after a minute or two of you throwing insults like a child.

That wasn’t him switching the goal post. The camera would zoom in during takedowns in his first review but did not during his second, that’s what the fuss was about. You’d know if you played the game though.

@Evomcpot - 22.05.2023 21:28

There's no way mayo has a girlfriend

@somedudethatripsplanetinha4221 - 20.05.2023 09:21

He's gonna absolutely despise Half-Life and Half-Life 2

@iloveferretssogoddamnmuch - 17.05.2023 01:25

this guy would agree with something he "likes" like his mother and then make a 50 minute and a half essay on all the cons about her and what to change

@miser2570 - 16.05.2023 03:48

Wait the guy literally enacted a Straw man fallacy to justify his point? wow

@aaronpowers1537 - 09.05.2023 06:58

I first seen mayo from the RE reviews and agreed with him on some points, but after I’ve seen the people make videos about his contradictories in said reviews, Mayo comes off as the person who wants to play both sides, so he can be the “voice of the people”
