Has China's Private Tuition Ban Passed The Stress Test? | Undercover Asia

Has China's Private Tuition Ban Passed The Stress Test? | Undercover Asia

CNA Insider

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Martin Moreno
Martin Moreno - 13.10.2023 17:13

At least with depopulation there will be less competition and this will stop eventually

יAAAAAAי AAAAAA𒐫𒐫𒐫𒐫𒐫𒐫𒐫𒐫𒐫𒐫𒐫𒐫𒐫𒐫𒐫𒐫𒐫
יAAAAAAי AAAAAA𒐫𒐫𒐫𒐫𒐫𒐫𒐫𒐫𒐫𒐫𒐫𒐫𒐫𒐫𒐫𒐫𒐫 - 09.10.2023 16:26

I think a way to mitigate the stigma is to make it so 60% of students go to vocational school, while 40% goes to regular high school. Like think about it, how many masters students does the country really need? There is an oversaturation of university graduates in china.

AllTimeNoobie - 07.10.2023 19:57

Chinese parent don't understand if you plan everything out for your child, they'll grow fond of relying on you, and sooner or later, they are in 20's graduated jobless and your kids still rely on you to make decisions for them. That's why American lets their kids think and decide for themselves. Passion and Self-determination doesn't come from following order.

囼 囲
囼 囲 - 01.10.2023 21:46

科举制度考试选拔体现的公平性影响世人几千年. 未来有没有更好的制度来甄选人才呢. 我不知道.

Rob Happé
Rob Happé - 01.10.2023 00:32

Nothing is normal in China!

Faith Thong
Faith Thong - 30.09.2023 02:28

Being kids nowadays is really stressful

Andy T
Andy T - 28.09.2023 07:15

The co-founders of Grace English aren't even named Grace?????

jennifer vaughn
jennifer vaughn - 25.09.2023 16:37

I’m in America and these parents remind me of my grandparents. My grandpa was only able to go to the eighth grade because he had to get a job to help support the family. So he was always encouraging us in school and encouraging us to go on to college and make some thing of our self

Jan Dedick
Jan Dedick - 19.09.2023 02:08

Probably a stupid question but do people in China not have heat in their homes? Everyone is wearing a winter coat. Even eating and sitting around talking. Or it’s not affordable for middle class people?

Jarrod Yuki
Jarrod Yuki - 14.09.2023 07:41

privates tutrros ban!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Jarrod Yuki
Jarrod Yuki - 14.09.2023 07:40

japan will retake thekurils sakhalin ad voadvkosu the korea will take nroth kotea.

Karina Royuki
Karina Royuki - 14.09.2023 07:29


Karina Royuki
Karina Royuki - 14.09.2023 07:15


Hikashi A. Halfiah
Hikashi A. Halfiah - 14.09.2023 02:47

Hiding only the teacher's face is still pretty irresponsible. With all the surveillance camera powered with AI in China, even children face could plausibly be stored somewhere. That would link it to particular location, and from that government could sniff where this private lesson is happening. CNA should do more due diligence on situation in the field.

xr4nchy - 10.09.2023 13:30

India is facing same problem, 10years ago the gov tried to implement 80-20 weightage scheme, where 80% was calculated from entrance exam and 20% from school board exams. This was done as more and more kids were skipping schools to take tutions/coaching to qualify the entrance exams.
Now, All that is gone, it's a nightmare. Private coaching has dug at every corner of the society. A kid has to take tution at every stage of his/her career, kindergarten, middle, high school, university etc up until getting a job. and then 5-10years of gap and then kids and their tution cycle again

Gurriato - 10.09.2023 12:49

It's all pretty ridiculous. The truth of the matter is that there isn't any job in the world that requires its workers to study 12 hours a day since early childhood to prepare for it. I would say that, in most jobs, people learn most of the relevant skills after they start working, with university coming in second place. In more technical occupations it's the opposite, but both are always more important than high school, and everything before that is anecdotical at best. And yet, what you often see in these Asian countries is people going through hell to get into a good university and then coasting through it.

All those artificial filtering mechanisms placed on children and teenagers do not benefit the country, they don't guarantee more efficient workers or a more competitive industry, so the State does well in trying to reign it in. China in particular is in no way hurting for more young graduates, looking at their unemployment numbers. What they need to do is to improve the living conditions of all the workers their economy actually needs, so there are fewer incentives for parents to push their children to their breaking points.

trinh pham quoc
trinh pham quoc - 29.08.2023 15:38

I am a mature man in VN, just like China. I am afraid that I am not well off enough to help my children compete with their peers.

Jessica X
Jessica X - 21.08.2023 00:35

This reminded me of my elementary school years in China. All those weekend classes... I sure don't miss them.

Yangzhou Xia
Yangzhou Xia - 17.08.2023 04:44

"It's right to reform the private tuition because it creates inequality. The rich families who can afford good private tuition give their children advantage at schools, while the poorer families get left behind."
------ Thank you. Your comment is what I want to say.

Max Go
Max Go - 12.08.2023 15:24

i don't think these parents knew what a pedophile is. they leave their small children to a foreigners home for couple of days. a perfect set-up for children's sexual abuse. soon, a lot of pedophiles will be going to China for this set up.

WalkiesHD - 04.08.2023 08:04

Reducing pressure on the students, but also making sure only the textbooks condoned by the government get taught

douchebag patrol
douchebag patrol - 03.08.2023 10:33

Is the CCP gonna arrest kids for studying too much now?

Songio Je
Songio Je - 30.07.2023 23:01

teachers don't know about topic but let all text book pn children" go , write and learn by themselve

Emanuele Fessia
Emanuele Fessia - 21.07.2023 17:38

Italiano inglese
Italiano francese
Tedesco italiano
Spagnolo italiano
Italiano ucraino
Tutti i filtri
Circa 20.000.000 risultati (0,37 secondi)
Cinese (tradizionale)
Io sono italiano e sto guardando questo video.
Siamo gli unici due popoli al mondo, che si vogliono bene come dei fratelli. Italia e Cina sono unite da millenni di storia, nessuno può contestarlo, e questo fatto, credimi, da molto fastidio agli Americani. Durante la pandemia del Covid-19, (che io sono sicuro essere un Virus studiato in laboratorio dalla C.I.A AMERICANA e portato succesivamente dagli Americani in Cina (e non come dicono assolutamente, di origine cinese!) noi italiani, abbiamo subito chiamato la Cina per sapere come stavate. Dei famosi dottori Cinesi, sono venuti qui in italia ed hanno visitato il famso ospedale "Spallanzani" di Roma, dove poco
dopo, una coppia di anziani coniugi cinesi di Wuhan è stata salvata dao nostri medici italiani.
Ci hanno ringraziato, ed hanno detto che L'Italia per loro è la loro seconda casa. Italia e Cina sarenno sempre unite!

麥麥Melody - 20.07.2023 05:52

It's sad that I haven't seen a single parent in this video thinking of educating themselves rather than the children. Their reaction to the "shuangjian" policy is all about how to find a way OUT of it, but not how to improve themselves who are the best teachers for their children, not just in terms of academic but everything about life. The eduction piece in China is not lacking for the children, but indeed, for the parents.

Harry DK
Harry DK - 17.07.2023 18:15

I'm from Vietnam. The tension wasn't that bad back in the 90s early 00s but I studied 14-16 hours per day, 6-7 days per week. Many useless stuff (at least for me), and after 12 years of agonizing, I forgot most of it :(. Always think about it and ask why would we waste 12 years of our best time in life for stress. Education is important, but I truly wish Asian study culture can be reformed and changed for the better

HC Lau
HC Lau - 16.07.2023 11:20

My goodness.. CNA has no bottom line when it comes to anti China and china hating propaganda... shameless..

culture88 - 15.07.2023 22:33

The situation, as outlined in this video, whole approach really is connected to so many Chinese, and other Asian folks antagonistic framing of affirmative action in the US. I think that they are quite stupid to think that those in power are in power because of "good grades". And critical creative thinking has been shown to be much more effective in producing innovation than the presentation here of "getting the best grades". Also, they are completely ignorant of their own imperial history. Historically, those that sat for and typically passed the imperial exam were always the well-to-do. And those that facilitated the exam demonstrated an invested interest in maintaining class/culture/ethnic boundaries.

Geoffrey Currie
Geoffrey Currie - 29.06.2023 08:14

So you have ONE test that determines the future of an entire year of students, and then you ban studying for it. Nice move.

Jammi - 20.06.2023 03:51

This is why i think there are a lot of chinese teachers on tiktok. I spoke to one there and she said she lost her english school business due to covid restrictions and this private tuition ban. She has a lot of debt apparently due to losing the business.

Jessie Goodman
Jessie Goodman - 19.06.2023 07:19

Instead of putting a ban on whole business, people have to think about where the stress,anxiety come from, is there any thing wrong with that education system, or social perception on success, life value all that stuff. The stress comes from a systematic problem. Why most of the parents don’t want their kids to go through vocational schools, which is gonna save them a lot money on tutoring courses. If it’s caused by a significant inequality between white collar industries and blue collar industries? Then the solution they figured out is to take away an option from parents.

persona - 11.06.2023 19:48

the entire education system will face a reckoning when ai becomes sophisticated enough to offer world class, personal education to anyone, anywhere, on any subject.

S W - 29.05.2023 04:51

Western media never reports truth of China anyway, hence i have stopped reading/listening to any western media, it is a waste of time.

Yulius Guritno
Yulius Guritno - 25.05.2023 08:59

I do not understand, the more you force those children to sit in extra classes or tuition, it is just put an extra load to them. Didnt the parent know, that their brain is not yet developed at that age?

jllouie - 20.05.2023 23:51

A solution would be to make the vocational jobs pay more.

李俊Joe - 19.05.2023 09:04

If a restaurant waiter in China also can buy an apartment, if house price is more affordable in China, I think the parents would not be so stressful about the children's education about the children's future.

Evan Ricard
Evan Ricard - 19.05.2023 05:07

Nothing will stop parents from wanting to educate their children if they choose to do so.

F2P BTW - 16.05.2023 15:59

Ain’t no ban gonna stop all the elite 1% earners to get the best of the best to tutor their kids tbh.

Steven - 13.05.2023 18:33

Cultural issues between eastern Asia and western countries like the US. it's not just education, it's way of life. For example; in China, South Korea, and Japan, workers would all be overtiming despite not being asked because they were all competing with each other, their employees are self sufficient enough to stay longer hours (whether this is more productive is a different topic). In the US most people leave at 4:30PM to catch the early train home despite office hour ends at 5PM, so employers have to come up with incentive to get people to produce more. lol.

In a heavy competitive society, it's an employer market where employees are pitting themselves against each other. In the less competitive society, employees band to together against the employer via union and unspoken rule like no email after 5PM and etc, it's an employee market.

In the US, knowing more and work harder = getting ahead.
In places like China = knowing more and work harder = norm, you're only getting ahead if you can learn and work in your dreams.

scotty16333 - 13.05.2023 12:40

that's fine but then how can the government still have the the one big exam. that defines your futur

Isli T
Isli T - 13.05.2023 11:07

After watching this I am just happy I am not a kid 😅

spritedrin - 13.05.2023 06:28

Less people less competition. People who goes into trade schools like plumbing and electrical actually makes wayyyyyy more than average salary workers. Because most people don’t want to do labor jobs and there’s no enough people doing these jobs to that it keeps the hourly cost very high. Try finding people to renovate your house for less than under 50k! It’s impossible. Labor costs are high here because the demand and high and supply is low. But in China their labor is so cheap the trade jobs make very little

pricklee cactus
pricklee cactus - 09.05.2023 17:35

That mum who sent her kids (even her toddler!) to live with a random English speaking stranger has issues. She needs her head checked. How does she know he is safe??

Xiphoid Process
Xiphoid Process - 09.05.2023 02:31

With a GDP of approximately 2/3 of the US but 4 times the population, the competition for good schools and good jobs has been cutthroat when I was little, and it still is today. With the Asian mentality of sending kids to universities as strong as ever, the economy just has no need for this many university graduates. It's no wonder we are seeing a generation of youth who still must study/compete as intensely as we did but without the job prospects of 10 years ago. Trying to ban private education in this bigger picture is just like putting a price cap on a scarce commodity, only creates a demand/supply gap that will be fulfilled by illegal/black markets. Someone didn't fully think this policy through.

Leo Chun
Leo Chun - 08.05.2023 19:53

the narrator sometimes exchanged the word tuition for tutoring making the story confusing.. Is the Double Reduction Act banning private tutoring or private tuition? What about tutoring someone without charging a fee for it? There are those few "hero" teachers who stayed late on their own time to help a struggling student. In the end all parents will want their child to be better off than they are in life by sacrificing their own quality of life.
