What Does An Atom REALLY Look Like?

What Does An Atom REALLY Look Like?

The Science Asylum

6 лет назад

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@SMITH-lw3rv - 23.01.2024 18:02

Ha ha ha its an illusion 😅😅😅

@trevormugalu3797 - 19.01.2024 17:11

So what really happens during these "quantum jumps" of electrons from one orbital to another? Old man Bohr left us with no coherent explanation of what actually goes on.

@countschad - 17.01.2024 03:49

Neglected to illustrate what the orbital clouds look like. So, you didn't show what atoms "actually look" like...

@elberethreviewer5558 - 15.01.2024 01:04

I'm tired of watching videos and physicists talk in ways that sound like this, "Everything in physics is mad, crazy, insane, mind-blowing, impossible to visualize, totally loco, hard to understand, hard to explain, hard to visualize, etc..." You might as well say, "If you don't have an IQ of at least 115, you might as well turn this off and go flip a burger for someone." How are we going to get the average person on board with these ideas if you keep saying that its crazy.

@mohammadmohebbi5292 - 20.12.2023 06:54

What is outside of the Omniverse Huh. I want to know.

@cliffords2315 - 29.11.2023 05:24

Sloppy and Jokey presentation

@onesimoaugustobossharddasi4432 - 09.11.2023 07:56

Então é o elétron q absorve a luz ou foton, e depois de passar de uma órbita a outra "devolve" a luz (foton)?

@SB-lc2vd - 02.10.2023 02:17

Hey, Nick is the mass of an atom proportional to the velocity of its electrons moving at relativistic speeds?

@nickgivent3157 - 11.09.2023 23:16

Yeah, but what does it look like lol

@totalfreedom45 - 03.09.2023 22:46

Math is everything—Max Tegmark’s mathematical universe hypothesis (MUH), aka ultimate ensemble theory. MUH has its critics.

@apdestroyers2370 - 02.09.2023 17:12

Hi Nick great video, I had a question... Can the probability waves of electrons interfere like other waves do , I read about the molecular orbital theory and it says the interference of electron waves (constructive or destructive ) leads to formation of molecular orbitals , so what is actually happening?

@rozsnyaitamas1078 - 31.08.2023 21:28

So how does an atom look like?

@sapristi455 - 17.08.2023 20:06

I know I'm a little late but I got a question : how does atoms bond ? In chemistry we learn that they ''share'' an electron... but how ?? If electrons are in constant motion, HOW ??

@JuraMalopolska - 11.07.2023 15:19

ziomuś pod mikroskopem widać...wyluzuj

@mbird1291 - 08.07.2023 20:07

Yeah, I have a question: What do atoms look like?

@Sandra-fj3ou - 03.07.2023 18:33

Can you take the neutrons, protons, and electrons from an abundant material? Basically, what I mean is can you separate those things out, and add a different amount of it to create an element? For example, if Uranium 235 needs 92 protons and 143 neutrons, can you take 92 protons, store them somewhere and combine them with 143 neutrons to create Uranium 235?

@sandyCP - 30.06.2023 08:58

About Aristotle, he opposed the idea that there can be a single particle, which is building block of all matters and can't be divided further into sub-particles. But atoms, indeed, can be divided further into sub-particles. So, in a way, dude is still right!

@patrickchuan4550 - 29.06.2023 22:28

It's easier to image that electron like all other particles can exists in 4 forms depending on its energy level: solid (single-point charge), liquid (half-forcefield spinning around the nucleus), gas (really probabilistic weak forcefield covering whole nucleus), and wave (string-like wrapping around the nucleus like multiple orbits).

@vmangani - 27.06.2023 02:25

Thank you for trying, but it's still too technical for us dummies. Who needs science fiction when we have real science.

@dillorado - 29.05.2023 23:28

On the topic if electrons...

As far as I understand it, Born did not consider his probability distribution as a literal interpretation of how particles behave - just a description of what happens when they are measured, or, our experience of them.

The mathmatics seem to describe what is observed - particles are in superposition until they interact with other particles. Would it be more reasonable to say that a single photon from a radio wave was always destined to arrive at my antenna or that the electromagnetic feild simply localized it there once it encountered it? The former explanation just doesn't seem to comport with QFT. Farraday field lines are evidence enough for me. The feild itself pre-supposes the existance of the virtual photon - the wave packet is a spontaneous manifestation of wave-like fluctuations in the field.

@hamzaalaudi1184 - 29.05.2023 21:39

Got any questions? Yes. What did I just watch, lmao. Give me a year or two to try to understand this video, but really interesting stuff honestly.

@harishchand4981 - 27.05.2023 20:18

Kya baat batie

@salehrada4631 - 27.05.2023 17:01

Hey new subscribers love you content
I have questions i ve been told that light travel at 300,000km/s for any observer that means if i have a machine that travel a lets say 100,000km/sec and i measure whats the light speed it will tell me its 300,000km/sec and not 200,000km/sec
Can you explain why

@gretalaube91 - 26.05.2023 21:51

But wait! Don't some spectral lines have a "width" that is really a bunch of smaller spectral lines, bunched around the wavelength? I would expect a smooth distribution due to something thermal, or whatever, but when I look up some lines, they are really a cluster of lines...........or am I wrong?

@191246mann1 - 23.05.2023 00:45

his final picture does not show other things we are told like the electron is a long way away from the nucleolus and they go in pair and look in a orbital.well look on other sites.There is a lot more to know.

@MYLITTLEPWNY97 - 21.05.2023 14:36


@jerryfacts9749 - 20.05.2023 18:45

What has been shown as what an atom, proton, nucleus, and other types of particles is a theoretical map based on derivatives from equations. It is only a derived visual representation. With increased technology scientists are starting to be able to actually see these very tiny quantum level particles/entities. Even with this we cannot see them absolutely clearly.

@tatianaphilippova2903 - 17.05.2023 12:33

... that is why I really love science! 😁Uncertainty.

@lichtzeit.eu-news - 16.05.2023 06:01

Atom theory did not begin with the greeks but in ancient india. Einstein, von Braun, Oppenheimer and many others studied ancient indian texts before they came up with seemingly "new" ideas. Oppenheimers famously quoted the Bhagavad Gita. Check this out and make a new video on that please, that would be very interesting.

@HARIPRASADkulal - 16.05.2023 05:09

Why are you being like a mad

@bontempo1271 - 08.05.2023 19:39

So if electrons in an atom cannot be moving themselves without releasing energy, howabout they are in a 'matter' and it's the matter that is moving.
When an electron escapes an atom, does it then release energy ?

@phoenixdowner - 03.05.2023 09:31

Nick Lucid? That name is very appropriate. I like it a lot.

@dianp.t.8886 - 26.04.2023 12:52

Excellent summary! Thank you!

@user-cs9gn4pn5d - 24.04.2023 12:30

Один пищдеж

@MonaLisa-bg9cz - 23.04.2023 23:49

I’m more confused than ever!! 😂

@davidcopson5800 - 22.04.2023 15:03

Say hello, wave goodbye.

@islabonita4193 - 22.04.2023 04:46

😂why did I make you😅

@jimmarshall2757 - 16.04.2023 22:45

Hi, if a particle can be here or there with an uncertain probability, does this mean it has the possibility of travelling faster than light, presumably “there” would have no boundaries, or am I missing something. 🤔

@lalitasharma6687 - 16.04.2023 11:55

Is there a on density function theory and couple cluster theory??? If not it's a request please make one

@vadimc2144 - 15.04.2023 15:09

I do have questions, but I can't even start to explain them.

@gavinvalentino6002 - 13.04.2023 00:56

Yeah but I can tell you exactly what Adam looks like.

@gnikydad - 11.04.2023 20:47

it wasn't Greeks but Indians who suggested the idea of atoms. Most notably Acharya Kanada.

@josea.deleon2222 - 07.04.2023 14:01

Are the waves it's own magnetic field? If it lost strength in it it would change it's value.

@sheetalagarwalla1241 - 26.03.2023 16:13

But in electron microscope we atoms which are sphere like are they orbitals or electrons revolving nucleus

@vivek0512 - 23.03.2023 17:20

Tell in simpler way... Does electron revolve around nucleus ?

@SurajKumar-ln8ij - 01.03.2023 19:10

So the elctrons are weird fundamental particles which are weird and not weird at the same time.

@coolstar7819 - 18.02.2023 17:04

It's really helpful for highschool!!!

@kateyez7186 - 17.02.2023 07:27

The way I think of atoms is like a ceiling fan on the high setting. The middle core is relatively stable and the electrons are spinning around it, so incredibly fast that is acts like it's in all locations in it's path at once. Even though technically if you could stop time it would have a definite position.
