How to COMBINE DATA with MERGE and APPEND in Power BI

How to COMBINE DATA with MERGE and APPEND in Power BI

How to Power BI

4 года назад

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@akshayshirbhate7 - 26.09.2022 11:24

What if there is 2 in portrait form n another in landscape.. also having no similar column or rows?

@ЭдмондГаллей - 13.10.2022 15:46

Thanks a lot for merge by mult columns, it's very useful!

@piotrkuc8936 - 22.10.2022 09:07

Great video, really appreciate your time and effort putting it all together.
Queston: how to join tables, where one row is related to multiple rows in another table?

@sherellet79 - 02.11.2022 06:27

Should you be able to merge two data sources e.g. excel and a BYOD. I have been able to do it in desktop and refresh without issue but as soon as I publish to the web the refresh stops working - data connection issue but no error info of any help.

I have been able to drill down to my merge tables being the issue, as if I disable them, the rest of the report refreshes ok.

@jameslennie90 - 02.11.2022 22:25

Thank you for the video - really great. I have 3 tables for historic and current data that I append together. I have unclicked the enable load of the historic data but when I refresh the big appended table ( historic + current) the historic data refreshes again - even though it never changes. As the historic data contain about 5 million rows this takes a long time. Is there a way to stop this?

@saitenspieler3489 - 16.01.2023 13:04

Great explanation, very helpful! Thanks!

@PhillipLearnTeach - 25.01.2023 07:18

Thanks for he video. Should I limit the rows (50k) in every table b4 want to merge before and also on the merged table as well?

@ahv5457 - 09.02.2023 08:34

Thanks for the video. I have two identical datasets: one is a historical data and saved as a csv file and the other one is from an API which gets refreshed everyday. I have built all my dashboards based on the API. Now if I follow your steps and append the historical one with the API one, does the data that’s coming from API in the appended table still gets updated or it overwrites the historical one as well? I need to keep the historical data fixed and refresh the API data daily.

@osPA78 - 13.03.2023 16:30

This video was amazing! I am currently working on a project very similar to the examples that you showed. I'll be implementing the steps that you've mentioned. Gracias!!!

@kebincui - 01.04.2023 22:23

Super video. Thanks Bas

@weichyiloh9860 - 12.04.2023 07:49

Thanks for your sharing, it is useful for me to load excel files in a folder. But I am facing an issue, everytime I refresh, I am required to wait to refresh old files(which no changes) May I know it is possible only refresh new files? Thanks.

@akshitakhatri4528 - 27.04.2023 19:48

Hello everyone , I have a question , can we merge two pages into a single page in power bi? Any help will be appreciated 🙂

@BlessedAdebomi - 25.05.2023 16:50


@binbinzhou6938 - 02.06.2023 10:30

Fantastic video! Thanks a lot!

@adedamoladurotoye7386 - 15.06.2023 14:46

Hi, great video i do have a question what if the salary for the employee is updated from a new file in the folder can powerbi update the salary column

@AleOrilio - 11.07.2023 00:00

Your video was SO helpful! Thank you so much!
I just have one question, how do I combine 2 unrelated tables?
For example:
Table 1: Fruits
Table 2: Vegetables

Desired result:

Is It possible? How?

@jagex4me - 23.07.2023 23:13

Great content, tyvm for sharing. Question: what if the headers of one file are in Dutch and the other in English? So contentwise it is ok to append but the names are different?

@jhewitthunt - 15.08.2023 11:21

Very well explained (again). Any chance of creating a video that shows how to append powerbi datasets to each other please?

@JUHILLAPSIWALA007 - 25.08.2023 21:19

Great video, I want to know all the option given in merging data and you clear my all doubts Thanks 😊 👌🏻

@pahadianalyst - 31.08.2023 11:01


@panic_seller - 12.09.2023 23:52

My append adds data horizontally instead of vertically, like I have 2 tables with 3 columns each, it creates another table with 6 columns instead of APPENDING, why??

@matheusguifer - 06.10.2023 00:38

Can you enable auto captions please? It's essential for the hard of hearing. Thanks!

@willianrocha5475 - 26.10.2023 02:34

hi !
awesome video! the bonus content helped me a LOT. It's some daily problems that other videos doesn't show.
thanks a lot :)

@MelodiousEchoes2028 - 26.10.2023 09:36

It is still very confusing, i have a zip file which contains various data like few excel files (which is fine), but a map, and some random pdf and text file which are not in the form of table, I don't know what to do

@LifeofSheru - 22.11.2023 15:43

Hi Can anyone help with the error message (" [Expression, Error] The key didn't match any rows in the table") I am getting while running the power query? Basically, I have a Power Query appending 19 Excel files from a folder but sometimes when I am refreshing the data the files may be in use by users and this error message will pop up.

@MakesSens - 23.11.2023 04:01

Hey Bas, starting from the bottom of your catalogue and working my way up. REALLY should have watched this one a few weeks ago, would have saved myself a lot of hassle! Thanks for all the help.

@kakashihaa314 - 09.12.2023 12:18

amazing content, i find your video yesterday and browse your channel , you helping a lot sir thank you so much

@jim5400 - 13.12.2023 17:43

Oh my I've been trying to work this out for hours- this was so much clearer thank you!!!!!!

@SandeepYadav-s5b7l - 16.12.2023 23:09

I have scene many video on appending but most of them just explained the definition and done, but you showed different scenarios and their outcome. It was really amazing brother just subscribed you immediately.

@vedikajalamkar4798 - 04.01.2024 20:42

If I have 2 excel sheets one contains 100 records other contains 200 records. No common column between them to create relationships. But I have to perform an addition operation on the unit price column which is present in both but the value contains different . How can I perform an addition and generate a new column ? If merg is used then it will need the same number of records and append i don't want. What is the solution for this? Please tell me the solution?

@AkhilDuvvuru - 12.02.2024 18:48

Hey, can you help me with how to append Table 2 (ID, Name, Sal) into Table 1 (ID, Name, Sal) where filter out the IDs from Table 2 if the same ID is already exist in Table1 using M-Query in Power Query editor. Thanks!!

@rajasekar8318 - 22.02.2024 20:33

hey buddy, i need assistance in power bi query, i'm facing a issue when upload the table in the existing report

@IgnacioLarreaElorz - 07.03.2024 19:36

gracias maestro

@JohnsonAdeyanju-ww5xi - 05.05.2024 15:21

This video really helped

@nomad7317 - 20.05.2024 18:20

Man, this was a life-saver!!Thanks a ton!

@tejasb4427 - 24.05.2024 05:21

Amazing video❤!

@Graceadekanmi - 30.05.2024 14:55

Great Work!! You make power Bi so easy, love your explanation

@GTSSOPs - 31.05.2024 15:49

Thanks for this. Also when you count the rows it would help if you show exactly what you click to remove the row count. I just started over with combining the tables since I wasn't able to find how to remove row count

@jamaluddin4308 - 15.06.2024 07:47

You are an Excellent Teacher !!!!

@MAG.experiences - 17.07.2024 20:15

Very comprehensive explanation! Appreciate your efforts!

@MAG.experiences - 17.07.2024 20:18

After appending queries and creating new one as a result, if we disable load, how can we then ensure that it gets the latest data?

@fdrodreeguez20 - 18.07.2024 22:31

not to hate on the vide. Because I appreciate you explaining stuff....but note to self....I would rather you just show the window in full screen, than a smaller window and be showing mostly yourself on the video. I think it helps to see the full screen. But at the end of the day this is your video. Just a suggestion on my part. But again, thankful for the information being taught.

@sayi77 - 20.07.2024 09:34

Perfect explanations.

@dukestrikcani2925 - 06.09.2024 18:11

When I went to home I could not find the option to append quires. Would anyone know why?

@alanarodriguez9726 - 20.09.2024 00:43

I need your help please! You re very good. But what i need to do is to put precisely two columns stacked one on top of the other without merging the rows. How can i do that?

@onfire4000 - 29.10.2024 17:45

You rock!

@oshoanu-or5uc - 04.11.2024 16:51

To be honest you are a life saver on this video ....Because when my instructor was explaining I was lost and I find it hard to understand.

@oshoanu-or5uc - 06.11.2024 19:30

pls what if we have just 2 tables, should we select 2 tables or 3 or more tables ?

@husnitamrin5551 - 23.11.2024 23:27

how to export data merge after join 2 table
