MOST of you will FAIL at becoming Self Taught Programmers.. Here's why!

MOST of you will FAIL at becoming Self Taught Programmers.. Here's why!

Dorian Develops

2 года назад

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Dorian Develops
Dorian Develops - 11.07.2022 17:25

What are some of the things you're currently struggling with or did struggle with as a self taught programmer?

Vrooks - 12.10.2023 01:13

I failed and instead went to college. Doing much better now.

Jeff - 09.10.2023 18:38

EVERY one of these points can be applied to stock trading as well.

Free - 08.10.2023 12:19

Any way programming is so huge hobby that it’s not so highly necessary to find a job. I am writing code to help me trade , play golf and study. So I need not salary as compensation for coding. Relaxing from code with golf and relaxing from golf coding. It’s so cool ! ❤

Adam AR
Adam AR - 28.09.2023 23:40

I’m only about six weeks in learning to code via freecodecamp. Definitely having ups and down. Some stuff clicks super quickly and other bits feel like I’m banging my head against a brick wall.
I’m beginning to feel like coding is like going to the gym, no matter how strong you get you’re still chasing more gains. Here’s to making gains brethren 🫡

Yuusuf ahmed
Yuusuf ahmed - 23.09.2023 00:37

Hey, I'm Yuusuf and 20 years old. I’m interested in becoming a self-taught web developer, and I would like to meet serious people who want to connect so we could make a study group and make a plan together. If you are interested, let me know.

ninjaoffcialyt - 18.09.2023 11:12

Cant believe i am taking advice from jonny sins

Business Wolf
Business Wolf - 04.08.2023 12:45

I did it.

artemis fowl
artemis fowl - 22.07.2023 14:15

man i needed to hear this, personally i dont find it hard per say, once i get in that zone of proximal development i absorb and understand a lot of the information, (already have a grasp on swiftui) currently learning web dev, python and c++ each for specific goals and with the structure i have in place i’m on the right track, honestly all it takes is consistency and discipline, motivation goes out the window within the first couple of months and just like my crossfit/fitness training schedule i rely on discipline to get me going 98% of the time

frazebean - 08.07.2023 07:37

Thanks for the advice Agent 47.

Optimus6128 - 21.06.2023 14:09

You don't "become" self-taught programmer. You are self-taught programmer.
Is it the myth of the "self-taught-programmer".
When I started, I had an 8bit computer learning Basic, and it was playful. Then I went to a PC, learned some C. At some point I tried assembly.
It was also self playfulness. There was no goal to "become" self-taught-programmer. I guess that's a modern mythology about programmers now, so people try to "become" that?

Computer World Modern Inc.
Computer World Modern Inc. - 12.06.2023 23:05

This is true like me it's so hard. But it's possible!👍👍🙂🙂

Ian Hnizdo
Ian Hnizdo - 02.06.2023 04:34

I tried to become a self taught developer.... burnt out hard after 9 months and am going back to my old field. I still try to do algos and build apps as I enjoy it but everything is so hopelessly demanding in today's job market. Personally I'll do it part time while I try to recoop my finances.

Vladislav Karas'
Vladislav Karas' - 30.05.2023 20:36

Thanks for the video!

Jake Wolf
Jake Wolf - 27.05.2023 10:21

Programming is like Dark Souls, sometimes you will die 56 times before making any progress, the reality is most people quit on their 12th death.

DUMISANI ARCHANJEL MOYO - 07.05.2023 07:46

Nothing is difficult when you put your mind to it. Actually it's not the hardest thing to learn especially if you are coming from engineering background

Mary Leida Romero Martínez
Mary Leida Romero Martínez - 05.05.2023 21:59

You are right. I should not be listening to you.... I was just curious.... sorry..

Russell - 05.05.2023 11:05

johny sins gives advise on programming now?

Enzu - 23.04.2023 17:31

I'm still in highschool for my country (which is secondary school) but I already know that I'm going to fail the last exam because to pass it's required to pass in Malay(National Language) and History. The problem is that I don't really know the language and history is taught in that language.

Thankfully my parents are supportive and just really ask if I really have the interest in it. If I do then they'll support me learning how to code.

Robert Roberto
Robert Roberto - 18.04.2023 22:08

I am computer engineer with university diploma and working for big French IT company as a SW developer/integrator/tester and I am in the IT for more than 20 years till now. For me, it looks easy, but when I think what you need to know to do this job, it takes a lot of time because everything is changig very fast. The only good thing is that basic principles based on applied mathematics are not changing. Now, everything is up t the person. Try to read some of IT books for dummies in 2-3 days and if you can understand quickkly basic principles in a way to apply them then you are the man for a job, but if you are struggling with every concept, basic example, you can't understand basic mathematical apstract principles DON'T DO IT, because you will not have enough time to learn what you need!!! There are a lot of PREREQUISITES just to come in a position to START learning coding. You have to be familliar with at least 2 Operating systems (MS Windows and UNIX/Linux) because most of the jobs are in applications for these platforms. You need to read at least 2 books per OS to get deeply involved with these Operating Systems. The first book let be some book for 'dummies' and the second one intermediate know-how book. Regarding coding, you will have to read 7-12 books regarding targeted programming language(C++, C#, JAVA, Python), COMPUTER NETWORKS, COMPUTER ALGORITHMS, Open Source Web servers(e.g. Apache TOMCAT) and Theory behind Databases and its declarative DB Language SQL. Those technologies are MUST HAVE for every IT developer and it takes years to learn it day by day for many years. For all young people UNIVERSITY (course COMPUTER SCIENCE) is THE BEST CHOICE because university will give you the BEST GROUND LEVEL KNOWLEDGE you can get. There are many Math courses, Physics courses, Applied science courses and one important thing, YOU WILL MEET MANY SMART PEOPLE THAT ARE SMARTER THAN YOU and you can learn just talking to them. Later in life you will meet many of these people and they can help you because they know you.

Odiee47 - 13.04.2023 06:45

Every single thing, every question, every definition, every term, every programming language and even every answer is laid in front of peoples feet in the form of the internet, with professional educators explaining every single thing. And people still fail in college. (programming)
Now imagine the scope of self -taught compared to that.

Li ri
Li ri - 21.03.2023 23:47

which notepad to you use to write code?

Livi Bridge
Livi Bridge - 11.03.2023 14:15

I want to be a web dev and my entire family is absolutely encouraging and giving me all of the support I need. My boyfriend even allowed me to take a step back from my dead end job and go all in with becoming a developer for the next few months. I just struggle with the discipline and not having any guidance and it definitely worries me.

C822 - 10.03.2023 21:05

I was always a fan, back in the Adult Films industry days even.

tom rkba
tom rkba - 24.02.2023 01:58

I didn't fail so much as change focus. I went SRE and then switched to SDET. Pure coding doesn't exist; on our devops teams it's 1/4 to 1/3 coding, 1/3 meetings, and 1/3 design/research/ops/oncall. Meh. I'd rather do other things though I still do programming classes and such so I know what's going on and how to better invent tests.

Programming with NIT
Programming with NIT - 18.02.2023 06:27

Thank you

Getsunova - 14.02.2023 15:58

Wouldn't it be easier to just look up college courses for comp science degree and just study accordingly? For free.

Shmelly - 07.02.2023 03:37

Like they always say, "Mind over power" or something like that. Means, if you got the will-power to succeed, you will. Mind is much stronger than will if you got a strong mind.

Shmelly - 07.02.2023 03:36

I am #1 self taught programmers. Started in 2014, made some mistakes along the way but now can make any game in godot, C# (godot engine), C++, Javascript, Python, ES5/ES6. If you are a beta male, I don't expect you'll be making anything instead of complaining that this doesn't work. So many developers over-complicate it and it isn't hard. Yes learning something new, you are going to have your issues but doesn't mean you wont improve. Life is a journey. DEAL WITH IT.

Manish Barik
Manish Barik - 06.02.2023 18:30

Game dev

ELKADY - ProDesiner
ELKADY - ProDesiner - 30.01.2023 15:40

How clemet learned coding in 6 months?

Scope King
Scope King - 23.12.2022 00:17

I study code at work on free time using free courses on a website, and more when I get home. I got a long way to go but I’m hoping it eventually lands me and a new job.

clpr - 17.12.2022 17:56

Thank you for the motivation

Stick And Potato
Stick And Potato - 13.12.2022 01:37

Very realistic!

Travis - 05.12.2022 20:51

Trusting the process, and not believing that you are an outlier/not good enough for it to work on you is FANTASTIC advice for life in general.

passportbrohere - 27.11.2022 23:32

I just hired a tutor from fiverr for $8ph and his gonna teach me 24 concepts before I even learn to code. Failing is not in my vocabulary. Ill edit this in 6-9 months once I get my first job. Peace out

Peter Huang
Peter Huang - 25.11.2022 20:41

question tho.. where do you see the ad or info for the meet up? Im new to this

Smith Ed
Smith Ed - 26.09.2022 08:29

Thank you for the pep talk 😉

Be Positive
Be Positive - 20.09.2022 06:25

One and only the person who reveals the truth. Thanks a lot for your advice.. I am 32 years old learning programming to become a full stack developer.

66ThankYou99 - 11.09.2022 14:56

I am still very much attempting to create a Python application that will convert our Python script close as possible purely into a Javascript code basically making it 1000* times easier to develop Javascript applications. Had been wondering for many years why nobody else has shared quite the Py-To-JS solution, because it should be possible to get it to function beautifully in a matter of a month by somebody who knows both languages quite enough.

Victoria - 10.09.2022 00:41

After over 10 years as a dev, i can agree with this. while it's hard to code, it's not much harder, i think anyway, to self learn than it would be to go to uni. in fact (at least for me), it was easier to self learn than go to uni. as soon as you get hired, you learn SO much on the job, it's pricelsss

quelchx - 09.09.2022 12:01

Best advice ever -- learn how to solve difficult problems. These days it feels anyone can write code, but not many can problem solve efficiently and effectively.

bahcorp - 09.09.2022 07:47

😍 I self-taught Microsoft Quickbasic back in the days and it was nice. That Programming Language has the best Documentation I ever seen even for todays standards. where you have to see videos, buy books or take courses in order to learn.

smashing_data42 - 09.09.2022 05:32

I have a CS degree with 10 years of experience as a systems engineer. Earlier this year I was working on a project and I got stuck on two problems and it took 1 week to figure out each one. Reaching out for help and collaborating with others helped a lot. But my work with Ansible will pay for itself because the automation it provides will save us weeks of labor.

Firoj Paudel
Firoj Paudel - 08.09.2022 19:55

well tbh , the only reason why I'm planning to go to college is because I can get in touch with people related to this field .... and won't get left behind in this crowd .... colleges don't teach every thing you need for your professional career.... You study on your own ........ start competing among the friends you know .... and this way you won't feel depressed about anything
