The HARLEQUIN are pretty cool. And geh. That's cool. We're cool. | Dawn of War Unification MOD

The HARLEQUIN are pretty cool. And geh. That's cool. We're cool. | Dawn of War Unification MOD


3 года назад

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@clxp3680 - 02.06.2021 01:55


@MrWiented - 02.06.2021 17:12

I am so happy I found your channel dude! I love Dow 1 and you are doing great job with commentary. Its very nice to listen to you and watch the gameplay.
Maybe some more Necrons in the future please? I'm a huge fan and would love to learn how to play them decently well :)

@Maxalor.O - 02.06.2021 19:27

What's with the cringe voices for every unit... I wanna hear your commentary but like I cannot bear their voices (^:

@l3x136 - 02.06.2021 23:17

Harlequins sadly won't be getting any updates in models anytime soon, to my understanding. Andfunny enough Harlequins are really broken early game. Their bikes do too much damage, mimes with the poison guns not sure what they're called are dps beasts. Uhhh the Great Harlequin is an insanely good commander assasin and does insane range damage. Death Jesters are Death Jesters lol. Endgame lacks but you get a decent commander.

@GuitarGuy853 - 03.06.2021 10:39

Eldar Hippies xD

@GuitarGuy853 - 03.06.2021 10:40

Please play World Eaters next! They have a big Titan!

@BeyondTheAverageFilm - 07.06.2021 04:03

It's hard to bash on the voice acting, the mod makers are trying but my lord I could do a better voice.
