The MOST Accurate CALORIE CALCULATOR | How to Calculate Your Maintenance Calories and TDEE

The MOST Accurate CALORIE CALCULATOR | How to Calculate Your Maintenance Calories and TDEE


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@craigsmith6879 - 04.02.2024 18:41

I was told to eat 1200 calories even though I’m built to eat like 3000 calories I didn’t listen to my doctor advice

@wakeupstylellc - 09.10.2023 23:40

I’ve been very recently tracking my calories and it’s a shit show 😅 some days is 900 calories, some days is 2100. I got a Dexa scan and my RMR is 1,191… so I know those low calories days are not healthy. I am going find my maintenance calories ❤

@candipauline - 26.09.2023 21:23

Doing a month makes sense. I was thinking a week would be sufficient. I'm not sure if I want to waste a year, but this is great information.

@RobertLaTuso - 27.07.2023 08:58

Recently I was Ill from an injured stomach/Psoas muscle and could not eat more than 800 calories a day without severe stomach discomfort. 7 days later I’m feeling much better, still not a 100%. Within that time frame, I am in a very large calorie deficit (Normal 1,500 calorie intake 5’ 7” Male). How can I increase My maintenance calories from 800 to 1,500, without gaining weight? Any suggestions are greatly appreciated!

@ghostmedic9252 - 12.06.2023 01:02

So monitor your weight and calories for a couple months to find out 👍

@alaashallal - 22.05.2023 15:56

Thank you!

@_Mohd_ - 15.01.2023 20:20

Greg Doucette should watch this

@jwbnscacpt - 22.12.2022 08:03

This is true. Calculators only try to guess. The TEE changes based on too many factors for a calculator to figure. Bottom line, calories in - calories out. Weight gain or loss means surplus or deficit.

@OriginalMariAnnaWolf - 18.11.2022 22:53

I'm rewatching and realised what if I didn't had my period for years? Like I'm way too younge and if it came it wasn't normal.. what's wrong with me? Even tho there is finally peace and lot good sides to it.. BUT I'm worried

@thetorontogirl - 28.10.2022 20:28

Back in 2012 I went from 215 down to 147 in about 1.5 years. The first 20lbs came off easily after just decreasing my portion sizes and I maintained that weight for a while but then I decided to go on the dukan diet.

Went from 195lbs to 147lbs in less than a year. My maintenance calories definitely went down over time and my metabolism was just gone. Destroyed to utter oblivion.

I was maintaining 147lbs for about a month or two on like...1000 cals/day! Like 😵‍💫😵

I honestly thought that I could go down another 15-20lbs but I was thinking about wtf I was gonna eat. The diet itself was shitty so if I would've started decreasing the barely enough food as it was...I'd be starving. So I just threw my arms up at that point and said 20lbs wasn't worth me starving over.

So when I just stopped dieting and started to include foods I cut out (including veges, cheese, and fruit) I started gaining the weight back. I gained back about 20lbs in a year just from putting back veges back in my diet. When I say that my metabolism was shot to was an understatement.

I was happy at about 165-175lbs because I was able to maintain the weight without really doing much but at the same time I know my metabolism was still healing.

Naturally, I've got a lot of muscle and doing things like pilates and walking helped me tone up. My body responds well to "weight training".

Fast forward to 2018, I broke up with the prick that wanted me to change myself despite me being happy with myself. Thanks to a series of events (wouldn't call them all unfortunate) like finding a new man, losing my dad, pregnancy, and pandemic I basically went from 175lb-290lbs in 3 years. 115LBS IN 3 YEARS. Crazy.

This time around, I'm doing it the healthy way. So far, I've shed 43lbs. I'm now 247lbs. I'm finishing up my second diet break right now so I'm excited to keep going with my journey 😁

Hormones and bloating definitely play a huge part in all of this. I'm glad I'm learning new things.

@JJ-ck1vg - 28.09.2022 00:33

I'm here because I'm on 1300 calories , 180 male and tht seems too low. Something isn't right

@ubervin - 05.08.2022 06:41

People that have a menstrual cycle. Do you mean Women?

@annieruok7587 - 01.07.2022 23:23

Is there a way to find out your maintenance without tracking? 😬 I've been slowly losing for a few months and want to get it going a bit better but I don't want to start eating as I usually would and go back on what I have already done 😮‍💨

@mwegan6369 - 09.06.2022 09:31

Watch the whole video... and it flew past my head completely.

@jeffreyadams648 - 23.05.2022 18:45

Does NEAT also contain thinking, planning, puzzling, talking, reading, listening?

@Mealprepmondayswithmorgan - 14.05.2022 01:10

Which category do I fall in a little confused? I take hormonal birth control and have a period every month on the same day every month for the same length. Off of hormonal birth control my periods come at the same time and same length every month. I am currently on hormonal birthday control. I am about 159 now and track calories on my fitness pal. I think I’m losing weight though because I was 160 a few dews ago. Not sure how to find mine out (?)

@dev398 - 08.05.2022 19:45

No cuz why is it that you're the first person that I've come across that has taken everyone's unique body type into account and dismissed the use of calculators WHILE looking out for people with fluctuating hormonal cycles... yeah you're a queen. the videos that men put out surrounding caloric intake disregard people with natural menstrual cycles AND focus too heavily on calculators but don't recognize the nuances. thank you chick

@wendycordova5943 - 20.03.2022 19:27

Thank you for the information in your video, it was very helpful

@vlove8832 - 26.02.2022 08:12

Marissa, i was hoping whether you can also have videos for people who cant go to the gym, especially since they can be very pricey. Thank you!!!

Love from your long time subscriber!!

@LizaArt_M - 18.02.2022 17:19

So what do you use to count calories?

@grace12784 - 03.02.2022 02:44

So what tdee calculator do I use?!?

@caitlinheusz386 - 01.02.2022 05:58

This video is soooo helpful! Calculators tell me to eat anywhere from 900 calories to 1400 (because I'm 5"2) and I've tracked for a week and I'm eating between 2200-2500, losing centimetres, while doing strength training. My weight has stayed the same.

@Goldarlives - 04.01.2022 08:25

I love your videos! They are very eye opening and informative. However, as constructive criticism, do you think you could structure your videos into sections with time stamps? I sometimes get distracted and get lost while watching your videos. Thanks if you read this!

@acepineda2188 - 23.12.2021 19:53

Thank you so much for this very useful content.

@user-rl5dd1ex2k - 23.12.2021 13:40

"Calories? What is the calorie? Why are people keep talking about calories? I only work on hormone,I don't count calories, like earth doesn't know Meter." our body says

@lore.5953 - 12.12.2021 23:16

what if you don't know how much calories you consumed?

@CeCe-os3ul - 12.11.2021 21:48

Yeah mine maintenance calories days 3,565 calories. That seems like a lot but I have no place to say that’s a lot since I’m fat and a lot is how I became fat. I’m 5’8 1/2 and weight 230. I was 255 but lost 25 pounds but I lost 25 pounds in two months and have been able to maintain for a year. I didn’t eat that much to lose the 25 pounds. Do you think 3,565 is accurate? I want to know so I subtract 500 for a deficit

@Cloudsofsand - 28.10.2021 18:31

Question, Say I eat 1800 calories which is maintance and I work out say 20 minutes longer than normal, do I have to eat more than 1800 to meet that maintance

@2hot2handle65 - 26.09.2021 00:55

I don't think MyFitnessPal's daily calorie recommendations are accurate. Almost all other sources say I should eat at least 2,500 calories just to maintain my weight. This explains a lot.

@daniellewilson1327 - 22.09.2021 20:51

His do I figure my BMR?

@Nolialuv0105 - 22.09.2021 10:46

Also I was diagnosed with Tyoe 2 diabetes and hypothyroidism and losing weight has been impossible. I just wish I had someone with me every day to teach what exercises will help me lose weight and what to eat

@Nolialuv0105 - 22.09.2021 10:38

This is awesome the Firness Starter kit, I’ve been working out for about 4 months now but I haven’t lost weight at all maybe like 5 lbs but I have lost a lot of inches specially in my abdomen! I’ve been getting disappointed and discouraged but the starter kit videos will help thank you.

@davelyn786 - 20.09.2021 23:06

I had low calories to maintain. I’ve increased them and my weight is up now and I currently eating 1300 average calories with it seems a slow gain. Do I just stay here or should I decrease. I’m trying to lose weight and ive started working out cardio and weights. I don’t know where to go from here.

@crxckerkid5043 - 13.09.2021 04:08

She talks so fucking much

@taylordonarski1294 - 09.09.2021 21:10

Hi there! It's me again, lol. Last time I commented, I was working as a bartender. Not a good scene for trying to get healthy so I have completely changed jobs and gotten sober!

WOO! ANYWAY, so I am 4'11 and I have weighed 125-130, steadily for years now. I am a gluten free, dairy free, celiac. So I can't cut much more out of my diet without having issues and getting vitamin and mineral deficient.

I am trying to figure out my TTDE. So basically, what you're saying, is that I need to intuitively eat, track etc and then figure out what my average calorie intake is, and then subtract it by 100 to 500?

I am finally consistently hitting the gym, doing compound lift exercises and minimal cardio just to warm up. I am going 3-5 times a week now, full body training. I know I'm probably burning a lot but worried I'm just eating it up again and not getting anywhere. I am still confused about this.

I am noticing fat burn a little bit in every place but I think I need the help of macros to get the lean results I desire.

@PapaRora - 06.09.2021 04:34

This is amazing! Thank you!

@ericyoutube77 - 05.09.2021 02:32

Why tf is this video 18 minutes long just to calculate someone’s stupid maintenance calories

@Elinnc - 25.07.2021 00:08

Acording to my calculator if i lift 4 times a week and do 3 cardio sessions , my maintenance is 1630 calories. All those calculators go super low on calories . While if i eat 2000 calories i lose weight xD

@asiasias - 17.07.2021 22:58

this might be dumb, but I'm just confused. (TW: ED) I was tracking my calories last year, eating 1000 cals to lose weight. I stopped tracking around New Year's because of festivals and eating a lot of junk and I'd say since then, if I hd to guess, I'm eating 1400-1500 cals (maybe even 1700 cals at times) but I haven't monitored them so it could be more or less. I managed to drop 10 pounds when I was in a deficit, in 2ish months and in the past 7ish months I've gained 5 pounds. to narrow down the timeline a bit, I've gained 5 pounds in the past 2ish months. Now, I'm not at my goal weight, I'm 140, and I want to drop to 115 but 120-125 for this year's goal to not reverse back into my ED. How do I calculate my maintenance calories and when should I start reverse dieting?

I know im commenting on a year old video but I really hope someone can help...

@anjannath7451 - 14.07.2021 14:43


@releerinck3583 - 09.07.2021 12:49

Thanks calculate calories

@tillyyyjoe1371 - 09.07.2021 04:45

what if your maintenance calories are a lot more than usual, but your at a moderately healthy body weight, but you’re eating extremely unhealthy and occasionally binging? should you still use that number to determine your calorie deficit?

@sksainc688 - 04.07.2021 19:20

What if you're losing veryyyy slowly and track every day? I lose about .2-.3 lbs/month. How do I calculate my maintenance without gaining?

@bccoleman8678 - 30.06.2021 08:34

Hot minute.

@humnaa123 - 27.06.2021 20:45

do we incorporate our macros into this as well? when we are eating at a guess before we calculate how much over/under we were?

@shisui5079 - 22.06.2021 14:33

What happens if I’m younger than 18?

@princesswarrior4797 - 21.06.2021 05:51

Can someone help me. I'm 27 and 200lbs my bmr is 1409. I don't eat that much probably once a day. I can't seem to lose weight. What's my deficit? Or do I just need to work out more?

@Sakuems - 19.06.2021 22:38

I'm currently trying to loose weight and have successfully lost 2kg this past month after plateauing for a year. I don't follow a plan, I don't pay attention to macros, I only eat based on appetite and wait to be hungry again, then I do work out once or twice a week. Based on many calculators my maintenance at 100kg is around 2000 calories for light activity, however I do consume around 2000 calories, sometimes a bit more of less, every day and .. I lost 2 kg. So clearly it's not my maintenance calories. Based on many calculators My BMR ranges from 1500 to 1850 so I'm highly doubting the efficiency of those numbers. I do want to keep on loosing weight and I know that a fit body will burn more than unfit so How can I really know if I'm burning more than what I consume in order to create a deficit if I can't count on macros or calories in/out since all those numbers make no sense ? I have been told and saw in many places that you need rougly 2000 calories a day on average to maintain a healthy weight so I'm based on that for now but I'm not average, I'm 40 kg more than average and I have a somewhat fit body after doing a lot of PA these past 3 years. I actually maintain my weight at 105kg for the full 2020 year, eating roughly 2500 to 3000 calories and working out 2 times a week also, I wasn't trying to maintain, I was dealing with binge eating which I have since learn to manage. So based on all my experiences and what worked/didn't work, I assume now that as long as I'm not overeating and I'm living a healthy life, my weigh should come down naturally. I guess it doesn't really matter how much calories I "need" but I'm still scared I'll bump into another plateau really soon if I'm sticking to 2000.. Well I may be ok still, since I'm going to loose weight but also try to gain muscle in the process so my metabolism shouldn't get too low. Thanks for your video, it really shows how uneven those calculators are and how stupid some are, I mean how on Earth your maintenance calories could be 1300, it's what a 5 years old needs lol
Based on ur formula, Since I lost 4.4lbs over a month, that's about 513 calories deficit per day on average. Which means since I was eating around 1900/2200 so like 2000 on average, that my maintenance is currently around 2500 calories. So I can stick with 2000 for a while :)
