How Good is Global Elite?

How Good is Global Elite?


3 года назад

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@nickv3085 - 03.08.2023 23:03

I'm sorry this is already ridiculous lol, faceit 10 can be 2k elo bot or a 6k elo god... 2k elo faceit10's are not much different than GE's. MM lobbies tend to be more aggressive and dgaf than faceit in my experience, as most faceit players play mm for fun on the side. That''s about the only difference between faceit10 and GE. Not to mention...if you have friends on queue together, you could ahve a 5 stack of GE's make a faceit10 pug look like absolute trash.

@sirick93 - 26.07.2023 03:47

dude you have no idea, what are you even saying? Start of the video the smok and molly are very good cause he propably heared them, blocked them with smoke and did ton of dmg with molly. Please stop making csgo videos

@darklight4867 - 21.03.2023 00:43

First time hearing that global make mistakes

@DaddyRaiden - 15.11.2022 13:43

global dude plays like mg1

@rajnitanna7639 - 20.10.2022 12:03

promoting face it lol

@janinapreu4100 - 20.10.2022 06:29

Faceit lvl 4 is global elite and 3 is supreme. Faceit skill is a different story

@kenly2k396 - 19.10.2022 19:47

128 > 64 tick .

@jamescarroll-banjerbluespr6156 - 16.10.2022 03:36

Way harder to rank up in faceit by carrying. So MM players generally play for themselves. That’s the main difference here and always has been. Faceit as a solo I basically broken

@henrynamikaze5535 - 09.09.2022 17:47

Wtf? That's a global throwing utility? 🥲

@marcleroux3426 - 04.09.2022 18:44

so my silver friends we meet again

@duynguyennhu4467 - 02.09.2022 05:03

Legends say they still couldnt know what would happend if they subscribe to his patreon.

@JohnW704 - 30.08.2022 03:21

back in my day... globals played smarter than they do today... blame it on the generation, idk.

@gtxoiltastebad - 18.08.2022 20:41

We played global elite as silvers. We didn't know till end of match . They didn't live up to hype nor skills. I'm now convinced people buy ranks

@miguelreyes5924 - 13.08.2022 04:47

Watching how this guys use utility make me wonder how they got those ranks lmao.

EDIT: BTW in the 2v1 scenario with that massive gap in the smoke the more intelligent thing to do is wait for the awp while you hold site to make sure he is always on the right side, and soon the awp is there with you he have to push with the pistol out running so you can trade. Still making me so freaking angry when people in global/Faceit go last being the awper is like bro you're not simple and you won't be, go first and die so I can trade you.

@FreeGroup22 - 01.08.2022 23:46

uh, there is global elite, and global elite boosted.

@egg99 - 27.07.2022 13:34

mm is actually hard even if you are level 10 faceit going global is hard because no elo system cheaters constant no teamplay so its mostly aim

@grqfes - 08.07.2022 17:59

global guy was in a 4 stack and couldnt tell his awper teammate he hit him for 80+ and awper could just sneeze on him with a pistol and kill him. wtf??

@kristspro8388 - 08.07.2022 07:47

this is not global lol

@ukulelenpichulugia - 29.06.2022 15:07

I'm a global who recently picke dup fsce it and I dont get it. Like verything seems so random everyone jsut runs around. The enemys have aim but still do random devisions. I dunno just weird

@danielgamerdk7508 - 20.06.2022 18:09

staun is a danish professionel playing for heroic for ppl who dont know

@brunobegic3841 - 15.06.2022 06:27

I solo queued to global on MM but I'm only Lvl 5 on Faceit. Don't understand how.

@nWo_remiix - 13.06.2022 22:09

i know this is comparing 2 high ranks but if i could get into gold holy shit i would be happy i know im dog shit at cs but i just keep trying feels like i hit a wall at times, than i get tilted & play worse

@beradical695 - 12.06.2022 21:11

i subbed for the cringey outtro that i think was also a subtle BONES reference.

@notjoeyg666 - 12.06.2022 04:39

ya dont get interventioned cs is life

@GuiDouradoOficial - 06.06.2022 14:48

Dude mashes the Global but when talks about the Faceit one is like "he is wrong but its okay"

@coleryan7605 - 06.06.2022 04:31

Pro tip, que EU as silver with a VPN to get to Gold Nova. Youre welcome.

@ThomasDiesch - 06.06.2022 03:03

Be real i see no big differents then aim from my mg matches they fail as much utility and didnt have the clean movement

@Guhts - 06.04.2022 17:53

Everyone always be sayin "NA Players are sooooo bad hurrr durrr NA Global is EU LE!!!! EU SOOO GOOD" Yeah no shit ranks in NA MM hardly matter anymore because the higher ranks are 90% cheaters that's why every semi-pro/pro NA player WHEN they play MM they play EU MM because they cannot get Global on NA MM... literally look at jasonr, fl0m, launders, n0thing etc... lmao clowns are a joke

@Marmael - 04.04.2022 17:32

most of the globals are faceit level 10, it just depends on the trust factor and environment. the trust factor changes the environment

@e-bird5546 - 29.03.2022 20:18

Congrats on 200k!

@ClanKenOfficialTM - 20.02.2022 17:16

DMG rank in MM but legit level 7 faceit. I couldn't go any further after a big degrading not because of my teammates suck but also lack of feeling when playing the game so bad :(

@petrospintilie1919 - 20.02.2022 02:26

no offense but i dont think that its a good idea to use random gloval elite replays. The skill gap might be different from match to match. In the first match that you spectated the players didnt have a great gamenense. I saw DIFFERENT and BETTER plays in Legendary Eagle EACH GAME and there is the thing that the player(s) might have a bad day or did not warm up before the match.

Conclusion: To actually find someones skill level takes about a week of monitoring their games each day. You cant be watching one game of a csgo Supreme player and say that he doesnt deserve supreme just because he had a bad day. Monitor someones gameplay over a longer period of time to find out the actual skill level of the specific player.

@entiro719 - 09.01.2022 12:33

My god, global looks like gold nova and faceit 10 looks like pro esports wtf is this

@vsc5076 - 02.01.2022 10:03

I watch these to just see what to do and not I’m not kidding I went from like silver 2 in like 4-6 months I made gold nova master ITS HARD OKAY :/

@SleepyManga - 19.12.2021 23:26

i dont belive that guy was global i see better players in dmg wtf XD
(no hate)

@olex.p6447 - 20.11.2021 01:15

Ok how am I face it 5 and Gold Nova 1

@orasmith7246 - 11.11.2021 02:53

Global elite here in latvia must be pretty hard, I've been trying my best for 5 years and I refuse to call it quits

@kevinuploadingwhatever - 23.09.2021 19:41

Having "good fundamentals" in CSGO these days takes thousands of hours of playing

@ceofficial936 - 20.09.2021 08:15

Global but faceit lvl 5? 😂 I was lem and faceit lvl 6...

@prussia2495 - 10.09.2021 22:27

voo is stuck in DMG, also voo reviews global

@sahasrara3087 - 05.09.2021 21:53

I dont play cs anymore, but it's f*ing hilarious seeing supreme or even ge streamers here and there, that would've been mge AT BEST ~5 years ago, lmfao

@cocklock9576 - 13.08.2021 09:50

you cant say global is global there are ranks in ranks thats why many faceit lvl 10 stuck in low mm ranks ... if you perform to good for the rank the system is going to sort you out to protect the ppl that are in this rank ... and put you against smurfs and much beter ppl ...

first you going to get little bit beter enemies until you get ppl that could play on the top if you still perform good but you rank ist going to stuck because you are not fighting actual for example mg2

@lolz319 - 26.07.2021 07:23

u took the worst global example for this video

@RodrigoMallmann1 - 22.07.2021 06:00

greg's work,
god's word

@hellogais2177 - 16.06.2021 13:33

New title : How bad are globals?

@inutero3516 - 12.06.2021 10:11

just me or is this guys crosshair placement and movement pretty trash? i see way better in MG?

@MrBetaJacques - 11.06.2021 12:35

The graph shows how global elites have better aim.... read the fucking caption
