Tiger VS Lion. Who would win?

Tiger VS Lion. Who would win?


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@mdamarley8646 - 01.12.2023 01:14

In lions mind tiger is 🦓 with claws .tigers are big and affraid of lions .big 4 nothing 😂

@mdamarley8646 - 01.12.2023 01:13

Lions wins the end 💪🏾🦁👑💯

@alhassanzayyanu5712 - 22.11.2023 19:58

The lion has more muscle mass and stronger upper body than the tiger from reliable sources

@claudiucobelia4913 - 21.11.2023 22:08

No my friend. The lion male will Take down a zebra , buffalo or another big herbivore thanks to his pride. One on one the “King” of the beasts doesen’t have a chance. The tiger is bigger , has bigger brain and is more agile. You’re presentation is wrong since from the time of romans and up to our time the tiger (in captivity) has killed more Lions than the Lions have ever killed Tigers.

@Canadiancromagnon - 17.11.2023 05:10

Lion almost always win. Built for raw power and much better at combat.

@afendimohammed1139 - 18.10.2023 11:16

Don't talk too much!!! A Lion can crush, break and kill any species of tiger!!

@alexmangru4946 - 13.10.2023 17:49

I love how it's fifty fifty and not one sided, I do prefer and love the Lion more but I do respect the Tiger, however I love how there's no favouritism it's equal because anything can happen in the wild a single Lion can defeat a single Tiger and a single Tiger can defeat a single Lion.

@carlossimlin7557 - 08.10.2023 17:14

Lion for sure!

@ChillOut1716 - 17.09.2023 20:51

We’ll they basically said this was settled many time during the Roman Era with the lion being the successor. I contribute this to the aggressive nature of the lion. The lion being the winner more often, but as stated, the tiger certainly has the capabilities of winning this match at times.

@gregordyballa - 17.09.2023 17:57

Tigers are stronger than Lions.

@yourmomshouse9935 - 05.09.2023 15:08

It really depend on the individual Lion & Tiger going at it b/c as you stated they do really both have there advantages & disadvantages. However your video is greatly pro Lion which 50% of the time at least probably isn't true. It's a toss up.

@user-um1rm8sj8o - 26.08.2023 09:23

호랑이는 숫사자에게서 도망가거나 물려죽임을 당하거나 둘줄 하나를 선택해야한다.

@slgpph - 10.08.2023 19:02

Tiger probably has the advantage on average, but each individual is different and that needs to be taken into account. I’m going to side with the tiger 7 out of 10 times. Bigger, stronger, faster and more agile with better solo hunting capabilities.

@taufiknipon1190 - 10.08.2023 06:04


@sparky7915 - 09.08.2023 04:43

The lion has a big advantage over the tiger. The lion has a thick mane and if the tiger tries to bite the lion in the neck it likely will not kill the lion. So the lion will likely win once the tiger is exhausted from fighting.

@Beam130 - 23.07.2023 16:25

Lion In fearless and Mentality and there Antijot are Next Level That's Why lion Is The King

@pepperspray4144 - 22.07.2023 14:02

Well if you said who is king of the jungle it has to be the tiger because lines do not live in the jungle area. Tigers old way in body mass at least 150 lbs more than a lion. All tigers except for mothers with Cubs hunt alone, which makes them the ultimate Ambush Hunter he also hunt better in water pray animals. Their aggression is also triggered by being very very territorial because of their loner attitude and in the wild aggression means superiority in the fight. But don't forget a lion has a very strong Main and it's there to protect his neck ears eyes and throat and pound-for-pound lions are very explosive and have good endurance. And it all matters on who is older Who is younger with more endurance overall.

@sandyacombs - 20.07.2023 11:26

The tiger is faster and a better fighter, however the thick neck of a lion makes the kill bite of a tiger impossible and over time the tiger will tire from not being able to kill the lion. The lion will in the end will be able kill the tired tiger if they are held within an enclosed area so that the tired tiger cannot escape.

@howimade3309 - 17.07.2023 03:25

tiger is superior. lions mane protect their necks lies. they have same bite force lies. tiger is almost double. lol at lions advantage is it has no fear hahah wtf.

@Jesus43210 - 15.07.2023 07:22

The tiger is King 👑

@rosamiranda9168 - 15.07.2023 06:59

now theres lions that can grow up 10 feet 740 lbs

@easonlin4945 - 10.07.2023 05:36

Idk why people say Lion is the king of Jungles but its tigers

@chrisross4726 - 29.06.2023 16:51

A lot of the info in this video is completely wrong. Tigers posses nearly double the bite force of a Lion, and in ancient Roman colosseum fights it was the Tiger that was usually the winner between the two.

@hmmme7400 - 27.06.2023 17:50

In an 1v1 fight tiger would easily win

@buddahlovers - 15.06.2023 12:47

Experience is everything

@buddahlovers - 15.06.2023 12:47


@jimboslice727 - 13.06.2023 12:24

No don't blatantly lie to everyone you unsophisticated inaccurate inbred. The Roman's use to have to put 2 lions in the coliseum against 1 wild tiger or chain the tiger up bc the battles were 1 sided. The tiger won almost every time for the very reasons you just pointed out but backwards you lying meat bag lmao

@agee5651 - 10.06.2023 09:13

I will take the lion because it is king of jungle

@genc01genco98 - 03.06.2023 22:43

The lion never stops stamina is higer then a tiger. Because of african hotness.

@2roly2 - 03.06.2023 10:40

the lions that ancient Rome had used were Barbary Lions which back during that time were very large like from 500lbs to 600lbs .

@thebatman7192 - 28.05.2023 09:28

Lion Is, Was & Will Always Be The King Of The Jungle 🦁 👑

@evilgrin07 - 27.05.2023 09:13

He thereupon presented Mr. Terrell Jacobs, the gent who mixes lions and tigers in the same act and somehow manages to keep them from clawing each other to pieces. "The lion is the king of beasts," said Mr. Jacobs as soon as the subject was mentioned, "and that is not just a nice line that was thought up by the Chamber of Commerce. He really is the boss. "I'll concede that a full grown tiger can defeat a lioness or even a young lion. But put a full grown lion against a full grown tiger, and you are likely to have only the lion left when the fur stops flying. "And that is not hard to understand. All cat animals fight by biting at the throat, and clawing at the underparts of the body.

The male lion has a thick mane, which protects his throat, so he needn't worry about that. All he has to do is work on the tiger, which is not protected by a mane. And he usually does. I think the king of beasts would win a fight between the lion and the tiger, but mind you, I am not taking sides. Tigers are nable animals, too." "But what about a lion and a grizzly bear?

@doncooper384 - 26.05.2023 20:36

The Mighty Lion would beat the Crap out of a Tiger in a fight

@Babydross - 25.05.2023 07:48


@joshuaaredes5309 - 13.05.2023 04:58

Throw em right on top of each other and of course the lion prolly gonna beat a bengal, Lets not talk about Siberian

@Lansky1213 - 10.05.2023 23:36

I got the Siberia tiger 🐯 VS the Barbary 🦁 in most cases but close. Depends on what day it is and the mood of each animal. But I love em both. King 🦁 VS Emperor 🐯

@king-of-the-jungle-lion - 07.05.2023 11:31

Bruh tigers are bigger but lions have the fur around them to protect them from head/neck bites. There is no way tigers are winning. Lion 🦁 for life ❤💞❤💞❤💞

@user-wk1xc4wk4g - 06.05.2023 15:56

Lion is the winner, and he is a true king

@risenfury928 - 02.05.2023 16:06

In the wild if they shared territory lions would dominate tigers...Yea this video favours tiger but there are many that favours lions...
Experts claim tiger to be stronger while the greatest trainer of big cats said lion beats tiger 9 out of 10 times he lost more than 50 tigers to lions but never ever his lions died .....
In the wild lions live in prides ,heavy advantage plus a lions is extremely brave and territorial...a lion would go to kill a tiger on sight a tiger would always retreat......There is a video of a lion taking on 20 hyenas and at the end tore one of them ,injured many and held the dead one in his jaws to dominate and instill fear in 20 of them and those 20 could not do shit...
Imagine a tiger in same place it would get torn apart by 20 hyenas....In the wild A lion would always dominate a tiger....there are videos where a lion steps foot in water to back down crocs ,there are videos of a lion not backing up against an elephant and elephant had to move away and many more....
Tiger is more agile and is swift as a cat but there are qualities of a lion which put him as king...
The holy books of all religions always talks about lion being the king brave and courageous.....what more historical clarity you need

@pasqualecuda5165 - 18.04.2023 17:13

Lion all day

@lumjumsama3717 - 15.04.2023 20:59

I don't know why people still think that the lion is called the king of the jungle by its strength. it was truly the living cycle that made him king

@binodkumar1363 - 07.04.2023 13:34

King 👑 always has so many

@antoniobenton582 - 03.04.2023 08:26

It's any giving Day atie but for the most part Lion again Tiger can win too

@ChadximuXX - 24.03.2023 17:09

Lion wins 60/40.
Cope harder tiger fanboys

@user-cw9ww2os7v - 22.03.2023 22:08

Во-первых,законы физики никто не отменял. Вес умноженный на ускорение в квадрате. Так вот у тигра сила удара больше,хоть лев и изворотистее. При правильном расчете силы победа будет за тигром.

@jessicajanuary9351 - 22.03.2023 15:22


@lindabobmanuel9026 - 18.03.2023 18:06

The lion is master of the game. It will never run away from a fight.

@adrian-vasilebud4444 - 16.03.2023 15:05

You are lion bs liar, maybe a barbary lion(a bigger lion that is exctinct now) has a chance to defeat a bengal tiger, from time to time, but never a siberian tiger, also the tiger can fight standing on his back legs, much better, and his head is bigger, the lion must almost always keep three legs on the ground, tiger has a stronger hit with the paw,the siberian tiger has a mane too, and extra fur and layer of fat for strong climate protection, a siberian tiger can kill 500 kg brown bears, also the records from ancient Rome. show that the tiger ussualy was the winner, also in the battles organised and recorded along the centuries, and those stupid carpets are like this, because the bastards that brought tigers to extinction associated the tiger with evil, and the lion is always associated with noble shit. Go and school yourself in the domain, before deceiving people.

@naveenfrancis1358 - 08.03.2023 19:03

Lion for sure will win the battle

@Cesar_Ale7 - 01.03.2023 18:51

I have many videos where the lion kills many tigers, the lion is far superior to the tiger and the dominant ....
