What about lively wallpaper
ОтветитьWhat is the name of the wallpaper engine and where to download it from thanks 🙏
ОтветитьI've never noticed performance loss using this
ОтветитьOfc you gotta pay for it tho
ОтветитьDoes it always save it when reopen your computer
ОтветитьIf only I had known about Wallpaper Engine sooner.
I am downloading this as soon as I get my PC
Bro its make my Ryzen 7 6800HS and NVIDIA GEForce 3050 4GB laptop GPU its roasted like me cooking
ОтветитьI understand personalization, but if you want your PC to perform at its full capability I don’t see why you would spend money to hinder its performance.
Besides, how long does anyone look at their wallpaper anyway? I set it and forget it because I’ve got gaming to do.
To each their own though, if you like it then you like it! No qualms there 👍🏻
literally not even close to being helpful
Ответитьit does kinda tank battery life though...
ОтветитьI ran wallpaper engine on a pretty trash pc and never really notice a huge performance hit. I have since upgraded to a modern mid range pc and it doesn't hardly hurt my performance at all
Ответитьit is not good
ОтветитьIt’s not really wallpaper anymore it’s just animation screen saver
ОтветитьIf wallpaper engine even slightly effects your performance your pc probably isn’t good enough to run any games anyways lmao
ОтветитьNo lie, the only reason people think this way is because they want it out of the box and doesnt want to tinker around with the settings. I hear it often that they dont want their animated wallpaper running while gaming and look at me weird when i said you can turn it off
ОтветитьTouch grass
Ответитьit barely takes up anything for me lmao, and i have an all in one 💀
Ответитьwell there are only cons to it, no pros
ОтветитьShort answer. Only if you care about how your pc looks. For my instance i have a black wallpaper because i dont think its important. Like everything in life, just see if the benefits outweigh the negatives
ОтветитьBruh y'all don't know about managing performance unless y'all have had a black cased 2009 shitty ass pc with the same components from when it was built without maintenance, what I do to keep my pc alive is pray basically because it wants to die I won't let it
ОтветитьI think it’s just too distracting
ОтветитьImagine you're just made your vvallpaper animated and then you dovvnload it And your pc explodes-
ОтветитьWhy would I have wallpaper engine when all my windows are maximised?
ОтветитьMe with a 4 core cpu that doesn't even have hyper threading from 9+ years ago:
ОтветитьIt is if you use 5400rpm hdd
ОтветитьUse walpaper alive its free and also has sound also its free
ОтветитьOf course it's going to destroy your PCs performance if your PC will die from just sneezing on it as well.
ОтветитьThe workshop for this is interesting 🤔 if you know you know
ОтветитьSo thats why my Helldivers two is running like shit on higher graphics
Ответитьgoodbye to input lag
ОтветитьIt would take less resources than watching this short probably
ОтветитьIt's crazy that wallpaper engine has about 20% of rule34 available as wallpapers
ОтветитьWindows ruins your performance, not just wallpaper engine :3
ОтветитьI don't know but broke guy like me use lively wallpaper which is free and u can download anything u want online.
And the best part is it use less than 100 mb ram and 1% cpu
Watching this video in a chromium browser takes more resources than wallpaper engine
ОтветитьWallpaper engine to expensive.
ОтветитьIf wallpaper ruining your game experience you have potato pc
ОтветитьMy laptop is actually really shitty for playing games on, but even with that in mind wallpaper engine hardly even does anything to affect the performance
ОтветитьStill Looks ugly tho
ОтветитьThat goku wallpaper is absolutely sick
ОтветитьIf you dont stream and game competitively on your PC together, its not gonna hurt it. But do not, i repeat do not use it no matter how good your pc is. Instant test shows 6 percent cpu usage, on low settings and 60fps. Thatll tank like 20 fps in games, especially running a broadcasting software at the same time. Just not worth it for some silly background moving. Casual gamer single player games or just literally games nothing else? Then its not a big deal.
ОтветитьMy mouse lags whenever I hover over my animated wallpaper
ОтветитьGuys does rainmeter do the same
ОтветитьIn most games I do not mind if it's 2-5% lower performance. It keeps my mind busy having an animated background
ОтветитьBro I play Fortnite on 165 hz and I put my wallpaper to 10 fps ur all good pls I got double monitor and my oc doesn’t cook
ОтветитьBro wallpaper alive is better because it’s free and has animated wallpaper’s just like wallpaper engine
ОтветитьMeans nothing to my 14700k and 7900xtx 32gb ram
Ответитьmy alibaba gtx 1050ti can't even run bf2042 in 480p because of wallpaper engine what are you talking about fool