Breaking the Cycle of Pornography (Porn) Addiction

Breaking the Cycle of Pornography (Porn) Addiction

Doc Snipes

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@user-xy6dz4hf1c - 24.12.2023 03:16

LoyalFans is a nightmare.

@LostSoulAscension - 05.11.2023 17:42

SquatUniversity on yt has lots of great squat pain and form fixes. At least 1-2 days rest is important but also depends on recovery.

@rareview3103 - 11.06.2022 21:31

I quit porn, but i can't quit masturbation, what do you recommand Dr ??

@levibirch5759 - 18.04.2022 06:02

Your videos are helpful, but you are insanely attractive, so its hard you make my heart race.

@ghostgutarist5234 - 27.12.2021 18:49

it is sickening when we hear again n again, it is not considered an addiction yet. This is all Porn industry lobby but nothing. Those Doctors or whatever SCUM should meet a person who is addicted first. and hear the stories of how deadly this addiction can be.

@natefbk - 13.12.2021 06:46


@natefbk - 13.12.2021 06:46

send help

@dylanroth2366 - 10.12.2021 03:34


@vincetucci455 - 08.12.2021 02:59

masteurbation is key

@Alaskathelastfrontier - 06.12.2021 15:59

I freaking hate this addiction
It’s killing me
I want to quit

@joshspencer9587 - 29.11.2021 09:46

Im 3 hours free from porn

@thandolwethuenhle4114 - 12.11.2021 12:12

Mzansi porni

@mondaysandtuesdays6842 - 29.10.2021 04:35

simp culture is making guys think women are effortlessly perfect creatures. every naked woman you see online is someone who puts a lot of time and money into being even lookable, on top of makeup and filters and angles. you cant see the flaws, and guys idealize the online image of a woman instead of the woman in real life

@venku_u7644 - 16.10.2021 21:06

The fact that porn industry is poisoning our minds by making us see women as objects, a place where u can put your thing and pleasure yourself (not thinking about your partner at all) and that we overly overly sexualise women to the point where they are being told things like whores etc. if they just went out a bit less clothed?? no they just wanna go out like that?? sounds disgusting right? rethink your actions next time.

@michaeljoynt2836 - 31.07.2021 10:28

the first week I quit porn I couldn't touch my phone or PC, just touching my phone was a trigger to want to watch porn. Obviously I am using my PC now, and no porn tabs have been opened.

@michaeljoynt2836 - 31.07.2021 10:25

step 7 mow the lawn, that is a trigger for my alcoholism. i have also quit drinking.

@michaeljoynt2836 - 31.07.2021 10:24

you can often bypass porn firewalls with apps like twitter, or other sites like Instagram for erotic images. These are not blocked by firewalls. by the time I was 24 I was diagnosed with bi-polar disorder (manic depression) while rubbin one out 6 to 7 times a day. it has been a problem for my whole life. I never knew how badly I was addicted to it till I decided to finally quit. I had quit before when my wife caught me. I went slowly back to it and got caught again, nearly ended in divorce. I resolved myself to quit. I had a ruff childhood, very wrecked by crippling social anxiety. My trigger, being alone in a room. waking up and being alone in the kitchen. to think, removing porn might actually resolve many of my other mental problems.

@michaeljoynt2836 - 31.07.2021 10:10

LOL by the time I was 24 I had been looking at porn for 18 years

@graftonhaynes - 11.07.2021 02:25

God loves you and if you give your life to him and you believe that Jesus came died our sin you will be saved from your sins Amen.🙏

@1tammarti286 - 26.06.2021 06:26

Great Advice/information🌹

@ritadoran5039 - 18.06.2021 08:16

Well I hate it my ex was addicted and start treating me bad criticizing my looks ect....he would masturbate with me beside him!
And he had erectile dysfunction
It was traumatic for me as a woman.Also I do not watch it ever

@harriskpokai2755 - 06.05.2021 08:21

How long will the depression last, for the reboot. I’m struggling.

@Tm_37 - 01.05.2021 19:02

I battled with sexual immoralities for many years and it all went away simply by living with a simple teaching I received from God through the Holy Spirit.

Sexual immoralities are unholy desires put in human bodies by wicked spirits to afflict the human soul. Your body feel the pleasure but your soul feels the pain, emptiness and depression that comes with abusing your own body.

The solution is to simply change my world view on how I see people. If I start believing every person on earth to be my brothers and sisters, the desire to lust after them will be zero.

The Holy Spirit is helping me to train my eyes to see people as my relatives. I don't want to watch porn acted by my brother or sister. I don't want to flirt with my sister and I can't be fantasizing immoral things with my own relatives.

This simple therapy is helping me a lot. I'm only attracted to my wife and non else. If God could change a flirt and porn addict like me, He can change you if you truly want to be renewed.

@tpdircks - 27.04.2021 19:29

This was an incredibly detailed presentation. Well done!!

@kaionunes7162 - 22.04.2021 17:06


@counselorchandru - 20.04.2021 11:03

Extremely well made. As a Counseling Psychologist, I deeply thank you for this content.

@andrasbajusz1995 - 17.04.2021 22:42

Thank you!

@SNESDude - 15.04.2021 15:20

Video games are like any other art form and can be a fantastic creative outlet. They are also proven to help cognitive ability (check out the numerous studies on this, including one by The University of Montreal), depression and anxiety. Sure there are violent and negative video games, just like there are violent films and TV shows, however the vast majority of games are positive and tell engaging stories. Grand Theft Auto is far removed from Super Mario Odyssey, just as Casablanca and The Texas Chainsaw Massacre are as films. You can't write off all music as "inciting violence" because of Gangster Rap, for example. Just like music and film, games have various genres. Please review the recent study by Oxford University, which found video games are excellent for mental health, well-being and happiness. Lumping video games in with porn addiction is obtuse, ignorant and very out of touch with modern culture. Games also bring friends, couples and families together. Please re-educate yourself before making such absurd and outlandish comparisons. You have lost all credibility in basically comparing Nintendo to hardcore porngraphy. Avoid the tabloid headlines and do some actual research into computer games, before trashing an entire art form with your ill-informed statements.

@ashog1426 - 15.04.2021 06:10

Social media is basically porn nowadays as well

@jamesnorris8010 - 11.03.2021 15:37

The only reason you struggle with porn addiction is because part of you believes you do. If you meditate on this you will see it is an illusion. However deep rooted, it is all belief based. "The only reason I struggle with this is because I believe I do" and anything that comes up will be that excuse or rebuttal to continue to be ashamed of it. It is not real and not science based. While anything can be harmful you're real problem is beliefs. Not porn and you can address them on your own. You are not a machine and these levels do not stay heightened, and you are just feeling bad because you were taught to and you never pushed yourself to interact with real people and you continue the cycle.

@ganeshtodkar289 - 06.03.2021 23:42

Thank you

@SpongeBath_ShitPants - 03.03.2021 14:43

Quitting porn is extremely difficult compared to quitting other addictions. I think this is because, unlike other addictions, porn addiction is deeply intertwined with the reproduction part of the brain, and reproduction is one of our strongest primitive instincts. Your brain doesn't panic quite as much when you quit other things; however, when you quit porn, your brain thinks that you've gone from reproducing multiple times a day to zero times a day. It's going to severely punish you for this because it thinks you've suddenly given up on your biological imperative. This is probably why PAWS (Post-Acute Withdrawal Syndrome) seems to last longer with quitting porn than it does with quitting other addictions. I've seen several anecdotes on the NoFap forum in which people said that quitting nicotine and alcohol was infinitely easier than quitting porn, and there was even one person who said that it took less time to recover from quitting a cocaine addiction.

@andrewferguson4521 - 23.02.2021 21:31

thank you for this

@mahendras4322 - 26.01.2021 15:54

Thank you for the video. A very good informative session with practical aspects.

@philipzanoni - 03.01.2021 00:30

Great content...i learned all about the chemical addiction and disruption in the brain in rehab..shes spot on..
You can't do it alone tho..

@theotherway1639 - 28.12.2020 01:17

There's a clever anti porn website called Oiporn .com. Has good information and is very blunt. Also has porn star confessions of how dangerous that work is.

@honestlyiamjk - 11.12.2020 10:48

This was done fantastically, thank you!

@romeofrazer4188 - 30.11.2020 13:07

Porn addiction is a real problem, I quit porn and masturbation, it is a difficult process I had to first find out why I always turn to porn and masturbation and isolated myself from the things that triggers me sexually.

@69lightsindarkness52 - 25.11.2020 16:25

"We're animals pretending to be humans" the way female present themselves nowadays it's a good thing that we are living in a "safe" society!

@69lightsindarkness52 - 25.11.2020 16:16

I'm sorry this society for a porn addict is like a person that are suffering with alcohol addition and trying their best to stop it but unfortunately they live in a pub!

@69lightsindarkness52 - 25.11.2020 16:10

Thank you for your information...not blaming people but the other thing that also makes it difficult to overcome this addiction is a large amount of females thinks that dressing like prostitutes somehow enhances their self confidence!...Now adding that to the everyday super observant males!..

@dwaynediah4595 - 05.10.2020 22:24

I have pron addiction
I enjoy computer games but i got it more under control

@Jigglypoop97 - 19.08.2020 19:35

Whats a rough range of how long it can take to recover, given a person is following the protocol?

@wilmest9225 - 12.08.2020 12:52

Very well, if you're not really frightened of attempting a controversialvery different strategy, maybe one of the solutions described in Zeke Vikalen's site can help you erase this dependency immediately.

@jamesgeist9535 - 03.08.2020 23:36

Brilliant information and on target!
