I shouted out EVERYBODY I'm following and I'LL DO IT AGAIN I TELL YA!!! Heheheh!!! Thanks for watching!! We made it to Level 11 and show our progress, play some Puggle, and just have an overall BLAST!!! Leave your IGN in the bottom and I'll follow as many as I can - I don't know if the game will limit me to 100?!?!? I will find out tho!!! Have an awesome day!!! LYLT and BGIYN!!! YEAH BUDDAYYY!!
My Linkity Dinkities, Fan Mail and *FAQ*:
🎸 Twitch: @bigedude33
🎸 Steemit: @bigedude
🎸 bigedude.spreadshirt.com
🎸 Twitter: @bigedude33
🎸 Facebook: @bigedude33
🎸 Instagram: @bigedude33
🎸 Vine: @bigedude33 - See Snapchat
🎸 Snapchat: @YeahBudday33 - Haven't Used in Months
P.O. Box 29
Q: How do you play games on your computer?
A: I pretty much use an Android 5.1 device mirrored to my Computer via Reflector 2, and use OBS to Record and to stream on Kamcord. I used to use Bluestacks a bunch and Andy Android emulators.
Q: How do I get Bluestacks?
A: Go to
www.bluestacks.com... Then download it...
Q: What recording software do you use/broadcast with?
A: I use OBS. It's free and you can do so much with it - Just look at a couple of OBS tutorials here and you're all set!!
Q: Can you give me any tips?
A: There are tips and tricks in EVERY episode - just watch
Q: Will you give me a shoutout?
A: Not like that. There are plenty of ways to get them 1 - Be an active member in the Commentunity * The Comments section* 2 - Come to the Live broadcasts and chat/ask questions there 3 - Random easter egg hunts in videos
Q: How old are you?
A: Well, at the time of this video, I'm either 42, or not.
Q: Are you really a teacher?
A: Yes! The 2016-7 school year is my 20th year as a Jr. High Choir/General Music Teacher.
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[email protected]
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