SW Hellbringer Fury Fernu Stormborn - BUILD+ROTATIONS - Neverwinter Mod 10

SW Hellbringer Fury Fernu Stormborn - BUILD+ROTATIONS - Neverwinter Mod 10

Fernu Stormborn

7 лет назад

58,674 Просмотров

** UPDATE **
I changed my feats a little : https://i.gyazo.com/b6eb2e0e8fbc623a43a9b7939b04e560.png

Hi all!

So, what's most important here that changed from last build video is... I am...


Yeah, with major changes done to the classes we (Daigotsu and me) found out that this build works a lot better now in PvE than Soulbinder, especially for party benefits.

Second big change here is I switched from Negation to Elven Battle. I just like to not be interrupted + stamina regen and there's not like anything than Negation can do even in PvE for Hellbringer.

Rest remaind same for a long time but recently I'm testing Savage over Vicious in defense slots and I'm kinda happy with that change.

Offensive slots: Brutals
Defensive slots: Savage
Weapon enchant: Dread
Armor enchant: Elven Battle

Rotation use for maximizing my damage:

Arms of Hadar / Fiery Bolt / Pillar of Power

Single target:
Arms of Hadar / Killing Flames / Pillar of Power

Max debuff:
Arms of Hadar / Dreadtheft / Pillar of Power

As you can see, 2/3 encounters doesn't change at all.
1/ Arms of Hadar is amazing damage dealer now, has short cooldowns (and OP can reduce it even more) and has nice control ability (even without bug).

2/ Pillar of Power is one of the best buff/debuff ability you will find in this game. And it's party wise. It buffs our damage, debuff damage resistance of mobs, debuffs mobs damage and buffs our damage resistance. Oh, and with even my

low recovery - 2k - you can have it on all the time.

You really want to cast it under mobs (especially bosses) feats so we can benefit from it most. With Damnation's path Power of Nine Hells we can even leave it for 5 seconds and we still benefit from it.

3/ Killing Flames is still nice single target. Period.
4/ Fiery Bolt is great AoE damage with pretty nice cooldown (don't forget to curse!)
5/ Dreadtheft doesn't buff us a lot, as the buff/debuff dissapear as soon as it ends but it's works great for party!

For at wills I use Hellish Rebuke (amazing dot damage) and Hand of Blight (as it's fast in meele, debuffs mobs damage and has quite nice damage). Keep in mind to use them A LOT - as you get A LOT damage buff from Flames of Empowerment!

Tyrannical Curse still wins best daily award, EVEN on single target. It buffs our damage, we dont have to worry about casting curse. With high AP gain I like to use it with Gates of Hell - amazing damage and really large area of effect.

Sometimes in new campaign zones I just pop Gates and everything is dead. Thanks Pillar of Power!

Battles are pretty simple:
1/ ALWAYS pop PoP first :D
2/ Then you can either do 3x At-Wills (keep in mind that Hellish Rebuke counts as 1x even with DoT) or TC daily.
3/ Then just nuke it - Arms, Fiery Bolt, At-Will (to keep a stacks), Arms, PoP, Fiery, Arms, Gates of Hell... etc. etc.

And remember! Shadow Slip is a really good friend of you - damage immune + control immune :)

PoP any questions in comments, I will answer ASAP!


#neverwinter #sw #scourge_warlock #fernu_stormborn #rotations #hellbringer_fury #hb_fury #module_10 #elven_battle #neverwinter_mod_10 #build+rotations #build #pillar_of_power
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@Nick21101983 - 28.03.2017 01:44

Can you please post the SKT Boons please? You didn't post them all originally.

@gaminggamester8922 - 07.03.2017 01:05

I'm not sure. I understand the description with the attack rotation..

@lonnyhufford3177 - 21.02.2017 08:33

Looks like a great setup, just wish you had commentary for what you're pointing at & why you picked it.

@Reap3rGR - 28.12.2016 00:31

Fernu Stormborn does thi build works with twisted too?

@Ifrit606 - 19.12.2016 15:09

I am new player on this game and i love soulbinder sw. Can you help for soulbinder? Level 56.

@humanplus4965 - 04.12.2016 12:03

I'm scared for the TC fix to hit PS4 😭

@Daccura - 02.12.2016 02:13

Why no Negation but Elven Battle?

@sunofra2363 - 27.11.2016 03:49

so if i didnt care about buffing other would it be a good idea to run murderous flames anyway?

@end6380 - 20.11.2016 02:58

so I found the build , do you have any suggestions on the gear I should use until I get dragon flight?

@chudo19 - 16.11.2016 18:17

Hi Fernu, thanks a lot for great and helpful guides! One more question on twisted weapons... are they still better than elemental weapons, ie burning for ap gain? I have doubts since from mod 10 my SW is in rather close range combat and receives damage very often. Can't test it on PS4, but I have an impression that refilling AP can be better overall than twisted damage bonus which would be resetting all the time if you are attacked, unless it's bugged and ignores attacks? I am still reluctant to feed my burning to twisted... Or shall we now wait for mod 10.5 weapons instead? :)

@jftoast87ify - 15.11.2016 16:59

What were your starting ability rolls. I'm trying to figure out what to reroll with and can't figure out how you got your numbers. Awesome build. Thanks

@weshaines6630 - 15.11.2016 05:26

So with 10.5 changes..have u changed anything in your build/rotations to compensate the TC nerf?

@Executioner1171 - 03.11.2016 20:58

Is this build good for PvP?

@pataponkami3196 - 02.11.2016 14:28

If it can help people to choose between this and soulbinder damnation( i keep hearing this build is good only over 3000k)
Trust me with my 2500gs i can solo every quests with lvk73 mobs, i don't need anyone to help.
Even drakes fail to hit me hard with POP.
This build is a beast for survability...
So my question why they say SB damnation is better under 3k ?

What bother me is it seems my overall dps just can't compete with archery hunters and gwf.

When i tried sb damnation, soul scorched make awsome dps numbers but it's not easy to dps at ease when you die so fast...

It seems i have to choose between a tank build with Hellbringer Fury or dps build unusable because of survability with SB damanation...

@jakesmith2288 - 01.11.2016 05:02

Is there a guide to show where you should put power points after lvl 70 like most important first

@joselacoste7099 - 26.10.2016 08:28

How is the start of the stat how many on CON n CHA N INT ?

@bigboss1282 - 26.10.2016 05:32

Hey quick question about the warlock. Is it a bad thing to be more of a support with the warlock and this dark revelry or should stick to the full dps build from before

@Wes-xk6hl - 24.10.2016 23:17

hey man. so why do u prefer all consuming curse over no pity? I find the perma combat advantage pretty awesome. is having a curse on everyone that good?

@timbelton1 - 24.10.2016 09:26

what companions are you using?

@yamin2000 - 24.10.2016 03:14

what dusk gear do I buy ?I am using ur build

@maikhpunkt2005 - 23.10.2016 20:47

In PVP you're mostly in the top 3 with this build :)

@brandonmitchell8433 - 23.10.2016 09:59

which ee set for the sw should I use until I get twisted? or should I just go from the set from the campaign to twisted?

@Michael-em1rr - 23.10.2016 08:23

what companion would be better sellsword or con artist? and why

@arthasmenethil7208 - 22.10.2016 20:48

Wow you are godlike u earned your subcribe.May i ask you.I just got 70 lvl and i dont know what to focus? upgrading echaments/artifacts/artifacts weapons/or buy new companion? i want your help and how can i get the stronghold blade?Thanks in advance i hope you will answer

@mistaxtony - 22.10.2016 11:50

Important question. Why did you pick Executioner's Gift over Killing curse? I thought Killing Curse would be the better of the two

@unrulybwoy800 - 22.10.2016 11:48

Fernu Bro my toon Dragonslayer Erza thanks you. I play on the PS4 I was level my SW before the update and I was dying alot I was going to delete the toon deleted everything then. I decided to give your build a shot OMG doing my EE campaign things dropping like hot knife through butter. Thank You keep up the good work

@fisherzealot7241 - 22.10.2016 10:12

Thanks for the reply. Is Lesser Curse critting on PC? It is on PS4, wasn't sure if intentional. Also, we're able to use at-wills and DT simultaneously. Are you seeing that on PC?

@fisherzealot7241 - 22.10.2016 09:49

What weapon and off-hand artifact powers do you choose?

@Mindifna - 22.10.2016 00:40

So you suggest cleric sigil or lantern in main artifact slot over wheel of elements? what do you suggest for the other slots? (but really I want to know why you choose gwf sigil over book of the dead or tiamat orb?) thnx!

@sandroardente9290 - 21.10.2016 18:16

bro this is the best i wish i was at least 3000 cause im 2000 and with thid build ivr bren out dpsing 2500+ its crazy i love this build

@dustinegle9908 - 20.10.2016 08:28

I notice you switch between 3 different encounter set ups, what one is dedicated to what purpose?

@leiares - 20.10.2016 03:46

hey Men in feats why dont u use it Gatekeepers Enpowerment?

@andersonpapeti1017 - 20.10.2016 02:52

does the rivalry boost just the group or boost me too?

@1AnimeFinder - 19.10.2016 13:06

what companions do you have on?
how do I get them?

@leandronest4450 - 18.10.2016 19:20

why you switched to the temptation? Nine Hells is not useful anymore?

@xxNotSoProGamerzxx - 18.10.2016 19:12

are the stronghold weapons better for DPS than twisted weapons?

@hanzo789 - 17.10.2016 14:42

Hey man, very interested on your build. Could you please link us on nwcalc powers and point out boons? thanks!

Edit: nevermind... I've to see all the video...

@punypoppy9147 - 15.10.2016 19:39

Ty for this guide bro! I had specced my lock so wrong.

@Tyrianpimp - 15.10.2016 03:17

can you slow down or write something on the rotations for us slow ppl? so fast i just cant tell

@Sabas831 - 14.10.2016 01:35

Wanted to know what could i use instead of Dread don't have that on the ps4 yet?. Also in the start of your rotation what is that giant green circle you started with?

@jrdiazgranados - 14.10.2016 00:12

Hello sir, I've watched this same video several times. Just wanted to ask if you had made any changes to it since you posted it. PS4 is getting Mod 10 in a few days and I want to make sure I optimize the build since I'm way too poor to get several respec tokens. I also wanted to thank you for taking the time to test and create this builds to help us all out there.

@paulopalhari837 - 13.10.2016 04:19

dear greetings Fernuu,

I have a SW on xbox, has 4,200gs and would like to ask you some questions:
1 Why do not you use the dragonflithing sets? because it uses dusk and drowcroft, and drangonflithing in general is stronger?
2. Because you use sigil DC and GWF? You will no longer use the Book of the Dead of Thayans nor orb tiamat?
3 you no longer use anything lifesteal? or the boom of the guild?
4 Why do not you use a companion summoned to quickly attack and having rings of +4000 power and the critical, so that they multiply the bounds?
5 Finally, I would like to know why you use dragonbourn and Daigotsu uses as human race? tielfling pays no more in this module.

I thank you in advance for your answer!

@christopher-yn8lk - 09.10.2016 20:57

the sw changes are coming to ps4 soon.Will this build be viable at less than 3000 IL?

@FeelsLikeX - 08.10.2016 19:44

hey man, have you made any changes to this build since posting?

@la.4556 - 07.10.2016 16:01

What weapons are best for PvE?

@tardbath - 05.10.2016 17:32

rly nice video fernu! i want to try trans elven on my gf instead of negation but had no time to do it on preview so i want to ask if it's rly working some people say that is not even working in lostmouths roar or in demons push back in CN . thx for your time :)

@chadworth66 - 05.10.2016 17:07

With ap gain so high why use DC sigil over wheel?

@kalebdoylemacdonald6486 - 03.10.2016 04:48

what could I slot instead of brutal and savage enchants azure and darks?

@gamebot764inc.6 - 02.10.2016 16:54

hey dude nice build! did u roll max Con on char creation?
im startin a sw as tiefling
