What happened to Edward and Austin Bryant? | ADOPTION GONE WRONG | 10 year SECRET!

What happened to Edward and Austin Bryant? | ADOPTION GONE WRONG | 10 year SECRET!

Danelle Hallan

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@ameliarae6185 - 09.01.2022 02:36

Colorado girl/El paso County who was adopted to a family... 4 siblings, abuse didn't start until we were adopted, almost immediately after, failed adopted after 6 years of abuse, the dad taking advantage of my sister when she was 15 was what got us back into foster care, but even social services would come to the school, my adopted parents would lie about our bruises, even once admitting to it flat out that she punched us, social services kept telling us we were lucky there was a family willing to adopt us all, we were fed and clothed, stop complaining so much

After getting back into foster care, we learned there was history of absuse in other states with their bio kids, never been charged, just reported to social services. No one bothered to do a national background check to see about prior abuse, just a state check. This happens all way too much and can be avoided in lots of states if national background checks are done or laws put into place about adoption

This case hits home and I'm so glad you covered this. I hope we are able to find the missing boys. I talk about this to my friends, I hate how this turned out and keep thinking that eventually they will talk about what happened to them after realizing they are spending the rest of their lives in jail.

@jeffjones3040 - 02.02.2022 17:33

WTF is that racket in the background?!?!?

@ImHungryForCake - 13.02.2022 04:17

I remember seeing a tik tok from someone pro-life saying they "hope people go into the system" because they personally had a great experience. I want to know what pro life groups, or churches, are speaking of these two boys. I'm sorry to bring up that topic, but the gov't obviously does not give a crap about living children.

@charyssemcdaniel6166 - 18.02.2022 12:16

Them poor Baby’s . I pray there alive but Ik and really feel that there not 💔 I really hope I’m wrong .. and what the f** no murder charge no idk neglect charge uggh 😭💔😡🤬

@4jlsworld - 06.03.2022 09:48

Holly Shit! None of their charges were on behalf of these poor boys!!!! God bless their young souls! May your spirit be at peace and freedom!

@SAJuk-lb4dh - 08.03.2022 11:50

I'm not surprised your authorities care more about the money . Its the same over here in the UK. You can commit robberies i.e. taking money from the government and receive a lot of time in prison.
But for rape, kidnap, murder and paedophilia they get what i consider a slap on the wrists, it's always pissed a great number of people off over here . Anyway thanks for caring Danielle, your work is phenomenal 👏

@nikkifernschuss7935 - 10.03.2022 03:08

Another set of people who literally got away with murder. It makes me sick to my stomach thinking about any child being abused by these monsters. Thank you for sharing their story.

@sooweeq123 - 16.03.2022 20:49

Oh my goodness! Way too long. Stay at 30 mins, please. Less is more.

@aprilrodriguez410 - 27.03.2022 03:29

Is it normal for foster parents to ask bio parents to adopt? I thought that happens when the bio parents fail their requirements. Did bio mom never want her children back? I don't understand why she would do that....

@lorimoore5589 - 04.04.2022 00:26

They need to pay social workers much better, think of how many people make tons of money doing work that is much less important. Example.........Tik Tok! People playing video's. Its insane.

@WhitneyElenaWelch - 21.04.2022 05:44

His name is Dylan.

@FrankiWhite730 - 17.05.2022 07:58

They should be the 1 who is exercising and food is withheld from and...we can see where that 1000/month went to..in their big guts

@anagarcias4469 - 25.06.2022 15:11

Maybe the police didn’t charge for the boys specifically because they know they were murdered and wanted to save the charges for when they got more information about that.

@livetodance1995 - 25.08.2022 07:40

Im a little shocked that cps took them after that one incident

@morphsanmore2324 - 29.08.2022 21:54

Well clapping into the mic really helps get your point across

@butterbeanqueen8148 - 31.08.2022 12:15

The neighbors might not have known the boys even existed. I wouldn’t put it past these people to have kept them away from their neighbors.

@cryssy1220 - 16.09.2022 04:44

First, I want to say how much I LOVE your videos. Your amazing !

This story is horrifying but I felt the need to comment because I used to be a social worker and experienced first hand how broken the system is. This type of stuff absolutely happens ALL of the time. I only could work in child welfare for a few years. It completely destroyed me.

Keep doing what your doing !! You make such a difference

@pattimilner6396 - 20.09.2022 04:46

So sad that this had happened.

@kenzieday2919 - 23.09.2022 20:32

My biological mom also thought that giving me away would be better for me, but it just ended up in me hoping from “family” member to “family” members’ house. My adoptive parents couldn’t keep the house clean (literal feces). I was abused my entire childhood (mentally), never really physically. I barely remember my childhood. When CPS would come to my school and ask me about things I would tell them the truth and they still never helped me. As a child who literally told a CPS worker what I was going through and they did nothing, that says a lot. I feel for these boys, and I HOPE they are out there somewhere, although i don’t believe it’s likely :(

@aliciaraeb - 02.12.2022 19:30

I'm watching for the first time 4years later! I absolutely adore Danelle. I play true crime literally 18 hours a day, all day while I'm doing whatever. I've been thru so many creators and every one of their videos. I can honestly say she is my favorite. I swear she has finished my thoughts more times than I can count. The only creator that I feel like has my exact outlook on these situations

@psychicrenegade - 24.12.2022 00:25

It seems to be a pretty common thing, in cases like this, for the crap "parents" to just move to another state and get away with horrific abuse and neglect! The records that CPS/DHS keep do not seem to move with these families...new state, new slate! 😡

@psychicrenegade - 24.12.2022 00:49

This story is every biological parent's NIGHTMARE! My step daughter put her first baby up for adoption...only to find out later that the adoptive "mother" had LIED on the adoption paperwork! She was actually a narcissist with a raging alcohol addiction, she was on drugs during the adoption, and she would post pics online saying how she never bonded with the baby, and felt like a "glorified babysitter!" Thank God the adoptive father was better...they ended up getting divorced, and she moved to another state without even fighting for custody/visitation of this boy. She's 100% a deadbeat mom and a loser. He now lives with his dad, step-mom, and their bio kids. The dad won't even tell him he's adopted. He knows nothing about the biological family out there who LOVE him and are just waiting for him to turn 18. 😡

@kirkswiger6065 - 24.12.2022 13:05

I cried too, and I am lucky enough to have a big, large, loving family, but on my eighth birthday, I went in foster care and I was lucky enough. My foster parents were really nice.

@lindavonh131 - 24.01.2023 14:12

If one can’t afford to take care of the kids they should not get them. People who get paid to care for kids don’t do it for love they do it for money.

@lindavonh131 - 24.01.2023 14:25

People who can’t support the kids should not get them. No they don’t need to give them lavish life styles. If you get paid to foster or adopt then you don’t need to be foster parents or adoptive parents

@lindavonh131 - 24.01.2023 14:38

Some social workers might be over worked underpaid our society has gone to hiring people based on bathrooms one uses or some other issue instead of hiring the best of the best for the job. Children services fails many children for decades. There are many many cases. Someone who loves children will take them with NO pay. Yes my sister in law is adopted back in the 1950s as a new born. Parents who get paid to support their kids by any source are not being parents for the right reason. It has happened for he last forty to fifty years.

@hannahbutler5131 - 28.01.2023 00:15

So heartwarming to see you so passionate about the type of work your parents were involved in i.e for disabled children👶👧👦. Absolutely lovely viewing xx

@lindacleveland3923 - 09.02.2023 18:28

This case is f'ed up!!! Those kids deserved a good life but no these crazie people put those kids thru so much.... justice, love, prayers for these little fellers.... RIP 🤨😒😮‍💨😬☹️😢😤😡🤬🤬😡

@leahhayes8256 - 13.02.2023 05:36

First , when you pumping the System you cover ALL your tracks ! This case isn’t see something say something because they literally hid them, they jumped states and no one knew because they were very good at it unfortunately. They probably couldn’t make murder stick so stealing form the government would give you 10 plus years . They probably killed them before the move , that’s why they rushed the mother to give them away, that’s the difference between Fostering kids and Adopting kids💔💔..

@MamaDawn71 - 08.03.2023 12:35

Authorities charge for what they can prove. If there is no evidence left & obviously no witnesses, they can't prove what happened to the boys. And pre-Kaylee Anthony, most states didn't have laws with a clear time frame for reporting a child missing. It's heartbreaking for sure but at least those trash humans are in prison.

@darthmaule - 17.03.2023 00:20

But like.... no one ever figured out what happened to them? 😢

@tiggzr9744 - 15.05.2023 16:23

Tbh CPS and social services don't care about abuse reportings if there is a father in the house. Go back thru all the child abuse cases and murders it all happened these things were ignored bcuz there was a father or step father and foster father in the picture. Single parents always have it hard

@Ellen-hs7zb - 24.05.2023 02:17

The understaffed system isn't going to get better as young people coming up don't want to work but just earn money by social media sponsorship instead of contributing their labors to the "system."

@darkqueen03 - 12.06.2023 01:42

Can I still get a tumbler? I found you recently and would love a black glitter one.

@alysonbowler9040 - 15.06.2023 05:01

This is insane. We get food stamps, and the number of hoops we have to jump through every 6 months is crazy. I think that, at the freaking least, we can require the same of people collecting $5k+ a month to have EIGHT adopted children. This gives them a perfect means of continued checks on the welfare of children after adoption.

@alysonbowler9040 - 15.06.2023 05:10

They likely only charged them with financial crimes because the authorities couldn't prove any abuse or worse. Also, even if they could prove the abuse, the statute of limitations has probably long since expired. It sounds like they did the best they could to work within the law and lock these monsters up for life. If only they had been willing to do this years ago... I'm hoping this initiates changes to the system.

@acel721 - 16.07.2023 23:15

I’m so happy this video has over 600k views now. I know they deserved so much more, but over 600k heard your stories, and care about you, are praying for you, thinking about you. I hope wherever those boys are now they can feel that love and care.

@paulabrowning252 - 27.07.2023 17:08

Danelle, you need a mailing address so that your fans can send gifts to you😊

@NeurodiverJENNt - 10.08.2023 20:03

Why are people continuing to get subsidies after adoption anyway, regardless of special needs?

Also, people want to give government more power? The amount of waste and bureaucracy in everything they touch has so many detrimental consequences. This is one of the worst examples

@valhipkiss4011 - 07.10.2023 08:35

Was an interesting sad story , but you went on tooo long with the same thing , I hope one day the truth comes out .

@Im.sorry.ms.jackson - 20.11.2023 15:09

I know this sounds crazy, but I've watched you all night & you've helped keep my anxiety from being worse than it is which it was about to the point of making me physically sick before I started binging. Thank you for being these victims voice

@kristinxox - 28.01.2024 12:59

Oh my son’s name is Austin.. and his middle name is James. Anytime I hear anything about kids going missing her dying. It’s heartbreaking but it just hits Home a little bit more when one of the kids names is Austin.

@leighsmith4090 - 14.09.2024 20:44

As a social worker, in a different state, our system is only as a good as the people working there. But also, some of our Federal Guidelines need changed. We need more workers, we need a manageable case load. Yes, most of us care about the children we try to help.

@saravanwyk2282 - 28.09.2024 09:16

Any updates

@jose12081981 - 12.10.2024 23:30

Really? Merchandising with this sad and shocking subject?

@kimberlyclough1025 - 19.12.2024 21:31

My heart is broken for these boys.
I wanted to touch on you talking about your crying and stuff, that’s human Danelle. These babies didn’t deserve that and it just shows how much you care about these victims. These were babies. Of course it will hit an emotional cord. I love seeing you and your raw emotion and care for others. You are an inspiration. Thank you for telling us Edward and Austin’s story. They definitely deserved so much better and more than they got.

@horatiorainey3115 - 03.01.2025 21:01

I don't usually accuse people without sufficient evidence, and in cases like these, I prefer to wait until there's proof before drawing conclusions.
"In this case, while it's possible that the Bryants might be innocent, the evidence against them makes it highly unlikely. Here are some key points that point to their involvement:

First, Linda and Edward Eugene never reported Edward and Austin as missing, despite the fact that they hadn’t been seen for years. This is suspicious, especially when considering the contradictory stories given about when and where the boys disappeared.

Another issue is the billing of Medicaid on Edward’s behalf in December 2003, well after he was supposed to have disappeared. This points to the possibility that the Bryants were continuing to collect benefits for children no longer under their care, which suggests some kind of cover-up.

Additionally, their accounts of why the boys ran away were inconsistent and unclear. This lack of transparency and the failure to report the boys as missing raises even more doubts.

There were also reports about Linda displaying pictures of other children, claiming they were Austin and Edward, which could indicate an attempt to create the illusion that the boys were still living with her.

Multiple testimonies from other children in the household, such as James Bryant and the foster children, suggest abusive behavior. James believed the Bryants might have harmed Austin, and Bryan reported seeing Austin wrapped in blankets under suspicious circumstances.

Furthermore, the Bryants continued collecting significant benefits for the children's care long after they were no longer in the home. This suggests a financial motivation to conceal the children’s disappearances.

Finally, Linda and Edward Eugene pleaded guilty to several charges related to fraud, which, while not directly acknowledging harm to the children, points to criminal actions and attempts to influence investigations.

Given these factors, it seems unlikely that Linda and Edward Eugene could be innocent. While direct evidence such as physical remains or a confession would be necessary for murder charges, the evidence points to neglect and potential abuse, and at the very least, they should have been charged with child abuse at least.

Reports of the boys' adoptive brother and other foster children reveal a pattern of mistreatment, including physical abuse and neglect, such as being locked in a garage and denied food. Some even mentioned shocking incidents involving a taser. These abuses were allowed to continue due to a lack of social worker oversight after the adoption.

As to what might have happened to the boys, there are various possibilities, its possible they could be alive but i dont think so. I think that the Bryants neglected them to the point of death, abandoned them in a place where their survival was unlikely, or perhaps even made arrangements for them to be trafficked, sold, or given away to relatives or acquaintances. They could have also placed the boys in unregistered care facilities without notifying authorities."

These boys need to be found soon.

@emily__aa14 - 22.01.2025 17:33

I enjoy watching your content so much. I think the way you address cases really shows a genuine care in them, and I think that goes a long way. Your videos stand out in the true crime world!
