#28 React Native Tab Navigation | Drawer Navigation | React Navigation 5

#28 React Native Tab Navigation | Drawer Navigation | React Navigation 5

Harinder Singh

4 года назад

3,289 Просмотров

Ссылки и html тэги не поддерживаются


Rahul Gupta
Rahul Gupta - 17.08.2022 15:12

Thanx for the video sir

Géza Jenes
Géza Jenes - 27.02.2021 22:36

Thank you

Edson Filho
Edson Filho - 26.11.2020 23:32

Your tutorials are very good, I love it, thanks for the content, the only thing I would ask for is that if possible you could already build the screens in their proper folders within "src/pages" for example, so that it is clear in the mind how to do the imports and modularized exports

Jiten Gudhka
Jiten Gudhka - 27.09.2020 18:20

Good Explanations thank You,
i have one query how to show bottom tab on drawer item

Ernesto Ernéstez
Ernesto Ernéstez - 08.08.2020 00:24

Thank you for the help! You have a beautiful voice as well!

Leonard Platzer
Leonard Platzer - 18.06.2020 19:09

Hey, I wanted to ask how can I pass parameter from a stack to a child tab navigator. I always get undefined when calling the route params in my tabNavigator? Your help would be very helpful!

Jaseem Ali
Jaseem Ali - 18.06.2020 10:43

Thankyou so much

Jean Pierre Casanova
Jean Pierre Casanova - 27.05.2020 07:45

can you post source code?
