The Story of 2016: Bernie Would Have Won.

The Story of 2016: Bernie Would Have Won.

The Humanist Report

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@jorgfritze488 - 01.01.2017 14:20

Bernie would have won!

@aryastark3148 - 01.01.2017 14:36

If only Trump hadn't backed out of the debate with Bernie.


@Barryroohi - 01.01.2017 14:39

Bernie would have won !

@AlexxMk2 - 01.01.2017 15:06

I'm glad someone's doing this, more need to hammer this home.

@TCt83067695 - 01.01.2017 15:35

haha love it

@typeviic1 - 01.01.2017 17:03

And why would Bernie have won? Because of the HUGE voter turnout he would have gotten.

@saintcruzin - 01.01.2017 19:26

What cost her was Trump acting the Populist in the Rust Belt. Sanders would've easily won the Rust Belt. In some states you needed to register as a Democrat one year earlier, removed the young. No Independents voting? Soooo rigged... Yes, our New Deal Democrat would be President. Thanks Clinton/DNC, you gave us Trump...

@cyc7lops - 01.01.2017 19:42

UK "BRIC" voters and US "brick" voters. Other countries to follow. We're fed up, and eff "incrementalism" Hillary; our patience has run out during last 35+ years. Trump says this govt will serve the people; let's hope so, finally.

@imaginepeace63 - 01.01.2017 19:44

I don't know if Bernie would have chosen Warren as VP nor would I want Warren as VP. in 2013 she chose to sell out to Monsanto. In 2015 she voted for a Patriot act lite bill. She endorsed Hillary when it was convenient. She is another two faced politician. She better hope a true progressive doesn't challenge her as a third party because I want to find someone to challenge her. I am done with Warren.

@cyc7lops - 01.01.2017 20:09

Mike, loved the "Bernie woulda won" doctored vid at the end - thanks!

@theopkingdom3433 - 01.01.2017 20:25

Genuis video.

@everyoneswireddifferent1712 - 01.01.2017 20:54

I want to download this as mp3 and just walk around, jamming out to it.

@williamjohnson7340 - 01.01.2017 20:59

Hilarious stuff man! I love how you edited all of that awesome made me laugh my ass off!

@brianengineering9001 - 01.01.2017 21:25

Stop smoking the Bernie bongs. Bernie and socialism are the wrong way to go. Capatolism is the freest and fairest system ever devised by man.

@johnjevitt5842 - 01.01.2017 21:27

And Tulsi Gabbard as vice president.

@Larvemannenz001 - 01.01.2017 22:27

He'd probably win, yeah, but you seem absolutely certain he'd win.

@Larvemannenz001 - 01.01.2017 22:35

Chelsea Clinton #2020.

"America is great because America is good."

@BronzDano - 01.01.2017 22:38

Cenk from TYT made a statement sometime during the primaries that said how the DNC were going about things they were basically showing that they'd "rather lose with Clinton than win with Sanders" and he was absolutely right. The DNC preferred Trump over Sanders....
They wanted Clinton and thought with all their influence and manipulation that she was a sure thing, remember Sanders promised us a "contested election". He was supposed to stay in the race until the end wether he had the nomination or not.

@kanekreed5123 - 01.01.2017 22:58

Your party is just not that into you. Get in line.

I think the democratic party will fill emboldened by the election. Hillary Clinton actually did well. Yes, she lost but with all that baggage she kept it close. All they need to do next time is get about 5-10% more democrats to show up. In 4 years, most people would have forgotten. There will be 2 main points that people would have learned: Russia and Trump. That's two points. If 50% of Democrats believe Russia hacked the election, I am sure we'll get a significant percentage of Republicans (i.e. reduce republican turn out). This approach will win the election in 4 years with or without true progressives. Soros and similar will continue to significantly determine what the democratic party does.

@MrRacinger322 - 02.01.2017 00:17

THANKS FOR INTRODUCING ME TO THIS AWESOME VIDEO CLIP!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

@GeordiLaForgery - 02.01.2017 01:28

Got me doing the two step. Ahhh sigh.

@amritawhitman8112 - 02.01.2017 03:00

Awesome - great end of the year message!! I agree, Bernie would have won.

@blueberryfuzz - 02.01.2017 03:11

Lol, I love the music video at the end. But seriously, what this all says is that the climate of the American people should not only be viewed as a shift towards Trumpism; that same population would have also supported Sanders. What this election says loudly is that people have rejected Clintonism and a government gone wild. Unfortunately, the solution looks to make the very thing people are so tired of even worse.

@HEllis-qu5nn - 02.01.2017 04:54

I NEVER GAVE UP ON BERNIE! Never voted Hillary...openly supported Bernie in the face of Hilbots. 😊

@RealCaseyAnthony - 02.01.2017 06:45

The delusion is real, and pathetic...

The polls showing Bernard beating Trump by 15 points were taken at a point when he was the only candidate in the race that wasn't Hillary, Trump, or a Republican also-ran. Considering Hillary made the mistake of playing nice with him and the Republicans kept their hands off of him since they hoped he would win, those polls don't reflect at all what his numbers would look like after six months of non-stop Republican attacks.

Bernard has no appeal to minority voters. It's not enough to say "some of my best friends are Killer Mike, vote for me." If Hillary couldn't match Obama's numbers, what makes anyone think Bernard could? Especially after the Republicans hammered him on that time he pushed to have nuclear waste dumped in a poor Latino community to keep it out of his lily-white Ben & Jerry's paradise. Minority voter turnout would have been the lowest in modern history.

"But Bernie wouldn't have needed minorities", I can already hear the brocialists screeching, "he would have had muh white working class!" But would he really? Would those "hard working" whites in the rust belt have a lower opinion on Bernie after the Republicans attacked him on the fact that he was once arrested for stealing his neighbor's electricity, and didn't have a real job until he was in his 40's? If Hillary couldn't get through to them with her economic message, even though she talked about jobs and the economy more than Trump did, what makes you think Bernard could have? They liked the white supremacy, not the economic message.

These are the same idiots who think Obamacare is a communist plot, despite loving everything it does. They're morons who can be convinced of anything. You really think they wouldn't turn against Bernard in a heartbeat once Trump started attacking him as "a crazy old communist who wants to raise your taxes so other people's kids can go to college (probably thanks to affirmative action wink wink if you know what I mean hint hint) FOR FREE and study intersectional basket weaving on your hard earned tax dollars"?

Do you think the Republicans wouldn't have put together an attack ad featuring his "white people don't know what it's like to be poor" line repeatedly?

How would his honeymoon in the USSR, or his prior praise for the Sandinistas play in Murricaland after the "here there everywhere the Yankee will die" video came out? How would his vocal support of Castro have gone over in Florida, where they were literally celebrating Fidel's death in the streets?

Would his creepy ass rape essay have won him more white women than Hillary got?

And this is just the oppo research we know about. There's no telling what the fuck else they had on him that they were sitting on, salivating at the thought of running against him.

Bernard would've been BTFO in the biggest landslide since Mondale. Hillary was the best chance we had this time and she lost because of Bernie's destructive scorched-earth campaign.

@interdimensionalsteve8172 - 02.01.2017 12:32

Hahaha love the compilation! Well done.

@bostonbob9667 - 02.01.2017 15:34

Senator Sanders was a straw man candidate who played his part well , a cog in the Clinton propaganda machine . He got a summer house on a lake and we got what again ?

@stevenldoe7838 - 02.01.2017 21:53

Rofl that is freaking Hilarious and so true.

@abeltamanji2360 - 02.01.2017 23:11

Shame on those democrybabies!!

@LloxieFox - 03.01.2017 01:53

omg that montage xD

@vannam2587 - 03.01.2017 07:00

Bernie would have won

@atheistbiker - 03.01.2017 07:15


@erickvillagrana1699 - 03.01.2017 15:08

As much as i want to blame the DNC for cheating Bernie, he could still have gone independent with all his supporters and still had a chance. But no, he cowered at the idea of Trump and supported Hillary. Trump couldve easily gave up and let the RNC take him down. But no he showed true leadrship with some balls and grabbed the election by the pussy

@heatherstahlnecker9270 - 03.01.2017 18:54

love it!!!! BERNIE would have WON!!!! *tough to share the country with idiots and assholes WE THE PEOPLE are united and determined.

@2Brian - 04.01.2017 02:26


@davids1136 - 04.01.2017 10:30

Yet Bernie is now a known traitor who had a secret pact with HIllary as he helped himself to his followers' hard earned cash in order to fight her.

@timmullens9479 - 04.01.2017 22:21

oh geez;another:SHOULDA,WOULDA ,COULDA SJW CLIP: Trump won -other team lost -get over it-and get behind your new president.

@SpicyTake - 04.01.2017 23:56

You're goddamn right

@SpicyTake - 05.01.2017 00:23

Holy fuck that video at the end

@JOHNNYHAULAWAY - 05.01.2017 02:56

People would have flocked from everywhere to vote for Bernie.

@cheydinal5401 - 06.01.2017 00:52

Which movie is that where the guy drowns?

@thewestwinger3855 - 08.01.2017 05:14

Sadly I have to dislike this vid, yes Bernie would have won, but Trumpanzees wouldn't have voted for him and Trump voters didn't JUST WANT TO HURT THE ESTABLISHMENT they where fascists, and studies prove this

@SndBarrera - 22.01.2017 03:23

Even Rick knew, Bernie would've won.

@minivanmaster - 06.02.2017 07:47

Minnesotans knew what was up, they voted Bernie in primaries!

@TheGodsMustBeCrazy - 25.09.2017 02:54

Not only would have Bernie won, he would've have picked off states such as North Carolina, Arizona, and maybe other red states. He would have given Trump a big run for his money in some deep red states. All in all, he would have gotten at least 300+ electoral college votes.

@mexicanrepublican420 - 03.11.2017 07:09

Bernie would’ve won. I was a Bernie supporter and I was so anti-Hillary & anti-establishment but since the DNC fucked up, I became a Trump supporter and also due to nonsense political correctness bullshit from the left, I went & took the red pills.

@ElderRed - 24.01.2022 19:14

It’s 2022 and Bernie not only would’ve won the 2020 election, he wouldn’t have let voting rights die as president.
