"OMG IT'S A BUFF! That's Why It Didn't Stun" Nope, the Primal Level 6 Skill Description Is WRONG

"OMG IT'S A BUFF! That's Why It Didn't Stun" Nope, the Primal Level 6 Skill Description Is WRONG


2 года назад

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@Viixy - 03.04.2022 16:41


@kevinguirigay7633 - 03.04.2022 16:41

lol 😂

@CAPCANA12 - 03.04.2022 16:41

Were dumb??? Hmmm.... maybe but it's not working

@vladimirvlcok9493 - 03.04.2022 16:44

more of 0.000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000001

@CAPCANA12 - 03.04.2022 16:46

Quackalakes if the abillity dosen't work or if it's just a bug why are you trying to use the abillity?

@ninokhmaladze6985 - 03.04.2022 16:46

Dml is broken

@smoothice4586 - 03.04.2022 16:56

what does the other 6 ability?
15% seems nothing, i'll choose the other one

@juliantosanjaya931 - 03.04.2022 17:11

My team is Going to be Black armor, Tiger and Jelly

@CodyKimbrew47 - 03.04.2022 17:13

quacks the servers are down again!😠😠

@juancarlosgonzalez8950 - 03.04.2022 17:18

From all your examples, it seems that what they were trying to say is that it has a 100% chance of not stunning anything.

@Asael_. - 03.04.2022 17:31

Maybe u have to attack after the buff

@gokulrajesh4513 - 03.04.2022 17:31


@nicholassaucedo9184 - 03.04.2022 17:34

So basically primal is doodoo

@tszkinkwong3601 - 03.04.2022 18:14

So... is it still 15% as wiki said? Btw, I haven't made this upgrade so I'll choose savage bite instead.

@thetrumpetboy4731 - 03.04.2022 18:58

Oh well here goes out my hopes for new cool strategy with this skill... Good bye incapacating bite... Primal is still OP because with a level 1 skill a uncommon purety siguil and only at level 19 and not enchanted i almost one hit a level 25 dragon. So yea a passive counter on the primal dragon may not give me the dilema mecanic i was hoping for but i can see some sort of centralisation of the primal dragon happening to force a counter. and btw i noticed that the attack visuals of primal are just earth reskinned.

@TerraBlo - 03.04.2022 19:31

No, you need to buff your whole team first, dummy

@adventureawaitsromit512 - 03.04.2022 20:20

Is the team coral clownfish and rocker good? I purposely kept two water dragons because I need them…..

@sonicgameplays8083 - 03.04.2022 21:06

código de recrutamento bac6ea0 👍

@Fairy.Team965 - 03.04.2022 23:32

omg I posted a video on the same topic lol
Do you think the company deliberately set this bug to consume players and reduce gems? Like the movement of moving energy stones from the store to increase the difficulty of the events

@whosfredol5194 - 04.04.2022 04:33

Is the primal dragon even good? I was only 1 amulet to getting the primal dragon dint make it... I don't play the game anymore but I still enjoy your content.

@melchiorfernandes3488 - 04.04.2022 17:25

Must be very um disappointed no?

@alfred6657 - 05.04.2022 23:33

My team is wind peaccock and gondola

@Lowk3yLinnie - 06.04.2022 04:51

I was 2 amulet away to primal dragon now I can’t react back to dragon mania legends 🤭🤭🤭

@LiLNinja008 - 10.04.2022 05:04

I've been had!! JK I don't even have a primal dragon yet. This gave me a good laugh, thank you!

@ballora2445 - 17.04.2022 22:16

Imagine if he said: "BuT yOu neEd to AtTack the Dragon!!!"

@JayHydraMoonwolf - 30.05.2022 23:03

No because the Primal element is kinda USELESS in a few ways, and helpful in a few ways tho

The Useless is just that the reckless is Giving us more damage by other enemies
But I don’t know how that primal element has 2 effects I. 1 element
Every other element has 1 effect

It’s just the helpful way we just get stronger by just 1K damage depends on the level! But no I think It’s a very useless element in my opinion

It’s very very useless but it can be helpful

Tho my orange viper is level 25 and enchant level 1

And It produces already 5K at level 24-26 but starts getting even higher then legendary at Level 30-35-40?! But my strongest dragon so far is the tower dragon at level 41! i called The dragon ‘Angelica’ but It seems very Confused to me Tho my primal Dragon is the highest rarity I have so far

It’s a bad Example dragon! But can be good in any ways or bad ways

But that was just an opinion about the primal element and effects and stuff (it’s useless to use wonder or acceptance when you have primal)
