Machine Learning Street Talk

2 года назад

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@scottmiller2591 - 06.10.2021 08:44

Heard rumors about this MLST - and missed it when it came out. Looking forward to the talk!

@goldnutter412 - 06.10.2021 20:58

Geometric learning, life ? 🤣🤣

@crimythebold - 11.10.2021 12:23

Excellent content again. Damn another book to read !

@davidmurray2004 - 11.10.2021 14:13


@amitkumarsingh406 - 20.11.2021 01:10

hey Street Talk crew. Watching out for the next one ✌️

@sugamtyagi9144 - 23.12.2021 21:59

Waiting for your new videos.

@michaelwangCH - 05.01.2022 08:40

During my study of Statistics, ML and DL I never understood the connection between different NN architectures - they simply pop up without any history or proofs. Shut up, learn and memorize. Therefore my professors in ML do not earn my respects, because they do not real understand what they are teaching.

I like thank you for bringing of the fundamental understanding of the zoo of DNN models. I lost the intuition for long time about DNN models. Again thank you for the clarity.

@good6894 - 27.03.2022 02:38

As a lot of this is quite over my head. BUT, I'm using OpenAI's playground to have the concepts I don't understand explained to me. And it works extremely well. Ideas like gage symmetry and such now make sense to me. On a very broad level of course, but still. An AI explaining tome the concepts that went into it's own creation! Truly amazing!

@roomo7time - 11.04.2022 14:49

it would be extremely helpful for phd students who are very busy if you can make a highlight video of this that contains only the most eseential academical discussions done in this video.

@Hexanitrobenzene - 06.06.2022 05:10

This episode is beyond good... Finally, some visionaries turning ML from its alchemy stage into proper science!

@Srdchinna - 19.06.2022 01:29

I am enjoying it thoroughly. Its fascinating to see different perspectives from all GDL experts!

@yuwang600 - 12.10.2022 09:44

Symmetry is all you need

@love12xfuture - 26.10.2022 16:23

It's my 1st time here. Your show already brings me wow!!! Thank you!!

@tinyentropy - 20.11.2022 20:27

Where do I find the learning courses that you mentioned? :)

@duskomanojlovic8507 - 19.12.2022 21:01

Thanks for podcasts. It helps me with other stuff i found to be in touch with ML, Ai, and neuroscience. Before this new hype around ML and transformers i didnt know that i will found that i will be in love with neuroscience

@culpritgene - 16.01.2023 12:00

Absolutely amazing episode! When you eavesdrop on a topical conversation of such detail you are almost bound to pick up some wisdom and sync in with the speakers at least for some time (prerequisite you have some background)

@ydas9125 - 09.02.2023 22:39

Remarkable channel. Inspiring, challenging, eye opening... I have been following it for months and I love it. Thank you

@jonathanbethune9075 - 11.03.2023 20:02

Teaching a computer to recognize natural laws as it computes and extrapolate relevance.

@jonathanbethune9075 - 11.03.2023 20:03

A grande unified theory is needed.

@jonathanbethune9075 - 11.03.2023 20:05

Cellular automata. Stephen wolfram ,I think , is working on that.

@jonathanbethune9075 - 11.03.2023 21:20

Now getting close to the end off your video , I realize that the" architecture" is the grande unified theory. Got excited , jumped the gun...

@jonathanbethune9075 - 11.03.2023 21:21

I still think that coming from an understanding of a thing ,it is much easier to determine the way to think about it. BIOS
Which are rules...I'm getting interested in computer science.

@jonathanbethune9075 - 11.03.2023 22:13

That was really interesting.

@dr.mikeybee - 24.03.2023 00:42

I really enjoyed this one the second time around. One thing, the transformer is mostly a pyramidal graph network -- just FYI.It's a fully-connected Feed Forward NN A pyramidal graph is a type of graph that has a hierarchical structure where nodes are organized into layers. The nodes in each layer are connected to all nodes in the layer above it. Pyramidal graphs have been used in various applications such as object detection1, EEG classification2, and spatial significance exploration3

@snarkyboojum - 11.04.2023 21:38

Love the armchair :) What is it!

@pretzelboi64 - 16.04.2023 00:39

Honestly, this channel has such a great format. It's the perfect mix between a podcast and a documentary. It reminds me a lot of Sixty Symbols or Numberphile but for ML instead of physics and maths

@Epistemophilos - 30.04.2023 15:23

Fantastic, thank you. (Minor improvement suggestion - might just be me, but I would prefer if the music was not constantly playing.)

@harryharrison3476 - 02.05.2023 12:35

old edited

@FredPauling - 06.05.2023 04:22

The content was great! The editing was a bit disjointed. I love long form videos like this, but a touch more planning may have made for a smoother experience.

@dulcamara2851 - 06.05.2023 18:40

the only deep question about AI is one never raised, which is whether the Galilean metaphor that the universe is a book written in mathematics is still relevant, I think it is not, the metaphor is dead. Then the question is whether AI has the potential to mutate beyond the Galilean metaphor, like the scholasticism that preceded it the worldview embedded in the metaphor has exhausted itself. Nothing in AI supports the metaphor, if anything it negates it. Which is why AI's potential to inaugurate a new era is really the only interesting philosophical question to ponder.

@BrunoJennrich - 16.05.2023 06:38


@mithunkrishna699 - 03.06.2023 23:22

Hey can you educate me on why this is being ridiculed so much by the comment section😂im new to both religions and it would be helpful for me in my studies

@francescserratosa3284 - 05.06.2023 10:31

I enjoyed watching it very much!!!. Thanks.🙂

@sotlanakazerov4755 - 07.06.2023 18:37

I am so happy!!!!!!!!!!! thank tou so much

@Rems766 - 08.06.2023 00:27

One year after, still one of my favorite episode, with the Chomski one

@user-bf3qe9wu4q - 29.10.2023 02:44


@Daniel-Six - 10.03.2024 06:45

Okay Tim... I have a question worthy of your intellect and imagination.

Granting arguendo the proposition that we operate within a carefully designed simulation, is it conceivable that the manifold hypothesis illustrates an intentionally implemented efficiency in our computational regime?

Otherwise put, is the low dimensionality of crucial correlations and symmetries in source data an artificially induced property of our technical methodology in some sense?

If proper pedagogy compels the sim architects to deploy logic that is never compromised by later learning--but the sim requires some mechanism for invisibly adjusting the computational reach of our algorithms--then would it not be logical to establish that control inside the dimensionality of our data?

@BaronVonHaggis - 07.04.2024 18:58

please find better sound fx.

@barzinlotfabadi - 29.04.2024 11:00

Still trying to figure out how this guy stays so buff despite being five magnitudes more nerd than me

@jonnysolaris - 04.05.2024 00:02

Tim, your channel is the best of its kind. Kudos man, much love 🤘🏻

@deliyomgam7382 - 30.05.2024 15:18

I'd love to talk to alpha fold n other A.I's

@deliyomgam7382 - 30.05.2024 15:45

If u need efficiency y not use quantum computer

@dylanmenzies3973 - 02.06.2024 23:20

While the focus is on approximation error, I think understanding will be limited. The most interesting behaviour is when useful novel outputs occur for new inputs, based on assimilation of abstract patterns.
