Nuxt 3 Firebase Firestore Tutorial - Part 2

Nuxt 3 Firebase Firestore Tutorial - Part 2

RazorCX Technologies

2 года назад

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@viktorlovgren5144 - 23.09.2023 09:59

Part 3 coming? :)

@maysomething_ - 14.08.2023 04:36

i've got a problem when trying to getDownloadUrl storage from nuxt server/api folder

@ayxan3950 - 10.07.2023 13:36

yarn add [email protected]

@JulienReszka - 09.05.2023 18:32

Hello, could you make a video on how to connect a nuxt 3 app to firebase emulators please ?

@doogee3117 - 13.04.2023 09:02

i have a error with h3
"Module '"h3"' has no exported member 'useQuery'"
how fix this problem. pls help me

@betfab9806 - 17.01.2023 06:26

Hi thanks for this! Is part 3 out already?

@willardaronow3913 - 02.12.2022 00:01

Love your videos, very informative but Why did you create your firebase app in the server/lib folder on this tutorial but on your firebase auth tutorial you created the app instance as a plugin? I am trying to use both auth and firestore in my nuxt 3 app

@Zookenatorenator - 28.11.2022 18:57

Thanks so much! this really helped get us started in our transition to Nuxt 3!! Quick question... can the query be tweaked to return one specific document in the collection if we pass the doc ID?

@j4nch - 25.11.2022 16:30

Is it mandatory to access to firestore from the client through the client? Won't we loose the async update from firebase? I mean, if you go through the server, you won't get live update(like deleted item from another user automatically update the client?

@nadiac6938 - 26.10.2022 03:43

Thank you very much for this

@ExtraServingsBTS - 09.09.2022 23:43

Opposed to hosting on Firebase?

@RyaneeBs84 - 21.07.2022 23:04

Weirdly after implementing this, the route guard from the auth in part 1 bugs out, and on refresh it loads non-authed in the route guard, but is authed right after, on the global $auth, and the firestoreUser. Werid.

@drftls - 20.07.2022 07:52

This was such a good video. It will be a good foundation to build on. Thanks for putting it together. Used your other Nuxt 3 and FB (auth) video as well as Vuetify (I think your vid), and wired them together. Extended to include passwordless Firebase Sign In With Email Link capability.

I hope you will make more videos in areas like Nuxt 3 with Google Cloud Functions, Nuxt 3 with Firebase Hosting, Nuxt 3 with Stripe. Ready to buy these courses from you, even if I come up with my own solutions in the meantime. Thanks again!

@guillaumemorvan - 09.07.2022 18:54

Hello, the live demo seems down

@helrigle2010 - 26.05.2022 07:40

Great series so far, please keep them going... quick question. If I've got Firestore rules working like this for example on my collection
// Allow any logged in user
match /bugs/{documents=**} {
allow read, write, delete: if request.auth.uid != null;
How can I pass the authenticated user (like in part 1) through the API endpoint to firestore when I want to read this "bugs" collection? Or maybe there's a better way like verifying the ID token on the server side? Thanks in advance. Great stuff.

@DaviesMaina - 19.05.2022 10:49

Thanks for the video. Does this support real-time changes when you perform CRUD operations?

@gnjrale - 10.05.2022 01:24

This is a great video! Hope you upload more videos with more awesome content!

@hcmlopes - 02.05.2022 04:56

Hello, I have a question: I would like to understand your use case. Why setup firestore as an API when firebase is built to allow the frontend client to interact with the service directly?
Thank you in advance
