SELENIUM : Selenium NoSuchWindowException - SDET Automation Testing Interview Questions & Answers

SELENIUM : Selenium NoSuchWindowException - SDET Automation Testing Interview Questions & Answers

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@sdet_automation_testing - 09.03.2023 20:03

The NoSuchWindowException is an exception that is thrown when a window target to be switched to is not available or cannot be found.

This exception is specific to Selenium WebDriver and occurs when a WebDriver tries to switch to a window that is either closed or does not exist.

Here are some common reasons why you might encounter a NoSuchWindowException:

The window you are trying to switch to has been closed or does not exist.

The window has not finished loading yet, and the WebDriver is trying to interact with an element on the page before it is available.

The window handle has been invalidated due to a page refresh or navigation event.

You are trying to switch to a window that is not a part of the current WebDriver session.

To fix this issue, you can try the following:

Ensure that the window you are trying to switch to is still open and available.

Add a wait before attempting to switch to the window to allow it to finish loading.

Refresh the page to ensure that the window handle is still valid.

Check that the window handle you are trying to switch to is valid and belongs to the current WebDriver session.

If none of these solutions work, you may need to review your code and ensure that you are correctly handling windows and their handles in your Selenium WebDriver script.
