Change Your Life In 6 Months (My Deep Work Routine)

Change Your Life In 6 Months (My Deep Work Routine)

Dan Koe

1 год назад

1,331,351 Просмотров

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matheus - 04.10.2023 04:47

I think this is the most important video I ever watched and the part that you said to comment which part stuck out the most there its impossible because the whole video stuck in my mind, thank you man.

ALENDRA - 02.10.2023 16:13

Thanks dan, We live the best time to be everything!... so just belive in your self and do better everyday. word on right stuff and do it consistent is key of success

Đ. Hiệp
Đ. Hiệp - 30.09.2023 12:12

I love hove it require myself immerse in the system that moving me forward! It's an sustainable development

Francesca Ali
Francesca Ali - 30.09.2023 03:07

I was really off to a great morning but I did answer an email not sure how it got through but I responded it was 6:30a.m. I was able to finish my workout and journaling but I had lost all my focus for my art because I was thinking about the email and how that work require my focus more (seems like it doesn’t take much to distract me from art) no more answering emails or messages till 9a.m. When my “work day” starts… it seems those who work from home like me, send emails when it works for them but I shouldn’t lose my focus for their schedule a 9a.m. Reply is just as good as a 9a.m. Reply

Thang Tran
Thang Tran - 19.09.2023 07:06

Thanks you so much

Dakota Neidecker
Dakota Neidecker - 18.09.2023 01:14

I’m going to implement the 5 minutes of the “task” I want in my ideal future day to day.

Rupam - 16.09.2023 05:32

Really loved the video❤

Vega A.
Vega A. - 15.09.2023 15:36

The part of not being wired to work under bright lights, in a cubicle , made me go bananas...

Jorge Quesada
Jorge Quesada - 14.09.2023 15:47

Is Modern Mastery still $5 to join first time?

ClaytonLJenkins - 14.09.2023 02:31

Dan, I've had two enlightening moments in the past few months. I'm a college student working full-time for someone while in the process of forming my own business. The point you made about no conversations + notifications stuck out to me mostly because my job is to be on the phone from 7a-4p 5 days a week and I'm still experimenting with how to effectively 'reset' my brain to have the energy to focus on my actual deep work (through walks as you'd mentioned, naps, and guitar) As I write this I have this vivid vision where my day is filled with freedom and I'm working entirely for myself; when that day comes I won't forget how you, Simon Sinek, and Naval Ravikant, Robert Greene, and Ryan Holiday got me there.

Bruv - 13.09.2023 11:52

So not 5 bucks for the Modern Mastery? :(

I am - Daily affirmations
I am - Daily affirmations - 09.09.2023 03:34

Hey everyone! I post daily affirmation videos every morning and night that have helped me stay positive, confident and motivated ✨
You can join me on this journey 💫

Gabriel Emiliano Facio
Gabriel Emiliano Facio - 09.09.2023 02:11

Great video! Could you tell me that, which mic are you using?

Dil Careem
Dil Careem - 08.09.2023 18:39

It emphasizes the value of deep work, investing mental energy in goals, and avoiding distractions. The Priority Ladder method is introduced for achieving significant life changes with just one hour of focused work per day.

Jyoti Dubey
Jyoti Dubey - 08.09.2023 17:58

That was really helpful, and especially the priority task!! Thanks a lot for this video!!

Chrissynysc - 08.09.2023 15:02

I liked, subscribed, and am commenting to thank you for this quality content!

Dr. Elsa T. Khwaja
Dr. Elsa T. Khwaja - 07.09.2023 18:24

I don't understand why you wouldn't read Cal NewPort's Deep Work ...

Maria de Lourdes Anies Sanchez
Maria de Lourdes Anies Sanchez - 06.09.2023 21:40

why? no fucking back

Constantine Ali
Constantine Ali - 05.09.2023 22:09

I try to change ..started

paulina - 05.09.2023 02:47


* شائق يتمنى *
* شائق يتمنى * - 04.09.2023 00:49

I need to practice English with any one 😭 can you help me!!

Nuno Pereira
Nuno Pereira - 03.09.2023 12:34

What if you dont have dreams?

Venoo Morgan
Venoo Morgan - 02.09.2023 22:18

❤ love your teaching for real
I'm in your course for September

Samantha Barron
Samantha Barron - 30.08.2023 18:47

I had to rewind this video like 4 times and I still haven’t heard anything. ADHD sucks… I know that focus is the most important skill and I don’t have it 😣

Luckson Odiase
Luckson Odiase - 27.08.2023 21:03

Love you man.

Your content resonates with me always on a deeper level Dan.

Michaela Edwards
Michaela Edwards - 27.08.2023 16:54

The first hour in the morning really stuck out to me, I plan to alternate between 2 task , doing exercise on one morning and assignments the next morning for an hour. 💪🏿🤓

Arturo Muñoz
Arturo Muñoz - 27.08.2023 07:47

Any audiobooks with similar tips or tools that folks recommend? This question is for the audience.

Dam Ziee
Dam Ziee - 26.08.2023 09:34


Miracle Jacob
Miracle Jacob - 24.08.2023 08:41

Such an Amazing narration about Deep work, Keep making more videos. lots of love from India!

Ebony_en_español - 23.08.2023 05:32

Awesome video. I’ve been doing time blocked planning but needed help on how to actually best use the time that I’m blocking out. Very helpful.

Luke Claydon
Luke Claydon - 22.08.2023 19:19

Good 👍

Rick Stone
Rick Stone - 21.08.2023 22:58

Here is a breakdown of Dan's video for you to follow and implement. Now go and change your life!

1. Your Ideal Life:

Summary: This section emphasizes the importance of bringing your ideal future into the present by taking actions aligned with your long-term goals.

Plan: To change your life in 6 months, start by identifying your ideal future. What do you want to achieve in the long term? This could include career goals, personal development, or lifestyle changes.

Dedicate a small amount of time each day to work on activities related to your ideal life, even if it's just 5-10 minutes.
Gradually increase the time spent on these activities as you become more comfortable and build momentum.

Actions to Implement: Begin with a small daily commitment to your ideal life, such as 5 minutes of writing or any other activity related to your goal. Slowly increase this time as you become more comfortable.

2. The Holistic Daily Routine:

Summary: This section outlines a daily routine designed to maximize productivity, creativity, and personal growth.

Plan: Create a daily routine that divides your day into three key areas: morning for creation and focus, afternoon for learning and socialization, and evening for journaling, planning, and meditation.

Identify your most productive and creative hours and schedule your priority tasks during those times.

Actions to Implement: Allocate time for reading, learning, and networking in the afternoons.
Incorporate journaling, planning, and meditation in the evening to clear your mind.
Actions to Implement: Design your daily routine based on the provided guidelines, ensuring you have dedicated time for creativity, learning, and personal reflection.

3. The Need For Deep Work:

Summary: Deep work is crucial in a world filled with distractions and notifications. It's about focused, uninterrupted work on meaningful tasks.

Plan: Recognize the importance of deep work in achieving your goals and create a workspace that minimizes distractions.

Set aside specific blocks of time for deep work each day, even if it's just an hour.
Use productivity techniques like the Pomodoro method to stay focused during deep work sessions.

Actions to Implement: Block out at least one hour a day for deep work on your top priority tasks. Create a distraction-free workspace to facilitate this.

4. The Priority Ladder:

Summary: Prioritize your tasks based on their importance and level of distraction potential.
Plan: Create a priority ladder with four levels, starting with the most critical and focused work at the top and ending with maintenance tasks at the bottom.

Allocate your most productive hours to priority one tasks (focused work on your vision).
As you complete and systemize priority one tasks, move them down the ladder and start new projects in priority one.

Actions to Implement: Organize your tasks into the priority ladder and allocate your daily hours accordingly. Focus on priority one tasks to make significant progress toward your goals.

5. Vision Building:

Summary: This section emphasizes starting with a meaningful project that aligns with your long-term vision.

Plan: Choose a project that resonates with your ideal life and start working on it during your priority one time block.

For beginners, consider projects like building a social media brand or acquiring new skills.
As you gain momentum, explore more challenging and impactful projects.

Actions to Implement: Identify a priority one project related to your ideal life and begin working on it for at least an hour each day.

6. High Leverage Creative Work:

Summary: Priority two is for tasks that leverage your skills and creativity.

Plan: Move projects from priority one to priority two as they become more systemized. Focus on creative tasks that add value to your goals.

Use priority two to create content, build products, or provide services that align with your vision.

Continuously iterate and improve on these tasks.

Actions to Implement: Transition projects to priority two as they become more efficient. Dedicate time to creative work that complements your vision.

7. Meaningful & Spillover Tasks:

Summary: Priority three is for maintaining momentum on your projects and tasks.

Plan: Reserve this time block for tasks that require your direct involvement and contribute to your goals.

Avoid outsourcing tasks that are integral to your creative process or personal brand.
Use this time to refine and improve ongoing projects.

Actions to Implement: Set aside dedicated time for priority three tasks that help maintain the momentum of your creative work.

8. Maintenance Tasks:

Summary: Priority four is for routine and administrative tasks.

Plan: Save maintenance tasks, such as checking emails and messages, for this time block to prevent distractions earlier in the day.

Minimize early-morning exposure to notifications and messages to maintain focus.
Use this time block efficiently to handle administrative responsibilities.

Actions to Implement: Restrict maintenance tasks to priority four and avoid distractions during other time blocks.

In Summary: To change your life in 6 months using this deep work routine, it's essential to follow the provided structure diligently. Gradually increase your dedication and commitment to each priority level as you make progress. Stay focused on your ideal future, leverage deep work, and maintain a holistic daily routine to maximize your productivity and creativity. By consistently working on your vision, you can achieve significant personal and professional growth within the specified time frame.

Distance Junkie Monkey
Distance Junkie Monkey - 21.08.2023 20:05

Holistic scheduling and priority system will be implemented

Henri Mott
Henri Mott - 21.08.2023 13:59

This the best vid. Pure gold

antonia osborne
antonia osborne - 20.08.2023 17:16

I’m extremely grateful to you. Super glad i found you. So I’m in the stage that I’m totally lost. Prefer not to share everything here but I’m meant to be building my business but I’m totally confused about my vision - lacking it and lost. Read your one about being lost. Trying not to put pressure on. But i guess my thoughts are how you know what to start your deep work on…. When you’re super confused coz my issue is I’ve been working but it’s all wrong and on the wrong things and I’ve wasted so much time on social media and although it’s building, it’s slow and no idea where it’s taking me…. Thank you in advance

Sheena C
Sheena C - 19.08.2023 22:46

This was sooo good!

Lindz - 18.08.2023 01:25

What if what you want to outsource is your own face?

Kristopher Ryan
Kristopher Ryan - 14.08.2023 08:47

Dan Koe is the man, I love the way he broke down how he breaks down his day into those segments for continuous productivity, manifestation, and creativity while also adhering to making sure you block out time for true deep work. we all need that to properly deal with all the bullshit distractions we are dealt with on a regular basis every day.

Daniel_Firebred - 13.08.2023 17:04

great value, thank you

Greg Prosser
Greg Prosser - 13.08.2023 06:00

I am building the foundations of company on the side while doing contracted employment at a big corporation…

From my experience in the 17 months with them, I can assure that there is little possibility to structure your day for productive work, as an employee of the company I mean. The meeting machine takes over and dictates employee’s schedules. The irony is if they let people build and create more freely, more would get done, and at a higher quality. They can’t help themselves by getting out of their own way to facilitate meaningful progress. Growth in a big corporate path is unlikely, I think, at least in a focused creative way Dan is referring to.

The only way to escape it is to try your best to compartmentalize your time, and make the most of your personal hours to break free from it, or join a small to mid-sized company where meetings, bureaucracy and red tape don’t consume your “working” hours.

Constantpursuitdaily - 12.08.2023 14:46

You have taken things I’ve felt for years and articulated them in an effortless presentation! Thank you Dan!

Vanesssa Guevara Hypno
Vanesssa Guevara Hypno - 09.08.2023 19:57

This was really dope and helpful, especially about creativity, productivity and expermentation

IndiaKxoxo - 09.08.2023 00:07

I’m going to try this. I’ve been procrastinating

Ankerpoint - 08.08.2023 19:25

This was super helpful! Thank you!

Mr Valentino
Mr Valentino - 08.08.2023 00:56

The key to everything is writing, its so simple I can’t believe I would have never thought of it. Even in school the only thing that came naturally was writing a lot of words of things I actually wanted to talk about (the rare time that actually was the case)

Im going to be implementing most of what you talked about. Especially writing and video recording being my very first things i do in the morning before i even touch the internet or social media.

Vicky Vasiliki
Vicky Vasiliki - 07.08.2023 23:15

The priority ladder is actually very interesting. I've experienced it so many time without knowing it, every time I start working at a new company. At first when I am still learning the processes of the new company I need to be laser focused, until the job gets really just an automated process. It actually is the same as any new thing that we start.

Sirak Gebremedhin
Sirak Gebremedhin - 05.08.2023 12:40

Great Just Great

Opulent Elephant Tarot
Opulent Elephant Tarot - 05.08.2023 12:11

Side light is too bright. Take it down 1.5 stops and add a fill light or reflector board on the left. It will be more flattering.

Kamal D. Momoh
Kamal D. Momoh - 04.08.2023 13:00

I swear to God I thought you were @Better Ideas 😂, the resemblance is uncanny, great video btw

Janice Murphy
Janice Murphy - 03.08.2023 15:21

I was reluctant to watch at first but I’m glad I did! Thanks!
