Splitting a Continuous Variable into High and Low Values

Splitting a Continuous Variable into High and Low Values

James Gaskin

11 лет назад

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cute animals
cute animals - 11.04.2023 08:56

Hi! James I am doin moderation analysis in amos ..
My question is how can I split my moderating variable

Ashwag Alrudayni
Ashwag Alrudayni - 04.09.2022 22:42

Can i have two variable high and low? If yes , can i run regression without having Coliniarity between variable?

QBMJ0304 - 30.05.2022 11:52

Hey, thanks for the video! I have a question: I want to split my data into 'high responder' and 'low responder', but I want to make sure that in each cell, there is the same amount of participants. For example, I want to have 25 low responders in group1condition1, 25 high responders in group1condition1, 25 low responders in group1condition2 etc. Do you have an idea on how to split my variables this way?

Dr Manish Kumar Singh Assistant Professor
Dr Manish Kumar Singh Assistant Professor - 19.05.2022 05:42

Hello James, Thank you so much for this. I just want to ask you, My objective is "to find out levels of academic entitlement attitude of higher education students. for this I have used 5 point Likert scale having 15 items. Now how can I know how many students' having high academic entitlement attitude, how many low, and how many having moderated attitude.

nobody - 27.12.2021 11:22

Hi. Thanks for this great video. Do you have any references for this median split method? Thanks.

Garnettha Sari
Garnettha Sari - 25.11.2021 23:30

Hi, is this the same thing as defining a cut-off value for the variable?

P Vzz
P Vzz - 22.11.2021 14:01

Does this mean you are making the continuous variable a dichotomous variable?

WE LOVE MUSIC - 26.09.2021 22:50

You're still replying to comments....it's amazing 👍 awesome work

rusty shackleford
rusty shackleford - 30.11.2020 15:25

Brilliant, thank you

Wasini Jafiya
Wasini Jafiya - 05.09.2020 07:24

I love you for this.

Minoushe Grant
Minoushe Grant - 29.04.2020 02:16

Thank you, I have just 1 question please. My median is 29 and the cumulative % = 51.7. Do I therefore include my median in the low values, so everything greater is in my high value? Or does 29 go in the high values? The value after 29 is 31 at 58.6 and the values before is 25 at 41.4%.

Hannah L.
Hannah L. - 24.02.2020 02:14

My crops are watered, my skin is clear. Thank you.

RB - 21.02.2020 02:10

How do we do this with a Likert scale with different subscale items ?

Santeri Yrttiaho
Santeri Yrttiaho - 23.10.2019 16:26

with syntax:

RANK VARIABLES=yourVariable (A)
RECODE PyourVar (Lowest thru 50=0) (50.01 thru Highest=1) INTO medianSplitVar.

Jennifer Figueroa
Jennifer Figueroa - 14.10.2019 11:26

Hi I am not sure if you're available to help but I am trying to graph a moderation and was told to do a median split to get the high and low mean and sd of my variables and graph this. How would I go about this? Thanks!

Ella Savill
Ella Savill - 25.04.2019 16:19

hello, not sure if you are still answering questions but I hope you are!! for my dissertation I am computing the median split for values ranging from 0 to 6. The median is 3. Do I include the values 3 in the split or not? i.e. do I create the low category with 0-2 values and the high category with 4-6 and ignore those with a value of 3? Thanks x

Tiegan Seaton
Tiegan Seaton - 05.03.2019 16:24

How could I analyse trait anxiety as two separate groups (low and high anxiety) in an ANOVA?

Isabella Lapenna
Isabella Lapenna - 20.02.2019 22:45

Hi James very helpful video. I was just wondering do you know how to split two continuous variables into groups?

TheRealOne - 18.10.2018 02:45

is this mean split?

Luke de Kruif
Luke de Kruif - 27.07.2018 22:58

Hi thanks for the informative video. I have a question, in my dataset I calculated a Reliable Change Index of scores for the outcome measure (to measure clinical significance).

Now i want to create 3 groups, by dividing the continuous RCI scores into
1. one group that has an RC score bigger than 1.96
2. second group that has an RC score within 1.96 and -1.96
3. third group that has an RCI score smaller than -1.96

I'm btw only interested in the frequency of participants that are in the 3 groups.
So ideally, SPSS would give me an output like
(133 participants have RCI bigger than 1.96,
140 participants between 1.96 and -1.96, and 60 participants smaller than -1.96)

do you know how I can divide the groups this way (using sort of cut-off points)?

fentahun tadesse
fentahun tadesse - 16.06.2018 13:09

it is so best

Edzai Kademeteme
Edzai Kademeteme - 21.04.2018 23:27

Hi James, I have a question that i wanted to ask you. it concern this concept of a dichotomous variable. Are you available to assist

Jasper Jia
Jasper Jia - 14.04.2018 23:09

Really helpful!

Manuela Segers
Manuela Segers - 11.02.2018 17:53

great thank you!! :)

Akvilė Zdanė
Akvilė Zdanė - 23.09.2017 18:35

And how to split into three - low, average and high values?

Suganthi Aquila
Suganthi Aquila - 16.05.2017 12:34

Hi James. Nice explanation but I've one small doubt. For my thesis, I used 4 attitude based items in 7 point Likert scale and I need to split this through using median split that measures high vs low attitude. How should I do that? because when I run the analysis, I haven't got equal values when I use the median split.

hlya - 14.04.2017 17:26

Hi James, If I am using a scale with 8 questions (continuous) and computed a mean score for my scale to create a new variable (average mean score for each participant). Can I carry out median split for my new variable?

Elina Unterweger
Elina Unterweger - 04.04.2017 22:35

Hi James, I am running a conditional pathway analysis and I am currently trying to decide whether to transform my continuous moderator variable (level of identification) into a dichotomous variable (high vs low identifiers). I have read different things about why this shouldn’t be done mostly because of the loss of information in the process. What would you say is a good argument to transform a continuous variable into a categorical one, i.e. when should or shouldn’t this be done?
Thank you very much for your help!

Martin Lo
Martin Lo - 30.03.2017 17:36

Hi is this basically known as the median split?

Sheema Saeed
Sheema Saeed - 23.03.2017 17:36

Hello, if I am using a conscientiousness scale, would I still use this method to split the personality trait into two categories (high or low)?

Bonnie Tang
Bonnie Tang - 09.03.2017 17:33

Hello, do i use this method for questions like this or is there any other method for spss?
Yes No
4.1 Do you have control for savings? 1 0
4.2 Do you have control for income? 1 0
4.3 Do you have access to money for your own? 1 0
4.4 Do you have control for loans? 1 0
4.5 Do you have control for cash expense? 1 0
Range: 0-5
0= no control
1-2=low control
3-4=average control
5=high control

Aqilah Jahari
Aqilah Jahari - 08.02.2017 10:59

I want to split my 7 point likert religiosity scale and categorize responses into high, low and middle group to be used in MGA AMOS. The middle group will not be used for analysis in MGA AMOS. Can I use this same technique on a 7 point likert scale as shown in your video? My median value is 3.33.

Do I have to take into consideration the nominal value of the 7 point likert scale in that logically, responses 1 to 3 makes up low group and 5 to 7 makes up the high group? I'm just confused on deciding which method to use.

Nathalie - 28.10.2016 10:19

I want to split nutrient food data (ex. high and low intake of milk). Do I still have to use the median value to split in high and low, or do I have to use the total maximum intake and split this value to get the right split?

Kathi S
Kathi S - 26.09.2016 16:43

Thanks, you really helped me with my thesis =)

Somnath Sarkar
Somnath Sarkar - 17.07.2016 07:54

i want to know how to create group of age. for example 25-30. 31-35. 36-40 etc

Zenon Chi
Zenon Chi - 19.06.2016 18:31

I want to split an age variable by the median (into low and high age). However I have cases where the age value is the same as the median itself, so what do these cases get categorised as?

Herreguda - 31.03.2016 00:44

Thanks for this! I have recoded my variable this way. My question is: I want to compare the low and high values on how they affect the dependent variable. How do I do that when they are still blended into one variable? (I realise the recoding is supposed to help and there's probably an obvious solution, but I'm not sure how to do that. I have only compared two separate variables before. I'd be very grateful for any tips!).

지방공돌이 - 12.12.2015 14:00

This video was very helpful writing my thesis, but i still have a question to ask.
In lots of papers and videos which dealt with moderation effect in AMOS, they mostly divide a variable into two components (i.e. male vs female, high involvement vs low involvement).
Due to lack of samples, I'm currenlty trying to use rest of data as middle, after diving variable into high and low.
Is it possible to check moderating effect using three groups (i.e low, middle, high)?
Just as with using two groups, can i constrain them with similar method? (for example, a1 = b1 = c1 paths)

Dr. Sanjit Singh
Dr. Sanjit Singh - 27.09.2015 00:25

Hi James, this video is very informational. Thanks to you. I just have a query, here you have used a single continuous variable for splitting but, is it possible to split by the median, four/five continuous variable belonging to single latent variable by aggregating those variables. Can you please help me on this.

Ash S
Ash S - 24.02.2015 20:40

Why use the median and not the mean? Do you have a reference for using the median

El Magnifico Mundo
El Magnifico Mundo - 13.03.2014 21:46

Thanks very much for the help!

James Gaskin
James Gaskin - 25.07.2013 19:59

if you want to run a correlation between these two variables, I would not split them.

Dave Baldwin
Dave Baldwin - 25.07.2013 14:55

Once splitting the variable into High/Low how would I then run a correlation between eg, "high knowledge of UK brands" against another variable say "age"

Cynthia - 25.06.2013 02:33

Thankyou! :-)

James Gaskin
James Gaskin - 24.06.2013 19:51

Not that I know of. I would just describe it literally, "Variable x contains values for five possible group memberships: a, b, c, d, and e."

Cynthia - 24.06.2013 15:45

Hi, thanks for your presentation. Very informative. I need to describe a variable manipulation where a continuous variable was split into 5 grps, for the purpose of inclusion as a MANOVA IV. How the groups were split is unknown, and not relevant to my discussion. However, I’m wondering what to call the split. Clearly it’s not a dichotomisation as it has 5 groups, not 2. Is there a term which is typically used to describe variable splits into >2 groupings? Thank you for your time.

James Gaskin
James Gaskin - 22.06.2013 23:42

I'm very sorry. I still do not understand the problem. I'm sorry I could not be more help than this. Best of luck!
