Tessa was NEVER REAL! | Murder Drones Theory

Tessa was NEVER REAL! | Murder Drones Theory


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@adiyan-bk1bo - 30.06.2024 19:24

why people forget copper 9 moons?
maybe moons doesn't exists like meme dres from ksp

@plaguedoctorj.c4963 - 25.06.2024 17:54

I'm starting to think that maybe Cyn during episode 7 wasn't actually wearing Tessa's skin, and maybe Cyn was just becoming more organic after excessively using the absolute solver.

@Number_1_Rated_Salesman1997 - 07.06.2024 19:25

Cyn-sanity ❌
Skyn ✅

@WonkyClownRibs - 05.06.2024 07:32

has anyone else noticed that in episode 6, when she gets bitten it looks a tad bit robotic at the wrist (in the scene where we see from the sentinel’s point of view.

@nataliehechter736 - 05.06.2024 03:00

I hate the word Cyn-sanity. Just use Tessa solver or solver Tessa or cynessa or tesscyn. Just not cyn-sanity because it just doesn’t make sense also no one calls it that.

@QuantumThenew - 03.06.2024 11:22

Tessa was always dead in episode 5 Cyn said "you will not have to discard your pets and I will not discard you". Tessa along with everyone in the gala was murderd and Cyn grafted Tessa's body on her own it was just a rotting corpse in the suit also in episode seven when beau left the room you could see Tessa holding her hand on her helmet in a weird way which is the exact way Cyn held her hand on her face in episode 5.

@Ian69003 - 29.05.2024 05:52

I think that Cyn will never kill N because of Cyn calling N “big brother”

@jakneez - 21.05.2024 00:01

I knew it from the start.

@SleepySpaceMiles - 08.05.2024 06:41

You are correct and wrong you see during the intro section you state about it not affecting Tessa or Cyn but since it’s a human body it’s unaffected you must remember that the absolutely solver is not an AI. It’s a space virus that is like a hive mind and from Uzi we can see that it can control whenever it wants, also you must put in factor that the absolutesolver is not an AI it is a hive mind like virus, which means it would not be affected by the beams cause it’s a human host not a robot you must remember but since the ai raptors are kinda intelligent because if Cyn was controlling Tessa it confused the ai because at that moment I’m pretty sure uzi’s absolutesolver was activated at the same time it confused the robots.

@valentinaraffaelli7291 - 02.05.2024 00:25

If Tessa wasn’t real how did she save Cyn from the dump?

@WilliamHyers - 27.04.2024 15:28

L was think some like back in episode 6

@GamerManENCZ - 25.04.2024 23:02

During episode 4, the ghost that is spotted by Uzi is Tessa, supporting this more and making this great foreshadowing.

@lincolnw9267 - 21.04.2024 10:09

Bros the next gametheory 💀💀

@potffin - 20.04.2024 10:02

one of the most biggest giveaway for me was how tessa was affected by Alice's EMP blast at episode 6.

@Unknown-lb9bf - 17.04.2024 11:02

Tessa IS real, she was killed back in episode 5, Cyn just stole her skin as a disguise

@meredithgamblin7958 - 17.04.2024 02:21

I honestly think that when uzi caused the cave to fall on Tessa and N solver took Tessa and did that gory stuff because I highly doubt Tessa would leave N and after that the other solver heads went after N to end him and then doll who could resist solver.The reason I think the sentinels attacked Tessa was because the glass of Tessa’s helmet is black and the glass that contains the drones eyes is black but also these sentinels have been killing everything they have seen for as long they have been down there

@skellygamerxx6138 - 16.04.2024 23:01

My theory for Uzi falling down the hole is that her being an absolute solver host, it gave the hole enough power to burst out.

My reasoning is because in the completed flashback, Nori’s hand is cut off into the hole. However, the hand was still holding a little black hole solver thingy when falling. This in itself was probably the reason for the wipeout of all humans when it reached the bottom. Also, when Cyn-Sanity enters the hole, the hole goes crazy and causes a giant beam into the sky.

Now, I know you’d probably argue that if this is the case, how come heart Nori hadn’t caused an explosion when getting kicked into the hole? I have a few answers for this.
1. Nori isn’t able to regenerate her body. All that’s left of her is her heart. What if the substance in absolute solver bodies that regenerates limbs actually causes these implosions?
2. Nori had gone a while without being possessed by Cyn. It could be possible that the power Cyn uses in other drones is left over and wears off overtime.
3. Maybe the first implosion that wiped out humans also cleared Cyn’s power from any drone as it needed all the energy to burst. This would then be the reason Cyn had to send N, V and J to copper 9. To find the other hosts of Absolute solver, kill those hosts and drain their power to take it back for herself.

I feel like this is enough to show that this could be true. But hey, that’s just a theory. A DRONE THEORY!!

@yourlostsocks - 16.04.2024 22:39

Tbh i thought it was recently because her personality seemed suddenly different and also the flesh/skin hasn't rotted yet

@Rozey_stuff - 15.04.2024 18:39

If drones with absulute solver corruption cant die then why did doll

@riktor3005 - 15.04.2024 17:31

The animators made a mistake, as in ep 6 Tessa BLEEDS when bit. You bleed ONLY IF your heart is maintaining blood pressure, which only occurs if your HEART IS BEATING - meaning Tessa was ALIVE.

@barbiewuest-moore2690 - 14.04.2024 16:44

Instead of CYN-SANITY it should be N-sanity


but hey that just a theory a remGames theory

@Nowanic - 14.04.2024 14:17

I glad this is a theory 🥶

@ElizabethHernandez-ro4xi - 14.04.2024 11:59


@ElizabethHernandez-ro4xi - 14.04.2024 11:59


@catnip2018 - 14.04.2024 10:06

Now my question is how will glitch make a episode 8????

@lochlanbell1266 - 14.04.2024 07:05

Thank You for the for the little Game Theory reference

@TessaGarcia. - 14.04.2024 02:35

My name is Tessa 😭😭

@Spectres_Gaming_Corner - 13.04.2024 21:32

There were hints all around that Tessa was really Cyn.

First, there’s the line, “Human made security this human can control.” That line is... sort of out of place.

Then right before she gets attacked by the sentinel, she says, “Me, human, order you to... me a nice dingo, please?” This line makes sense, I would probably say that if I was in her place, but it still counts as evidence.

Tessa also says this line near the end of Dead End: “Uh oh, hope I don’t human everywhere!” This line is totally out of place. There’s only one reason somebody would say this: Because they’re trying to make sure people think you’re a human when you aren’t.

Plus, Tessa was unable to get access to the security. Why? There’s no reason for her to be denied. Unless... she was an AI in disguise.

Finally, in the scenes after Tessa is bitten by the sentinel, she doesnt seem to be giving any attention to her severely bleeding wrist. She does give a big reaction when she first gets attacked, but after that, she essentially forgets about it. Obviously, a real human would not ignore it because humans feel physical pain, and I can’t even begin to imagine how much that would hurt. But if it were AS in disguise, then of course they wouldn’t feel pain because it isn’t a living being, so it forgot about it entirely.

There isn’t any evidence really in episodes 3 and 5 at the end, but that wasn’t really evidence because she only appeared for a few seconds in episode 3 and less than a minute in episode 5.

In conclusion, the “Tessa” that we see in present day was always Cyn is disguise, due to lots of small pieces of evidence sprinkled around.

@Malikimusmaximus - 13.04.2024 06:37

Maybe make a theory On why Out of all Worker drones That have the absolute Solver They're all female So Why Haven't we seen any males with This infection

@Malikimusmaximus - 13.04.2024 06:20

I think tessa Was either a Completely a impostor cyn-sanity Or tessa was killed by Something, And then she used her body Probably the first one though Tessa's probably still alive

@YoBoyNeptune - 12.04.2024 19:27

What I want to know is if cyn stuffed her ai core into Tessa's body and forced her to help and when necessary cyn takes over by reforming the drone body from within. That would explain the bootlooping not working, the drone hands coming out of her human wrists, how a 4 fingered drone can operate a five fingered hand, why the helmet looks smaller than a drone head and why she needed to remove the space suit to attack Doll, N, and Uzi

@N60656 - 12.04.2024 17:29

“And that’s just a theory A FILM THERORY thanks for watching!”

@Akram-Now - 11.04.2024 21:52

Wait the big planet is copper-09 😮
I thought the space rocks left are copper-09 😂

@tanishamuntslag6369 - 11.04.2024 20:39

Good points in the video. Not just that but after the massacre Tessa was already dead . Uzi finds footage of someone sitting on a bed in a dark room. It looks like Cyn at first but the figure has black hair and a bow. The only character we see with these features is Tessa. And Cut just used her skin to pass as a human for the conputers. One more thing. When Tessa brings up the list of drone names that were infected with solver we see that a drone called Atta is labled as 001. When we see the core on Cyn-sanity/ flesha we also see the same number 001. It's the same drone . We never saw the core numbers on anyone else other than Nori and Yeva. Cyn never planned on disposing of Tessa in the first place which is why she tells her that she did not have to see the massacre happen. She most likely had used Tessa as a skin suit right after and 'Tessa' was found by a crew . Cyn is good at acting and mimicing so no one suspected a thing

@JP.calamity - 11.04.2024 20:22

Not sure if anyone cares at this point, or if it matters, but I've been saying this since 8 months ago and I'll keep saying it because I'm petty gosh darn it:
Look at episode 4, at 4 minutes and 50 seconds, right before the creepy hand appears. That's Tessa's body. Then it's gone.
I'm about to go nuts because I haven't seen or heard anyone else talk about this and it feels like I'm going crazy!

@seekingabsolution1907 - 11.04.2024 15:20

Narrative-wise it makes the most sense for Tessa to have died on earth and Cyn to have merely skinned her alive to disguise herself when the attack on Copper 9 failed.

@Ra88ful - 11.04.2024 07:21

I belive what we seen at the end of the episode 7 was Cyn/the solver showing Uzi what it plans to do with copper 9

@LethalDose161 - 10.04.2024 15:26

So according to the wiki Tessa never even made it out of the gala. She was murdered alongside her parents. Cyn, having some messed up attachment to Tessa and a weird way of keeping promises, merged her corpse with her own robotic body, wearing the skin over her face and wearing her hair and dress. Yeah, pretty messed up.

@stylishguy101 - 10.04.2024 15:24

Also, when the raptors malfunction and kill themselves, it keeps switching from "nice dingo" to "kill all humans". So Cyn is definitely Tessa.

@bunnnnnn-by8cn - 10.04.2024 01:23

You're right

@TheDoc. - 09.04.2024 23:50

I know this is slightly off topic but where's the source saying that Cyn's skin suit was named Cynsanity?

@badazzzshane3598 - 09.04.2024 22:48

like if you got the joke

@dragankrndic7035 - 09.04.2024 20:23

In episode 2 when there was the J AS monster it had a human hand.
