Hogwarts Legacy 2 - 10 Things We NEED in The Sequel!

Hogwarts Legacy 2 - 10 Things We NEED in The Sequel!

Benjamin Snow

1 год назад

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@Spirittism - 02.12.2023 00:28

sorry, but the creators are already hinting at making this a online cash grab sequel.

@davidkheil6030 - 01.12.2023 03:16

this game deserved a nomination in the game awards, for at least best effects.

@josenetto8228 - 30.11.2023 23:28

We really need better progression on learning magic and atending to classes, to really feel like a student of Hogwarts, the main character never feels like a real student and part of the word, you always feels like an outsider that learn magic at the get go

@Legion12Centurion - 29.11.2023 23:40

I would love to se a school that works more like a school, lessons being had, being out at night in the school has to be done with care or you will be seen by teachers and such and recieve punishment. I would also like for the houses compeition to be more prevalent with points for things and reducted for doing bad things. I also want more lessons in the school, learning to know classmates and figuring out stuff. I felt Hogwarts did to much outside the school and not within it.

@RavensKiss - 27.11.2023 03:43

My wishlist:
-Morality system, let me be evil pls.
-Companions that join you on your adventures whenever you want.
-Continuation to Sebastians questline.
-Player Housing. Not RoR but a real hamlet or a house in Hogsmeade that we can decorate and invite our companions in.
-More rp with our companions like friendship/romance.
-a quest involving Yule ball where we need to invite one of our companions as date.
-Significantly more customization options; Character appearance, outfits, wands, brooms, our own pet that we can name etc.
-More spells! (Patronus charm, becoming animagus etc.)
-Contributing to House points

@reubengilligan5668 - 23.11.2023 09:06

More customisation :D

@irsshill4502 - 16.11.2023 01:40

The combat is too basic. I wish it to be more dynamic. Such as the re4 remake, look at how enemies react to Leon's tools.
HogwartsLegacyy needs this level of frantic combat in which your spells are tools and not a cool-down super spell.

@arrenshepperd6146 - 15.11.2023 10:46

I don´t really care for more places, since the open world was already too big for me.
Expend on Hogwarts with more secret passages and put in more game mechanics.
More spells to learn, better NPCs, housepoints, relationship system, moral system, attempting class, better common rooms.
As far as I can see, most fans want more out of Hogwarts, not the rest of the wizarding world.

@Nathan35077 - 11.11.2023 19:44

Well, I’m glad you’re not on the dev team.

@Wolfpak765 - 09.11.2023 03:16

Co-op game option. Better companion mechanics. More interaction with more students. There needs to be more options for your decisions to affect the play through. Bigger differences between the houses. House & class related missions. Do more with the actual classes. Stuff to do in the Common Rooms & interact with the furniture and such. Really needs more spells period, especially the joke spells, and Merlin's beard, why are there not Room of Requirement and Vivrarium specific spell diamonds?

@marcustolson6264 - 08.11.2023 14:41

Honestly, I'd love to have the mc have romantic relationships with others

@GiveMeBackMyUsernameYouTube - 06.11.2023 00:57

I want to face the consequences of my actions. Surely casting avada kedavra a thousand times wouldn't go unnoticed, and I want to pursue a darker side of the wizarding world and be an outlaw.

@lucdaigle2360 - 05.11.2023 19:13

my wishlist : Visiting Ministry of Magic, Morality System, Visiting Diagon Alley and London, Quidditch, Azkaban (Learn Patronus charm), More powerful Spells (Like protego diabolica), Potions, Ingredients, talents (Abilities) and creatures, Chamber of secrets, Better companionship system and Dating options

@gamingsyndicategr4372 - 05.11.2023 14:28

I wish in Hogwarts Legacy II have Quidditch, the option to learn animagus and choose in whichever animal you want to transform, the ability to use Expecto Patronum with the option to use our unique patronus, dementors lurking and also we can fight them outside the Hogwarts castle walls at night also in Forbidden Forest, More spells and incantesions, the option to have and buy our supplies from Diagon Alley and visit whenever the player wants to like Hogsmead, in my opinion that would be awesome every time that we visiting our common room to say the password at the entrance every time it makes the gameplay more realistic, inside and outside the common rooms the option to play minigames like magic chess , wizard cards , gobstones and etc, we would love to see the hogwarts express and walking freely inside it like whenever you travel to hogwarts or going to London it would be awesome to have the King's Cross Station, the Leakey Cauldron, Diagon Alley and the Ministry of Magic as playable area in London that would be amazing gameplay details to the players and fans of Harry Potter lore Hogwarts Legacy was truly amazing game hope Hogwarts Legacy II meet the requirements of every fan!!! I can't wait for an announcement of Hogwarts Legacy II!!

@user-bn5kc5tb7u - 02.11.2023 02:39

It would be nice to have a relationship with other Hogwarts houses. It would be great to choose what you want to do after you graduate Hogwarts.

@NovaeGal - 02.11.2023 00:17

Longer better story, more dark and gritty, dementour encounters and a pertronus charm based of your morailty system, whole school years and learning instead of appearing as an OP person off the bat, chamber a secrets, quidditch, house cup, a more in depth wand creation, the ability to be an animagus/werewolf, if you go dark have a darker story working for the darknwizards etc getting secrets from the castle and tutors, or vice versa, better NPC interations, companions, relations, etc and way more of ominous' story, maybe sebastian as hes in azkaban have a way to have more interactions with him through missions or side quests etc again dependant on your morailty, essentially 2 paths for each of the 4 houses with changes to each, make each house its own and each mission tailored to the houses etc, essentially needing 8 playthroughs to get the whole story from each houses perspective and most of all more dialogue options

@32jettz27 - 31.10.2023 04:10

Honestly i think a multiplayer co-op mode would be really cool so you can play with with and show them your room of requirements or yk race friends on flying mounts maybe even an in game voice chat too that would be cool as well

@sifilore9462 - 31.10.2023 03:43

Here's all of my ideas for a sequel. 1. We finaly have a dragon mount, since it was known before, but wasn't meant to. I would love to ride on an Antipodean Opaleye. 2. All the characters will recognize u, regardless of different features from the 1st. 3. Before starting, u can add rather or not if you’ve turned Sebastian in; and the ending of the finale battle (open the repository, keep it a secret, or share with others when the time is right), as a means of continuing the story. Same for some of the side quests of rescuing animals for the folks in the Highlands. 4. Amit is officially the Ravenclaw companion. 5. There's an underwater vivarium in the RoR for your pet creatures that live there. 6. We met with the selkie merpeople of the black lake, just like Harry did. It'll b like our relation with the centaurs only no hostility. 7. Quidditch is back with the addition of choosing any position u want just like with the houses. Instead of always playing the seeker.

@Rockerfella360 - 31.10.2023 01:44

It would be great to have a "weapon wheel" of sort specifically for apparating. So you can assign a few common locations to your wheel like how you assign spells, then you can apparate to regular locations without having to find them in the map menu every time. It would feel much quicker and more immersive.

@Rockerfella360 - 31.10.2023 01:32

I wish they would just completely separate clothing from your stats. Let your stats such as attack power and defence just upgrade as you level up and let us dress however we want. Instead of having to constantly switch between new items of clothing you're picking up and then transmogging them to how you want to actually look over and over and over and over and over again. There's no strategy or fun involved in it it's just annoying busy work for the sake of it. The loot is even linked to your current level and higher level clothing is locked until you reach that level so it's just absolutely pointless. Just have your stats linked to your level and let clothing and appearance be a completely separate thing. If anything let us upgrade our wand since that's the thing we're going to consistently have the entire game.

@kristin_cze2498 - 29.10.2023 16:22

explain what even is ancient magic (like how is it different from the normal, why can we see it and manipulete it etc.), remembering proffesor Fig + some more informations about his wife, more casts, more events classes, more emotions and desires for our MC, pets, maybe being able to date some characters and maybe some reason for naming our character (like having AI say our name we see now what AI can do) and most importantly continuing this story and not starting a new one

@rickyshelton7821 - 28.10.2023 03:05

Co-player where you can join a friends legacy and help them with quests and visit their room of requirement.

More mount options. There was a extra mount space in the flying mount inventory but was never filled.
Side note : it would be cool if different brooms had different perks or capabilities when flying. Small example a nimbus 2000 vs a firebolt.

Multi map play or Multi region maps.

Triwizard tournament.

A choice to play as a Quittich team player side quest. (Difference in brooms would help with player skill level)

@randomblogs99 - 26.10.2023 07:52

Dark wizards should be able to cast protago diabolical

@jovani004 - 24.10.2023 04:21

Being able to start from the characters home and actually make our own way to Hogwarts through kings cross station, and diagon alley and having the option for the character to maybe go back home or visit a friends home for break like harry did

@angeladay2196 - 22.10.2023 01:09

I absolutely love the game. It's so relaxing to fly on a broom.
But I never got the shop with the house elf. I also paid for the expansion pack. But it doesn't seem to be in the game. How do I fix that

@victoriawisniewska9594 - 21.10.2023 10:31

I would love to go down deeper onto sebastians story cuse it was the best story line if you dont look at the main story.I would love if it took a even darker turn there and to go even deeper down onto the anncient magic also,maybe like relationships

@user-io2vb6wf4h - 12.10.2023 02:12

few things i would like to see in the sequel
1: bulk potions brewing, i think everyone who has played knows how annoying it is to have to brew 1 potion at a time, especially when you want a lot of them in your inventory
2: relationship system, let us improve our relations with the npcs, like the more we make our potions explode in potions class, the better our relationship with garreth weasley gets, or the more beasts we tame, the better our relationship with poppy gets, and let them counteract each other, like if the more we use dark arts, our relationship with sebastian gets better but our relationship with ominis gets worse
3: animagus or werewolf path choices, i think it would be cool to implement these into the game, having to hold a mandrake leaf in our mouth for a certain time period, or having to endure the transformation of a werewolf every full moon
4: exams, if my suspicions are correct, the sequel is gonna be playing through your characters 6th year at hogwarts, which is the first year that students take their N.E.W.T exams
5: more things involving the common rooms, the common rooms are rarely touched upon in the 1st game
6: having to serve detention for things like being caught out after curfew, misbehaving in class, not wearing proper uniform etc
7: getting to choose between, going home or staying at hogwarts for the holidays, i just want more things involving the holidays like christmas and halloween
8: fully customizable uniforms, like have everything separate from each other
9: blood status options, like at the start of the game when making your character, you can choose between having character be a pure blood, half blood or muggle born, and maybe even for the half blood, you can choose whether you mother was the magical parent or your father was the magical parent, and maybe that could even change how certain characters act around your character, like if your a muggle born in slytherin, certain slytherin npc's could say things about you when you walk past them in the common room or even just out in the halls

@phillipcumming5746 - 04.10.2023 16:43

Having just finished my third time playing game here is what I would like to see for the sequel Minus what they said in the video.
1. Make it more like red dead redemption 2 When it comes to the game play. If you start attacking people, you get bounties put on your head, and dementors come after you.
2. Where is the womping willow and shrieking shack.
3. Make the treasure vaults/chests worth it
4. Quiditch (an actual season with games during the school year. 4 games 1 against each house, then a championship.
5. Tri-wizard cup
6. Actual points system for the house cup. (You won't win if you don't perform well enough)
7. Multiple different endings based on the choices you make.
8. Make the forbidden forest more dangerous

@CharlietheWarlock - 19.09.2023 19:09

Horcruxes and fiendfire and raising inferi dark magic isn't just killing

@salavast1522 - 19.09.2023 01:13

I want other challenges to face. Not necessarily more enemies, but game mechanics. I honestly expected my Slytherin to have more hurdles to go through to gain any degree of trust with non-Slytherins, but all I got were a few side comments that weren't direct at my character. I would love for Lycanthropy to come up in some way, the Wolfsbane Potion could easily be added in with more advance crafting, and if not for us we could be trying to help a fellow student. Possibly even other schooling options. Not talking about Durmstang or Beauxbatons. Not every Witch or Wizard was accepted into a formal school for magic, many were homeschooled, or enrolled in an unchartered school of some nature. Clearly this would be a lot of work to flesh out, so maybe starting out as some Hedge Witch/Wizard that get's brought into Hogwarts either for safety reasons, or complications with getting their acceptance letter. Or my personal favorite the Late Bloomers. Growing up in the Muggle World, the only bit of actual magic in your life being fairytales, and then all of the sudden "Yer a (Witch/Wizard), (Insert first name here)." . Not necessarily being told by a Half-Giant, I could imagine something along the lines of magically inflating a bully, or even making a section of a bridge or whatever Vanish underneath them... Accidentally of course.

@ultra_faff3711 - 14.09.2023 18:43

To be able to snug up in a cosy, fire lite corner, sit in a chair and read...

@PhoenixMichaelAsh-mt2qi - 14.09.2023 00:29

Also why is it that ONLY Hufflepuff gets to go to Azkaban?

@PhoenixMichaelAsh-mt2qi - 14.09.2023 00:28

I can settle with a FREE complimentary Quidditch DLC and the options to become a animagus with the ability to actually choose to have a companion with you during a quest not when the game decides to and they actually SUPPORT you in battle.

@user-hz3nm8mr6n - 10.09.2023 05:18

LET us be either good or evil and bring us three massive city maps 2 versions of each map magic and non magic world new york london and paris let us build an army to lead for good or evil become the evil dark lord or the minister of magic

@camilarodrigues1007 - 09.09.2023 11:55

Dumbledor first year is the year after our avatar finished the 7 th year . I’ve done the math 😂

@ruthabigail5939 - 03.09.2023 09:41

The thing is....I LOVED the game. I mean truly, I'm currently on my seventh play through. I love it so much. So like...the only "feedback" or desire I could have would be
A) a DLC or something that offered the Triwizard Tournament (since in the books, it used to be way more difficult and no age limit)
B) a sequel option that either let us intern at the Ministry for different jobs or something, or even stay at Hogwarts but actually take classes to learn the different professions. The classes were great in HL, don't get me wrong! But it's just....yeah, I wanted more of it. I loved History of Magic with Bins! I loved Prf. Sharp! I want to make potions from recipes, like you said, where you actually add ingredients and fail or succeed. And even like...have a potion where it takes a month (game time) to brew! That would be amazing.

So yeah, love the game. Excited for more content. But STILL discovering all that they packed into this one! Like reading the Daily Prophet every day, listening to couples cause each other of being squibs, seeing how Imelda treats Slytherins different than other houses, etc. Like...how did they put so much in this game?????

@randompersonontheinternet8790 - 02.09.2023 20:19

I'm hoping they just take their time and expand off HL1. I'd like more mob types, more areas, more added to current areas, and maybe even kind of taking the current map and expanding the size of everything by like 15 - 20% ( feel like Hogwarts is still too small to feel immersive.) since they won't need to work off the limitations of PS4 and Xbox one. Heck, if it comes out 2025 - 2026, could even have the highest detail for 8k.
- hoping they don't just basically take the current game and add a new story to it.

@willaustin764 - 02.09.2023 07:52

for an expansion to the game i would love to see the character grow rather than just adding locations i would love to actual visit other magical schools like Illvermorny. ministiry of magic woould cool as well as diagon alley. but also have rolls like becoming an auora.

@loganpittman4114 - 31.08.2023 07:53

I am ok with them expanding stuff as long as treasure vaults get removed, or changed in some major way. At the end of the game I just wanted to not see them on my map anymore so I collected them all.

@kimmitilson533 - 31.08.2023 02:26

More magical creatures interaction and ability to save and be like newt in the movies

@h6hfelie - 30.08.2023 14:22

ONE side-quest, that only needs to be done ONCE in order to unlock a bag like Hermione's in the last book. This bag would let you hold a ton of loot (I hate how small it is, and the Merlin trials should be a fun thing to do at leasure, not a ust-do to unlock a bigger inventory).
Speaking of loot/gear:
Put loot/gear in places that would make sense in-world (i.e. no school clothes hiding in a sarcophagus in a crypt full of zombies... how about money and jewels to sell? Makes more sense, right?)

@redt3788 - 30.08.2023 07:55

What I would want in the sequel for Hogwarts legacy two would be to play quittage and it would give you the option to be a speaker

@mikenoordermeer8077 - 29.08.2023 19:53

I would love to see the player be able to use more dark magic than just the unforgivable curses. Maybe that you can make a horcrux to use as a revive like a totum in minecraft. It would be pretty late game stuff. That you can only split your soul with like avada kedavra or something like that.

Or something like an early version of the dark mark or so, that you can choose different forms for your own, or that enemies cast it when they kill you or so.

@Qcards89 - 29.08.2023 05:27

More options in character creation I want to be open to speak parseltongue and open the chamber of secrets

@eitancahlon - 27.08.2023 23:35

Multiplayer. And also feeling more like a student

@jjmeer - 25.08.2023 19:33

What I want which is also stuff ive seen other people talk about that would be cool. This game was great all around. It was a good starting point, so now just build upon and add more to everything you did.

1. Consequences. Like in most decision based games, let us experience negative and positive consequences for our choices of actions and dialougue.

2. I saw someone post this and its brilliant! THE TRI WIZARD TOURNAMENT! Yes! This would be so much fun to do!

3. Yeah more intricate dungeons and secret tunnels and passageways

4. Let us tame or ride a dragon for our getting around mounts. Broomsticks and hippogriffs were great but seeing that dragon made me want to ride it. That'd be fun

5. Like the video mentioned, i love the idea of being a dark wizard and bounties with the dementors if you get too crazy. Do it!

6. More customization with your outfits, and your WAND! What we got was great so now build upon and add to it!

7. Please DECREASE the merlin trails and other things like that. While they were fun, there was just a little too much of them. 95 of more or less 10 different trails got tedious.

8. More relationships with friends and possibly even romantic relationships.

9. It would be cool to see Dumbledore or other characters from the books/movies.

10. Like the video said, make the world outside of Hogwarts and Hogsmeade more challenging and terrifying. Make the Forbidden forest even scarier. Add werewolfs and such.

11. Let us choose to be either a good wizard or a dark one and give us the ability to aparate or whatever. Like the dark wizards do fly as that smoke stuff.


Hogwarts Legacy was a great and fun game! It was fantastic and it really felt like I was apart of that world!

@comicbooksgalore8582 - 24.08.2023 20:41

We need the ability to go evil, establish relationships, create spells, remove character level cap, more powerful equipment, use and ownership of the Elder Wand, the Resurrection Stone, the Cloak of Invisibility, destructible environment, reputation meter, minions/companions, equipment sharing, home-building, ability to break into Gringotts bank and steal--at random, possibility of being jailed in Azkaban (ability to break out of Azkaban), ability to create custom potions/poisons, ability to create a "Voldemort-style" uprising against Hogwarts.

@devilishgenius - 24.08.2023 20:17

If I had to pick one thing to add to the sequel it would be the morality system. Imagine story missions where you're paired with a classmate and using curses in front of them changes their relationship to you. And if our dialog options actually mattered. The first game had snarky options you could pick but they really didn't do anything

@liquidbleach2207 - 24.08.2023 03:16

it's a wonderful game in regards to how beautiful it is, and the combat made me stick to it, but it lacks so much depth
