Safe Args - Navigation Component | Jetpack | Share Data Between Fragments | Android Studio Tutorial

Safe Args - Navigation Component | Jetpack | Share Data Between Fragments | Android Studio Tutorial


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@ekowyamoah14 - 16.02.2023 18:59

Thank you very much for tutorials @Foxandroid
I have been following the tutorial but I am getting a "NullPointerException" after I press the "Fragment 2" button

@miguelalfaro5233 - 10.09.2022 20:54

Thank you very much, I was just looking for how to send information between fragments in a navigation drawer and I couldn't find it anywhere. :) Thanks for the help

@androidsurfers7572 - 20.07.2022 15:49

Hii sir
How can i send a list of custom object using safe args

@techcollege3762 - 20.01.2022 13:51

dear sir how to send a number of datas like a object how to send object could you guide

@sat_talk - 27.06.2021 16:49

Thanks bro. what to do in scenerio when ... there is fragment A which contains button and upon clicking that button it opens Fragment B. Now there is some data( string data ) in Fragment B and when we press back button ( means we come back to fragment A from fragment B ), data in fragment B needs to be transfer to fragment A in any TextView. How would we implement this safeargs for this scenerio( may be Parent child fragment)?
is we need to overrite onResume method, if yes then in which fragment A or B?

@onlinechatter8578 - 19.06.2021 20:28

Kindly built a Dictionary app having jetpack Composed+ firebase (to update the room database)+room database.🙏🙏
