Divi Form Builder Documentation v1

Divi Form Builder Documentation v1

Divi Engine

2 года назад

2,644 Просмотров

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@dorotheeprevot5066 - 08.03.2022 12:55

Hello, its me again ;D I created a post object field (ACF). How can I link that field using divi form builder ? Thanks

@dorotheeprevot5066 - 01.03.2022 18:29

Hi, currently im using acf pro form. i was wondering if with divi form builder i could have a checkbox with by example names if the name is not in the list the user could enter his name (add a new choice) and than it will always be in the list of choice for the check box. thanks in advance

@elvandogan230 - 26.11.2021 10:14

Hi peter,
thanks for this great plugin.
Question: After submit the form .. the customers get an extra confirm-mail?

I send you a mail from the divi engin form builder

And i get a email "thank you we get your email and contact you as soon as..."

@mrnordjr - 23.11.2021 12:01

sorry to say but the way you guys explain is so very confusion as if you did not prepare to make a tutorial

@myfxmedia_ - 23.11.2021 11:48

Quick question before I purchase... The front end integration, can I create a form for links? So once users paste a link, it will be redirected to a button link in front end..

@RalfTenbrink - 22.11.2021 22:05

Looks very good. But what we really need is the multiple steps forms that are the new standard. Without that there is no point in replacing Caldera. But I can see I will use this for the standard contact form as it's much more powerful to standard DIVI. Thank for all your hard work.

@rammartin30 - 22.11.2021 19:43

excellent tool bravo

@GeorgeWebDevCy - 22.11.2021 16:47

We can now use this native divi plugin instead on something like caldera forms. Thanks for the great plugin. I should be using this soon on a new project. I will drop you guys a review when I use it
