Excel The Difference Between Threaded Comments And Legacy Notes - Episode 2242

Excel The Difference Between Threaded Comments And Legacy Notes - Episode 2242


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@user-ff5no6eq6n - 06.09.2023 18:48

Ciao ottimo video, grande... Volevo chiedere un parere se è possibile: è da qualche giorno che mentre uso excel, quando mi trovo a dover scorrere verso il basso escono lungo tutta la schermata delle linee nere, lo schermo sembra andare in tilt, tenendo premuto la freccia verso il basso il problema aumenta e da essere una semplice linea viene a sparire metà schermo. Se chiudo excel il problema scompare. Ho pensato a qualche programma che potrebbe fare interferenza con excel ma mi pare strano... A qualcun altro è capitato? Sapete come risolvere? Grazie in anticipo

@kjagui - 28.09.2021 08:14

Can you remove the date and time from the comment threads?

@annabellasmith4865 - 17.06.2021 20:33

Hi can someone else delete your thread comment that you left? thank you

@woolysamoan - 01.06.2021 18:16

Is their a short cut key for threaded comments? shift+F2 only brings up "notes"

@cesargarces170 - 02.04.2021 17:03

¡Gracias, cumpa!

@lkpastrano5385 - 10.02.2021 18:48

How do I add 'Note' option to my excel? I only have 'Comment' option.

@ianholford7193 - 27.08.2019 18:28

I cannot edit my notes on excel for mac on 365 to allow me to save pictures in the notes. Just doesn't seem to have that functionality (or changing shape etc). Any ideas Mr Excel? Is this feature just missing from the mac version? Otherwise everything appears as in your video.

@user-hc8zr1tv4h - 27.04.2019 11:58

Threaded Comments I don't have what to do?
I have Office 2019

@hallinhko - 21.04.2019 01:08

Hey, Great video. My Question is:
Is a comment linkable. I have a table of customers, then I use query to
split the table into sub tables which show me certain customers based on
different criteria. is there a way to bring the comments about that customer across

Thanks Again Allan

@aminimazzagatti3367 - 01.02.2019 00:26

Hi Bill,

For years one of the glaring omissions with Comments was that while you could define the size, Excel would never let you define the display positioning. So, now that they're called NOTES again, can we define the display positioning of the NOTE?

As a follow-on, can we now link dynamic content to a NOTE - like a web-based or other video or other web based data or images?


@henryg5735 - 21.09.2018 13:44

I don't understand why they felt the need for Comments and Notes separately. I understand the different functionality, but couldn't they have merged them somehow? Unnecessary compliction IMO

@palakodetibangarurayudu9686 - 20.09.2018 12:46

Thank you sir

@69silkworm - 20.09.2018 09:01

hello sir, can you please give some excel tips/formula on how to auto calculate difference and also totals of two digit numbers of a cell.
eg : 91-->2 ; 31--->8 ; 21-->9 ; 20-->8 (difference)
eg : 91-->10 ; 31-->4 ; 21-->3 ; 20-->2 (total)

@rickkeev4919 - 18.09.2018 20:33

OK so VBA can edit Notes and comments. So to be clear, if I had VBA code that adjusted/changed, etc formerly known as comments, now I must use "notes"?

@MalinaC - 18.09.2018 19:30

I like these new comments. Thanks for sharing, Bill!

@vlookup_tim - 18.09.2018 18:54

Thanks for leading the way on this!

@excelisfun - 18.09.2018 16:42

Thanks for the update, Mr Excel!

@md.saifulislamtuku9303 - 18.09.2018 15:42

thanks from Bangladesh

@AkaExcel - 18.09.2018 13:28

Thank You!
